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laws against the gear


May 31, 2008
So hopefully i dont get banned for this.... If anything id rather have thread removed.


If its illegal in a country to have gear, is it also illegal to be in your system?

If you do your cycle in a country where its legal, when you come back home can you be arrested if its in your system?
i would not think so...
First of all, why would they test for gear? Those tests are not cheap, that's why colleges do random tests, because they don't want to spend the $ to test every single athlete. Secondly, there is no secondly, nobody is going to test for gear. If you get arrested and they give you a blood test or piss test, they're looking for: cocaine, opiates, benzo's, pot, meth, etc. not steroids
Why would you be getting tested when you come back from where ever? Thats like saying I went to Jamaica for vacation and the cops tested me for pot when I went through customs.
I agree with what the two above posted, whos gonna test you?

But as for the technical side, I wouldn't think so. If you would load up in a country where it is legal (let's use Thailand as an example), you would be subject to Thailand's jurisdiction which means that you could legally juice.

If you go back home and don't inject anymore on US ground etc. you would not violate any laws.

I know that many bodybuilders load up in countries such as Thailand and then go back home fro PCT for example.
It's not illegal to have them in your system but in many countries it is illegal to posses them without a prescription. If it where illegal to have them in your system then HRT would not be allowed.
Wrong, Guys. Irene Andersen of Sweden was "profiled" and charge with distribution. Google it. It goes hand in hand with a Swedish study saying AAS users are more likely to commit fraud an carry guns :)

Certain European countries are now taking in possible "offenders" for testing and using a positive test to as probable cause to search them/cars/homes. As with any other drug, they look for objective signs of "intoxication"...steroid intoxication. Bigness...bloatedness...high BP maybe. :D

But as far as coming back to a sane country, it would be very unlikely to get tested for being large and muscular. Doubt it highly in the US.
Wrong, Guys. Irene Andersen of Sweden was "profiled" and charge with distribution. Google it. It goes hand in hand with a Swedish study saying AAS users are more likely to commit fraud an carry guns

She had $4,000 worth of gear on her, this story has absolutely nothing to do with it being illegal if it's in your body. It might have been for personal use, but it's the same as for 20g of pot, that's felony intent to distribute. I know people who smoke 20g/day and never deal.
I have to agree with richiec. Thats the first time I heard something like that about Europe in general BTW.
I remember hearing about some pros that were profiled cause they're big and police came to their house in search of gear.

a set up to crack down on gear...
gear is illegal? :confused:
Having any illegal drug in your system is not illegal in and of itself. Drug crimes are almost all crimes of possession (& distribution). In your blood stream is not the same as in your pocket.

However, some rehabilition programs, like probation, may require you to stay drug free. Testing positive and ending up back in jail is not seen as a crime for having it in your system, but a violation of an agreement you made to be released from jail.
i wonder if i should just barry stuff in a locked box in yard lol.... That way i can do what ever i want and nothing can be found and i dont have to go out of country....

lol joking of course but it could work, I wonder if things would freeze or over heat

Wrong, Guys. Irene Andersen of Sweden was "profiled" and charge with distribution. Google it. It goes hand in hand with a Swedish study saying AAS users are more likely to commit fraud an carry guns :)

Certain European countries are now taking in possible "offenders" for testing and using a positive test to as probable cause to search them/cars/homes. As with any other drug, they look for objective signs of "intoxication"...steroid intoxication. Bigness...bloatedness...high BP maybe. :D

But as far as coming back to a sane country, it would be very unlikely to get tested for being large and muscular. Doubt it highly in the US.

And the US is considered a "sane" country? The drug laws are THREE times worse here than in Europe.
Having any illegal drug in your system is not illegal in and of itself. Drug crimes are almost all crimes of possession (& distribution). In your blood stream is not the same as in your pocket.

However, some rehabilition programs, like probation, may require you to stay drug free. Testing positive and ending up back in jail is not seen as a crime for having it in your system, but a violation of an agreement you made to be released from jail.

Best response so far -- 100% agreed.
So hopefully i dont get banned for this.... If anything id rather have thread removed.


If its illegal in a country to have gear, is it also illegal to be in your system?

If you do your cycle in a country where its legal, when you come back home can you be arrested if its in your system?

i have had dealings with cops and their laws... they will screw you over so they can make their quota or whatever. if they know you have it in your system they will charge you with some sort of b.s.
She had $4,000 worth of gear on her, this story has absolutely nothing to do with it being illegal if it's in your body. It might have been for personal use, but it's the same as for 20g of pot, that's felony intent to distribute. I know people who smoke 20g/day and never deal.

I didn't know you knew me?? ...lol
I can only speak for the laws in California but in Cali for you to be charged with possession it has to be a usable quantity. A usable quantity is an amount that can be manipulated and used. This further differs depending on what county you are in. In some counties for instance the usable amount for methamphetamine a violation of 11377H&S would be .2 grams which is part of the DA's charging guidelines. Now as far as being charged for intoxication ie having it in your system the answer wold be no. AS are schedule one here but are not defined as an intoxicating substance and the objective symptoms of AS use are not taught in any law enforcement school that I know of.

I can only speak for the laws in California but in Cali for you to be charged with possession it has to be a usable quantity. A usable quantity is an amount that can be manipulated and used. This further differs depending on what county you are in. In some counties for instance the usable amount for methamphetamine a violation of 11377H&S would be .2 grams which is part of the DA's charging guidelines. Now as far as being charged for intoxication ie having it in your system the answer wold be no. AS are schedule one here but are not defined as an intoxicating substance and the objective symptoms of AS use are not taught in any law enforcement school that I know of.

All AAS are schedule III and this is federal so it applies to all states.
All AAS are schedule III and this is federal so it applies to all states.

I think this statement can be misinterpreted. Every state is free to classify narcotics and steroids however they like, which is why CA can legalize marijuana. However, federal law is country-wide, so you get an interesting dichotomy. 9 times out of 10, if you are arrested by state authorities (local pd, state pd, etc.), you can/will only be charged according to the state guidelines. If you are arrested by a US gov't agency (FBI, DEA, etc.), you get charged under the federal guidelines. In rare instances, local authorities will allow federal authorities to take over the prosecution, but this is rare as the locals would prefer the credit. And usually the fed has no interest unless its part of a nationwide ring or its an unusually large seizure.

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