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Leg vascularity


Kilo Klub Member
May 3, 2009
Hey, I am board as shit today having a garage sale and told a few guys I would post some lower body vascularity pics. They look siick on the sand on the beach after walking a bit in the sand but the garage shots with no pump/blood moving will have to do today. Log starts Monday with the addition of cardio and tightening the diet.....I have my cutters and diet/protien needs, just waiting on the DVD's.
Here's one:


  • legs 6-22.jpeg
    legs 6-22.jpeg
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I didn't realize that my forward calve wasn't flexed and looked all small without turning it all the way over.... will do another, but you get the idea with my left one.... BTW - Posting this one Because I need to get my face in there as I had a pm that I don't put my face in leg pics and they weren't mine.........Seriously.....f---king dushbag!
Anyway, Happy Saturday all! I am Following Jr. Nat's on the computer as I STUPervise the sale! haha .....Go Merideth, Dusty, Shelby, and B-Boy! You all look Amazing! Pro Muscle is REPRESENTING!


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Wait a minute that is a cut and paste face on that lean body with vascular legs..LOL Actually I knew already what your legs would look like as in your pictures with Nico you can see your forearms are vascular.

Can't wait to see the log going, think you are inspiring me to diet down also, sheesh what a friend you are...:)

Looking very good and to think that is what you are starting off with.
R u in?

Wait a minute that is a cut and paste face on that lean body with vascular legs..LOL Actually I knew already what your legs would look like as in your pictures with Nico you can see your forearms are vascular.

Can't wait to see the log going, think you are inspiring me to diet down also, sheesh what a friend you are...:)

Looking very good and to think that is what you are starting off with.

OK Gary..... Guess what? You just committed (EVIL RULES..... it's kind of like "Man Law") to dieting with me! Hahaha!
Thanks my brother from another mother, just wait for the "after pics!"
come on Thick..... it's time to get thin! OK, that was corny, but seriously man, set a goal and do it up for a couple months with me Gary! Just busting on you buddy...I started the diet, cardio, new workout today and Tiki normally would do it with me. She gonna do a tri-athalon and is playing in some real big Beach volleyball tourneys the next 2 months so our goals are the opposite.... Cosmetic v.s. performance
I didn't realize that my forward calve wasn't flexed and looked all small without turning it all the way over.... will do another, but you get the idea with my left one.... BTW - Posting this one Because I need to get my face in there as I had a pm that I don't put my face in leg pics and they weren't mine.........Seriously.....f---king dushbag!
Anyway, Happy Saturday all! I am Following Jr. Nat's on the computer as I STUPervise the sale! haha .....Go Merideth, Dusty, Shelby, and B-Boy! You all look Amazing! Pro Muscle is REPRESENTING!

You have to be kidding me? Why even respond to a pm like that? ANyway you are vascular as hell brother. Good work. Its sad that some people are fueled by Jealousy.
You have to be kidding me? Why even respond to a pm like that? ANyway you are vascular as hell brother. Good work. Its sad that some people are fueled by Jealousy.

I lit him up pretty good through pm and always have a few "evil" tricks and back up plans on the back burner just in case..... got an apology but along with exuses! Whatever.... I actually sent him this picture to his email instead of the one I posted.... HAHAHA!:


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My D-town brother , glad to see you havent lost the wheels!!!!! Pics look sick but the derby???? come on thats for the winter or fall weather in Michigan not in the hot south!!!!! But keep up the good work and stay EVIL :headbang:
current pic

Just thought I would post a couple of updated leg pics. We have had alot of family issues that have required quite a bit of time so I have just been trying to stay lean through it all. Thankfully most issues have been handled and I can get back to training more consistantly and make some serious progress now.


  • legs.jpg
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updated calve pic


  • calve.jpg
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Swole calf bro!
Thanks Bro

The left leg is nassttyyyy son!!! KEEP IT UP BROSKI:headbang::headbang:

Guess what.... I got a right one to match! LOL, just playin', Thanks, I really appreciate the compliment! Especially from a Sponsor, gonna have to check you out now that my level of intensity and focus is ready to go up! Also, I have upper body shots on a post "Update with pics, curveball included" and would like a little feedback from our PM crew...
Best in Health,

Swole calf bro!

Thanks Blue, Years and years of heavy high volume is what finally did it...... They were a genetic weak point for years.... I have a lot of ball busting hours of pain invested into them!

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