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Let's Get a Simple Yes or No and Finally Resolve This: Do Steroids Burn Fat?

"Let's Get a Simple Yes or No and Finally Resolve This: Do Steroids Burn Fat?"​

^^^the short answer is YES

..but there are also many other contributing factors that make the fat-loss more "tangible" ..or not

► to say that simply adding TREN will make you lean is a bit misleading
..will it? ◄sure (..again, short answer)
..to a "tangible" degree where you will you be able to see it? ◄maybe ..maybe not
(..hey, many guys can not tell the difference between holding water, or fat)

♦ if you are in a calorie deficit
♦ if you incorporate cardio
♦ if your macros are partitioned to be conducive to fat-loss (..high protein/lower carbs ..carb cycling ..Intermediate Fasting ..KETO)
♦ if AAS that aromatize are kept lower
(..if your trying to lose fat, then chances are that you'r fat: more fat = more aromatase enzyme = more Estrogen (..lower Thyroid) = more difficulty losing fat)

^^^these are just a quick list of "some" of the co-factors that will make the use of AAS a lot more profound
..AAS/PEDs will exacerbate/accelerate/support YOUR EFFORTS

..if your goal is "fat-loss" ..then (..for best results) structure your AAS/PEDs/nutrition/activity to be conducive to that goal

..some guys will argue:
"you can cut on anything" ◄well yes you can ..you can also drive your car backwards to work ◄doesn't make it the most efficient (..or safest) way to get there

►though these drugs certainly do elicit an effect all on their own
..their results can be GREATLY magnified (..or even hindered/obstructed) directly by the surrounding-contributing-factors +your discipline & efforts OUTSIDE of their "assistance"

^^^basically fat-loss is enhanced ..& your results are amplified by mitigating/addressing as many of these "related" factors as possible

(..this applies to gaining muscle as well)

We can make a summary : yes steroids DOES burn fat IF user is NOT an idiot and KNOW what he is doing.
We can make a summary : yes steroids DOES burn fat IF user is NOT an idiot and KNOW what he is doing.
^^^lol ..right

the "long & short" of what i was saying is:
..people may be disappointed with their results if they think that simply adding TREN/VAR/GH is the end-all-magic-bullet to fat-loss

I would say yes. But wouldn't rely on that to loose weight. And would not keep upping the dose to get leaner.

But . . . to a very small degree assuming everything else being equal.
I agree with this.

Calories are the same. More aas means in theory more of those calories are going to be utilized to build up muscle tissue, so less is left over to potentially be stored as fat.

A good question would be....

Will option 2 gain additional weight over option 1? Assume he isn't holding water. I'd say if he does, he would be gaining additional lean tissue therefore bodyfat would go down (since addition of more AAS won't promote fat gain).
I don’t know a single person who has taken significant amounts of tren who has not seen a leaning effect.
I know personally I got significantly leaner taking tren while increasing calories.
If there is someone on this board who has taken significant doses of tren and not seen a leaning effect, I would be interested in hearing about their experience.
I feel like I am a poor responder to AAS but I have never noticed increased fat loss or staying leaner (when gaining) on tren. I added tren to a slow bulk to limit fat gain but still gained fat at the same rate just got stronger. I may be the exception. Weight gain or loss for me is totally calorie dependent.
Yes the increased activity, body heat, night sweats from tren def burn fat. Tren itself does not but the actions both the bad as stated previously and new muscle from androgen blast will cause you to burn fat. How much is still dictated by diet and expenditure
If I'm not mistaken, tren does something to insulin sensitivity
If I'm not mistaken, tren does something to insulin sensitivity
350mg/wk or more of Tren will make me go hypo if I don't eat all day long. AAS in general don't make an impact on my body fat, but Tren definitely does at the right doses. I don't use Tren anymore but when I did 350/wk burned body fat and when I took it up to 700/wk I had a real hard time taking in enough carbs through the day to keep from going hypo but I definitely lost body fat. With Tren I went from 15% BF to 9% BF in 4 weeks, but I paid the price in lack of sleep, aggression, and all-round mean bastard to deal with. Tren was a miracle compound for me but the sides were just as strong as the benefits, even at micro doses of 80-150/wk so I just don't use it anymore. Even though it would burn body fat it's just not worth it for me because of how the sides effect me.
(1) the process of building muscle requires calories, so more AAS= higher metabolic rate (because you are building more muscle)

(2) your body stores fat and releases fat from fat stores on a daily basis, usually even when in a calorie deficit, your body still at times in the day is storing fat, it's just that the fat burning outweighs the fat storing. But higher levels of anabolics helps shift the hormones so that when there is an excess of calories those calories are less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be used for other processes, hence, your daily net fat burning vs. fat storing is effected positively

There are probably other mechanisms too
I feel like I am a poor responder to AAS but I have never noticed increased fat loss or staying leaner (when gaining) on tren. I added tren to a slow bulk to limit fat gain but still gained fat at the same rate just got stronger. I may be the exception. Weight gain or loss for me is totally calorie dependent.
Let me guess your diet was not low in fat? To fully see potential of tren diet should be on a lower side with dietary fat and higher in carbohydrate. I see it all over again- so many people does not receive results they wish for but small tweaks here or there make a night and day in terms of results.
(1) the process of building muscle requires calories, so more AAS= higher metabolic rate (because you are building more muscle)

(2) your body stores fat and releases fat from fat stores on a daily basis, usually even when in a calorie deficit, your body still at times in the day is storing fat, it's just that the fat burning outweighs the fat storing. But higher levels of anabolics helps shift the hormones so that when there is an excess of calories those calories are less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be used for other processes, hence, your daily net fat burning vs. fat storing is effected positively

There are probably other mechanisms too

This guy put it so very well.
Indeed that is what is exactly going on IMO
Do steroids burn fat? All you have to do is a search with keywords like "study anabolic steroids and fat loss" and you will find a mountain of studies that show from young men and women to elderly every single study shows a lean muscle gain combined with reduced adipose tissue. The reasons why are not necessary to answer the question, "Do steroids burn fat?"

Of course they do. So, Yes.

(assuming people realize that fat isn't literally "burned" and that there are mechanisms by which fat loss occurs via anabolic steroid administration)
Calorie vs calorie? Yes, they do.

If you set up twins on a perfect diet and put them both on a 300 calorie deficit…then gave one test and tren…they won’t be twins anymore after 6-12 months

And it seems anavar and tren do this best. Anavar studies show much stronger trunk and visceral fat loss than vs nandrolone.

Trenbolone in rats increased insulin sensitivity, increased metabolic parameters across the board. Aka insulin levels, glucose levels, and fat pads. (I guess it’s weird to say rats with beer guts or muffin tops lol)

But even studies comparing 125/300/600 testosterone….higher the dose, higher the lean mass and lower the fat mass. IIRC, fat mass in the 300 vs 600 group wasn’t as drastic a change compared to 125 vs 300
Let me guess your diet was not low in fat? To fully see potential of tren diet should be on a lower side with dietary fat and higher in carbohydrate. I see it all over again- so many people does not receive results they wish for but small tweaks here or there make a night and day in terms of results.
I don't recall my macros on that specific lean bulk but I typically keep fats around 40g. I eat mostly protein and carbs but want to get some fat because I've heard under 30g can cause issues.

I remember years ago a guy on another board would say on tren you can just eat as many carbs as you want and it "burns them off" so I tried upping then but still gained fat.

I have read people say tren has magic capabilities of making carbs not store as fat but just don't see how that's possible and haven't experienced it. For me calorie intake determines bodyfat.
I don't recall my macros on that specific lean bulk but I typically keep fats around 40g. I eat mostly protein and carbs but want to get some fat because I've heard under 30g can cause issues.

I remember years ago a guy on another board would say on tren you can just eat as many carbs as you want and it "burns them off" so I tried upping then but still gained fat.

I have read people say tren has magic capabilities of making carbs not store as fat but just don't see how that's possible and haven't experienced it. For me calorie intake determines bodyfat.
Did you considered changing source ? Tried different lab? I never met a case when tren didint leaned out person. Your fat intake was low enough.
Did you considered changing source ? Tried different lab? I never met a case when tren didint leaned out person. Your fat intake was low enough.
Well heres another example. Im not trying to lose fat though but currently on 2g of tren, 20iu of hgh, 50mcg t3 and of course slin

Protein - 450
Carbs - 1050
Fat - 45-50

Had a week with little to no weight gain. Now ive definitely topped out glycogen stores now and have continued to add roughly 1-2lbs per day, started at 6% and there is a lot of water of course but i can feel the lower back getting thicker already (definitely some adipose starting to accumulate in that area)
Did you considered changing source ? Tried different lab? I never met a case when tren didint leaned out person. Your fat intake was low enough.
I don't think that would be an issue only used 2 guys in the past 6 years both have top notch reputation.

I've also never noticed fat loss with gh, or any aas. For me fat loss/weight gain is totally 100 percent dependant on calories. I want to gain a lb, bump them up 100 a day. Lose a lb? Do the opposite.

I know In my younger years when I first started aas I did put on lbs with orals no changes to diet, but as I grow older I don't really even see anything from them anymore. I use aas mostly to keep from losing muscle when dieting.

I do have naturally shitty igf levels (right on the edge of being too low out of range) and gh puts them within range but not over. I also don't really get sides from aas or gh

I remember jacking gh up to 13 iu Ed years ago to see what all the hype is about, nothing. Got a gh serum test those ND blues were legit my serum gh was off the chart ( although igf levels were just in range not even high) still no numb hands, lethargy, etc.

Now I have had tren cough and my nuts are tiny so shouldn't say AAS give me no sides at all lol.

And it seems anavar and tren do this best. Anavar studies show much stronger trunk and visceral fat loss than vs nandrolone.

Trenbolone in rats increased insulin sensitivity, increased metabolic parameters across the board. Aka insulin levels, glucose levels, and fat pads. (I guess it’s weird to say rats with beer guts or muffin tops lol)

But even studies comparing 125/300/600 testosterone….higher the dose, higher the lean mass and lower the fat mass. IIRC, fat mass in the 300 vs 600 group wasn’t as drastic a change compared to 125 vs 300
Can you point to that study of anavar visceral fat loss? I took var for a while and finally dropped it for noticing absolutely nothing from it. I highly doubt it was fake but anything is possible. Visceral fat is mostly all I have left to lose (at least according to my lipidologist).
Can you point to that study of anavar visceral fat loss? I took var for a while and finally dropped it for noticing absolutely nothing from it. I highly doubt it was fake but anything is possible. Visceral fat is mostly all I have left to lose (at least according to my lipidologist).

For sure bud, when I get to a computer I’ll find it

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