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King Kamali comment on YT


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2020

At the 28:05 mark King Kamali says to Lee Preist how he can recount the days before a show not being able to find a spot to inject another shot. Its kind of fun to see Lee nod his head. Being the Jay Cutler steroid use threads were just posted and this was a few days ago as an after Arnold recap video and I noticed it I thought I would share.
Most of these guys didn't use underground blends so.......
1cc winstrol
1cc tren
1cc masteron
1cc test prop
1cc primobolin (usually)
(All these could be more than 1cc also)

After doing just that for the last 6 weeks of prep, by show day I'm sure they were running out of spots, especially when using certain muscle enhancers hours before show and shooting up muscles to look full as fuck like they did in the 90's..

I'm sure what I listed wasn't even the full run of the gauntlet! 😵

At the 28:05 mark King Kamali says to Lee Preist how he can recount the days before a show not being able to find a spot to inject another shot. Its kind of fun to see Lee nod his head. Being the Jay Cutler steroid use threads were just posted and this was a few days ago as an after Arnold recap video and I noticed it I thought I would share.
It’s because they’re being honest! Cutler wasn’t, but I get why with his sponsors and affiliations etc…

Most of these guys didn't use underground blends so.......
1cc winstrol
1cc tren
1cc masteron
1cc test prop
1cc primobolin (usually)
(All these could be more than 1cc also)

After doing just that for the last 6 weeks of prep, by show day I'm sure they were running out of spots, especially when using certain muscle enhancers hours before show and shooting up muscles to look full as fuck like they did in the 90's..

I'm sure what I listed wasn't even the full run of the gauntlet! 😵
What were they using hours before the show?

At the 28:05 mark King Kamali says to Lee Preist how he can recount the days before a show not being able to find a spot to inject another shot. Its kind of fun to see Lee nod his head. Being the Jay Cutler steroid use threads were just posted and this was a few days ago as an after Arnold recap video and I noticed it I thought I would share.
Yea that’s very true Lee woukd go everywhere and it also kinda acts like synthol but the muscles still contract, after Lee and Craig I switched from my quads to my tris and I still put most my gear in my tris though I take much less than in 20s.
Yea Titus was huge on this shit I can’t remember the name it was water based and gave you kind of a fever, I could look it up I just don’t care maybe Nolitil was it and then we had these huge bottles of 50 mg EQ that we’d use for short term SEO effect bc the guys using Synthol were obvious we’ll are obvious and when you’re shredded and then you flex your muscles and they don’t move and ripple there’s something lost. The judges are supposed to hit for it just like gyno but never do, when I first judged shows I hammered guys for obvious gyno and bad SEO use and especially with gyno I was kinda told indirectly to ignore it. Funny now they say that’s why Bonac, who I personally don’t like person or physique, lost the Arnold where he fat and away beat Curry. But that’s politics too he’s made a lot of not friends for that chip on his shoulder which is funny bc Claurida showed how having a chip can make you beloved.
Most of these guys didn't use underground blends so.......
1cc winstrol
1cc tren
1cc masteron
1cc test prop
1cc primobolin (usually)
(All these could be more than 1cc also)

After doing just that for the last 6 weeks of prep, by show day I'm sure they were running out of spots, especially when using certain muscle enhancers hours before show and shooting up muscles to look full as fuck like they did in the 90's..

I'm sure what I listed wasn't even the full run of the gauntlet! 😵

I’ve been at this 2 decades and use almost only UGLs but the first 15 years all pharma, I wonder if the UGLs will become a big problem in the future. Both in what they become and what becomes of us, back when we had pharma only UGL thing we’d dream of taking was tren made by rockstar cooks and now it’s only UGLs. They are obviously good and safe currently and making shit is easy, for me that’s the scary part, making pretty good to great gear requires just good equipment and patience-I worry we’ll get impatient people skipping filters or proper measures, or like on the other thread using super solvents which long term have to be a health issue.
The crazy thing about the Cutler interview is that people on these boards, actual steroid users believed he could build a 270+ lb ripped physique on 500 mg test, 500 Deca and whatever else he said.
The crazy thing about the Cutler interview is that people on these boards, actual steroid users believed he could build a 270+ lb ripped physique on 500 mg test, 500 Deca and whatever else he said.
Just because someone said they use x amount of gear doesn't mean they built their muscle tissue on just THAT x amount of gear.

Just because someone said they use x amount of gear doesn't mean they built their muscle tissue on just THAT x amount of gear.

Well said right there bro alot of details could definitely be left out
The crazy thing about the Cutler interview is that people on these boards, actual steroid users believed he could build a 270+ lb ripped physique on 500 mg test, 500 Deca and whatever else he said.
They believe bc they want to and nowadays I see more fake gear than legit so I’d you’re injecting sterile oil and you’re 20 and eating 7 times a day and training you’ll get steroid like results for awhile on the lower dose end. I mean I did my first 3 shows placing in every show and I still believed Ronnie Coleman was natty. After I did well at my third show a Sheriff deputy who won the show pulled me aside and said “ur the only natural person at this show, every class, male or female m, you’re doing well natty but if you wanna stay in this life you must get on”. I went the next day got every book I could on PEDs and set up my first cycle, my next show I moved up a weight class and got 3rd out of 25 dudes and the hook was set. 20 years later……..

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