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Let's Get a Simple Yes or No and Finally Resolve This: Do Steroids Burn Fat?


Active member
Dec 23, 2007
I will give you a simple hypothetical scenario and ask your opinion.
We have a guy who has done cycles before and is below his all time best in terms of muscle mass as as well as BF percentage. He has had a layoff and is getting back in shape. He wants to build muscle and burn fat over the next 12 weeks.

Option 1: Run 175 mg of Testosterone. Train properly eat let's say around maintenance calories. No cardio.
Option 2: Run 300 mg Testosterone plus a moderate dose of Trenbolone. Train properly eat let's say around maintenance calories (same calories and same macros as in Option 1). No cardio

He will build more muscle with Option 2; no need to discuss that. But will he also burn more bodyfat?

IMO he will definitely burn more bodyfat. However do I understand correctly that some of our members say "NO"???
Some guys go around always repeating the same line: "Steroids don't burn fat -only diet and cardio does". So would those guys answer NO to the above????
Imho most people still trust the fairy tale... Because they are lazy and think that just by taking stuff work will be done.
Consider also all the misinformation from YouTube.

Keep it simple stupid.

Want to grow muscle? Eat more and let the scale move up.

Want to get lean? Eat less/stay more active and let the scale move down.

The rest is just a plus.... Caffeine, Clen, Ephedrine noticeable improve fat loss if you do everything correct.

Steroids? No, not at all... Maybe you can notice some if you aim for a 4%bf but to reach a beach body say 8% you won't notice any fatburning, just a different water distribution from steroid to steroid. Steroids will give you just a better look at your muscles: i.e. 500 Test 50 W if lean enough will make you lean and dry.

But . . . to a very small degree assuming everything else being equal.
Steroid's in a way will burn fat.... indirectly.

Steroid's create hypertrophy..... therefore they build muscle. The added muscle will burn more calories at rest than fat. It takes more calories to maintain muscle mass than to maintain fat.
Steroids promote higher rate of protein synthesis which ultimately manifests in more muscle tissue. More muscle tissue manifests in an increased rate of metabolism. Higher metabolism means higher rate of fat burning. Period. Dot.
Yes, but only with the right combination of training and food. But for sure, test helps build muscle, muscle burns fat.
Steroids are also great at making you fat with the right combination of no training and booze...
Some steroids act on AR in fat cells causing lipolysis - if you then utilise that lipolysis via training/deficit you will lose more fat than you would without the steroid assuming all other factors are kept equal.

But no, they won't magically melt fat on their own - they do not compensate for poor diet - you can get grotesquely obese even on trenbolone.

I mean, you've seen strongmen, right? 😂
Nope. Only diet and exercise did this for me. Just got to know your base metabolic rate and adjust caloric intake from there.

HGH is anutha story though.

My experience has been totally different
With Tren at least I see accelerated fat burning before I even have added muscle mass. What I mean is that 2 weeks into a cycle of Tren I am burning more fat -not like I could ever have added appreciable amounts of muscle in 2 weeks
Nope. Only diet and exercise did this for me. Just got to know your base metabolic rate and adjust caloric intake from there.

HGH is anutha story though.

And with HGH I have definitely seen less effect than I did with Tren
For sure
Simple - No

Nuanced - Through faster recovery time which equals more frequent recoverable movement, yes
I will give you a simple hypothetical scenario and ask your opinion.
We have a guy who has done cycles before and is below his all time best in terms of muscle mass as as well as BF percentage. He has had a layoff and is getting back in shape. He wants to build muscle and burn fat over the next 12 weeks.

Option 1: Run 175 mg of Testosterone. Train properly eat let's say around maintenance calories. No cardio.
Option 2: Run 300 mg Testosterone plus a moderate dose of Trenbolone. Train properly eat let's say around maintenance calories (same calories and same macros as in Option 1). No cardio

He will build more muscle with Option 2; no need to discuss that. But will he also burn more bodyfat?

IMO he will definitely burn more bodyfat. However do I understand correctly that some of our members say "NO"???
Some guys go around always repeating the same line: "Steroids don't burn fat -only diet and cardio does". So would those guys answer NO to the above????
Yes androgens increase lipo lysis but estrogen increases it so asking to answer in one word is yes but you’re asking that bc it is so complicated and one word is not realistic for this issue
I don’t know a single person who has taken significant amounts of tren who has not seen a leaning effect.
I know personally I got significantly leaner taking tren while increasing calories.
If there is someone on this board who has taken significant doses of tren and not seen a leaning effect, I would be interested in hearing about their experience.
Tren most def burns fat for me. Even eating like trash I wake up more peeled every day on it. It might not fi that to some people but it certainly does fit me. I felt like halo directly effected fat loss as well. Both drugs are impossible for me to gain lbs on the scale no matter how much I eat. Testosterone will help burn fat until the estrogen builds up then it starts making me fluffy.
I don’t know a single person who has taken significant amounts of tren who has not seen a leaning effect.
I know personally I got significantly leaner taking tren while increasing calories.
If there is someone on this board who has taken significant doses of tren and not seen a leaning effect, I would be interested in hearing about their experience.
100 % agreed
Yes the increased activity, body heat, night sweats from tren def burn fat. Tren itself does not but the actions both the bad as stated previously and new muscle from androgen blast will cause you to burn fat. How much is still dictated by diet and expenditure
I don’t know a single person who has taken significant amounts of tren who has not seen a leaning effect.
I know personally I got significantly leaner taking tren while increasing calories.
If there is someone on this board who has taken significant doses of tren and not seen a leaning effect, I would be interested in hearing about their experience.
Exactly, bro. When I run Tren — I eat cleaner than ever — dudes who eat garbage on a compound like that just because they can - I shake my head. Regardless — anyone not getting leaner on Tren - should not be using it.
Yes, most of them increase thermogenesis, so they boost metabolism.

Anyone who says "steroids don't burn fat" just wants to stress how important nutrition is, which everyone already knows and don't need to be told again.
Of course -very simple - set up calories at maintenance then add tren mast prop. I can guarantee that physique will be MUCH leaner then on test only assuming you use in both cases 600 mg only, even 200 mg test 400 mg primo will make a great impact on it. How can people even doubt that???
I used all of them except halo and outcome is always the same - leaner.

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