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Let's Get a Simple Yes or No and Finally Resolve This: Do Steroids Burn Fat?

350mg/wk or more of Tren will make me go hypo if I don't eat all day long. AAS in general don't make an impact on my body fat, but Tren definitely does at the right doses. I don't use Tren anymore but when I did 350/wk burned body fat and when I took it up to 700/wk I had a real hard time taking in enough carbs through the day to keep from going hypo but I definitely lost body fat. With Tren I went from 15% BF to 9% BF in 4 weeks, but I paid the price in lack of sleep, aggression, and all-round mean bastard to deal with. Tren was a miracle compound for me but the sides were just as strong as the benefits, even at micro doses of 80-150/wk so I just don't use it anymore. Even though it would burn body fat it's just not worth it for me because of how the sides effect me.
I've believed for years that this is half the problem with tren sides. People don't feed tren enough. Tren wants calories. Lots of them. Tren will do the partitioning for you if you're short or off a little on the macros. Even I get night sweats if I don't eat before bed. People don't eat big enough food.
I know it was a 1995 study but that's all I can find.
Perhaps this one:

ASOX = Oral oxandrolone
"Results: After 3 months, there was a significantly greater decrease in subcutaneous (SQ) abdominal fat in the ASOX group compared to the TE and PL groups although body weight changes did not differ by treatment group. There was also a tendency for the ASOX group to exhibit greater losses in visceral fat, and the absolute level of visceral fat in this group was significantly lower at 3 months than in the TE and PL groups."
Can you point to that study of anavar visceral fat loss? I took var for a while and finally dropped it for noticing absolutely nothing from it. I highly doubt it was fake but anything is possible. Visceral fat is mostly all I have left to lose (at least according to my lipidologist).

Real var at 50mg a day will transform you in 10 days much like tren.

I remember the first time I took real var it was like "holy fuck..."
all about creating the most efficient environment. the yes/no answer is a loaded question. yes you will burn more fat than without in the correct environment, so its a yes.

some people will get it twisted though, thinking if they just load a certain amount of drugs into their body without changing other factors they will melt fat. pretty obviously that is not the case when you see the avg modern gym rat running 2g of gear and still can't get to 10% bf or break 200lbs lol, and there are a lot of these guys out there.
I've believed for years that this is half the problem with tren sides. People don't feed tren enough. Tren wants calories. Lots of them. Tren will do the partitioning for you if you're short or off a little on the macros. Even I get night sweats if I don't eat before bed. People don't eat big enough food.
Whats "lots of calories" to you? And what are you stats if you dont mind me asking?
Perhaps this one:

ASOX = Oral oxandrolone
"Results: After 3 months, there was a significantly greater decrease in subcutaneous (SQ) abdominal fat in the ASOX group compared to the TE and PL groups although body weight changes did not differ by treatment group. There was also a tendency for the ASOX group to exhibit greater losses in visceral fat, and the absolute level of visceral fat in this group was significantly lower at 3 months than in the TE and PL groups."
That must be it. Interesting. So when the Anavar group was switched over to parenteral nandrolone the visceral fat actually increased. Damn I hope that's not true of trenbolone! Yikes!

Furthermore, the study duration for the Anavar group was cut short at 12wks due to dangerous lipids from Anavar only. That right there pretty much takes it off the table for me. Maybe do 6wks, 6wks off, 6wks on type of deal. Still though... have to keep those lipids under control.

So much for the "var is safe even for long durations" club.
Var functions by a unique hepatic ketogenic mechanism and does shred visceral fat. Androgens generally, but especially Tren, reduce adipose tissue via an AR-mediated mechanism (commitment of adipocyte precursors to a myogenic rather than adipogenic lineage) resulting in decreased fat mass and increased FFM (this goes far beyond the metabolic cost of additional skeletal muscle). It's not direct lipolysis, but results in "burning fat."

So: Yes.
Of course they burn fat.
That must be it. Interesting. So when the Anavar group was switched over to parenteral nandrolone the visceral fat actually increased. Damn I hope that's not true of trenbolone! Yikes!

Furthermore, the study duration for the Anavar group was cut short at 12wks due to dangerous lipids from Anavar only. That right there pretty much takes it off the table for me. Maybe do 6wks, 6wks off, 6wks on type of deal. Still though... have to keep those lipids under control.

So much for the "var is safe even for long durations" club.
I've found that my kidney values are off in var, protein in urine. Can't blame it soly on the car but there was correlation and it stopped when I got scared and dropped it. I've read others comment on the boards over the years it's metabolized by kidneys where most orals are the liver, no idea if true.

Do they still use it for HIV patients and what dose? Anadrol? If anyone knows.
Think puberty.
ASOX = Oral oxandrolone
"Results: After 3 months, there was a significantly greater decrease in subcutaneous (SQ) abdominal fat in the ASOX group compared to the TE and PL groups although body weight changes did not differ by treatment group. There was also a tendency for the ASOX group to exhibit greater losses in visceral fat, and the absolute level of visceral fat in this group was significantly lower at 3 months than in the TE and PL groups."
Var functions by a unique hepatic ketogenic mechanism and does shred visceral fat. Androgens generally, but especially Tren, reduce adipose tissue via an AR-mediated mechanism (commitment of adipocyte precursors to a myogenic rather than adipogenic lineage) resulting in decreased fat mass and increased FFM (this goes far beyond the metabolic cost of additional skeletal muscle). It's not direct lipolysis, but results in "burning fat."

So: Yes.
Funny this should pop up in a thread at this time. Starting Var this week to burn away visceral fat. Didn't know Var targeted visceral fat I just knew Var is known as a fat burner. Never ran Var before so this will be the first time trying it out and my target fat I need to burn is mainly visceral (15%) so hopefully the Var will do the trick. Starting 40mg/day split for 50 days and then 100mg/day split for 50 days with a dialed in restricted caloric diet. Will run a Test base of 300mg/week.
I've believed for years that this is half the problem with tren sides. People don't feed tren enough. Tren wants calories. Lots of them. Tren will do the partitioning for you if you're short or off a little on the macros. Even I get night sweats if I don't eat before bed. People don't eat big enough food.
Never equated not enough calories as a potential cause for aggravating some of the sides from Tren. I'm guilty of not eating enough while using Tren because a lot of the times I've used Tren I wanted to cut body fat so I had a strict high protein low carb diet going. But must say Tren does ramp up my appetite and there are times I just couldn't eat enough carbs through the day to satisfy Tren. Oh man the night sweats, there are times I would soak down the whole bed, the different girlfriends at the time couldn't understand and I couldn't really explain so as to not really freak them out by letting them know it was from gear I was using. I definitely don't miss getting 3-3.5 hours of sleep and waking up to a completely soaked bed. I was a walking zombie after being on Tren for a month or so.
If I'm not mistaken, tren does something to insulin sensitivity
We’ll all androgens do and tren has 3 x the androgenic activity of test so I’d say you’re correct.
in nearly ANY study with AAS body composition changes. so yeah it helps burning fat not perhaps directly but by adding to several processes of the body making it easier to lean out
Yes, once you look like a god; fat gets scared and leaves your sides forever
My God! I think half of you are the new generation learning from You Tube! Yikes. You guys talking about Tren and getting leaner. You're getting leaner because you changed your WO/Cardio and diet habits.
Steroids do not burn fat, at least not directly. Adding muscle and trainer harder does. DUH!
My God! I think half of you are the new generation learning from You Tube! Yikes. You guys talking about Tren and getting leaner. You're getting leaner because you changed your WO/Cardio and diet habits.
Steroids do not burn fat, at least not directly. Adding muscle and trainer harder does. DUH!
This is how I view things.

If AAS or tren we're that effective burning fat, why are there so many users in gyms walking around at 10+ bf percent?
Androgens make it easier to lose body fat. To test my hypothesis Elvia has volunteered to neuter himself and run a diet for 90 days. For the procedure of testicular removal we will apply a small amount of almond butter to Elvia‘a nuts and let his wiener dog, Flex, bite them them off. Flex will have had no food for several days to ensure his intense appetite. After the 90 days we will reattach Elvia’s testicles which will have been stored in a pickle jar at 30 degrees Celsius in his freezer for the 90 “no nuts” period. Then, Elvia will do the same diet for 90 days while on a moderate dose of testosterone.

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