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Per thread started by A50 :
this idiot is my Representative in District 7 Baltimore MD. He has been trying to make a name with the 'steroid in sports' issue for the last year or so. As usual he has done nothing notable otherwise. So I blasted his stupid ass as follows:
2901 Druid Park Drive, Suite 203
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
(My name, address)
I am a Baltimore, MD resident. Im appalled by the times I see your name arise in a story concerning steroids in sports. And I again see, Mr Cummings, your comments on anabolic steroids in sports in a news story today. With all the issues in our country, how can you waste one minute of your time that we have elected and paid you for to concentrate on this so-called problem (i.e. -distraction from your failures to solve any significant problems)? Especially with the horrible events of Katrina being so immediately vital? Your blatant failure in the ’real’ issues is the only reason you are grandstanding so openly on the steroid issue. Due to the medias exploitation, and our high moral, perfect idealist, judgment of everything-this issue is an easy target. Its all about power and money - not ever about doing the 'right' thing. Our fathers who wrote the Constitution and allowed our intended freedoms are rolling over in their graves.
If I may qualify myself briefly, I have written about Anabolic Steroids for Muscular Development, given minor assistance and contribution to the definitive book LEGAL MUSCLE: Anabolics In America (By Rick Collins, ESQ). I suggest strongly you read this book so you can educate yourself on a subject you judge and speak so often about, but know absolutely nothing. It can be purchased at www.teamlegalmuscle.com. I have also written many articles on the subject in newspapers, online magazines, have been interviewed twice by The Wall Street Journal, and The New Your Times. I was interviewed on NBC Nightly news about 2 years ago.
Want to know who you are bashing when you speak of people who use anabolic steroids? Doctors, construction workers, lawyers, computer analysts, - all people in all walks of life. And all of them quite normal otherwise. God forbid, that their clean living and nutritional practices, intense active exercise program, net them a little extra muscle or strength. World security would be at risk! Why is there such a hysteria over this type of enhancement, when 'Extreme Makeover' type shows are applauded-but 1 in 3000 die from liposuction, and 1 in 1000 from gastric bypass? What about breast enhancement, plastic surgery, botox...all these methods of cosmetic enhancement are widely accepted. You dont see guys dropping like flies from steroid use-in fact there are no proven cases of this occurring. You cant overdose. Its not addicting. There is no euphoria. Alzado died from AIDS-related brain tumor and used steroids as a scapegoat. Giambi's tumor, Camanitis death-its all wild speculation with absolutely no basis in fact (and it sells more papers). LOOK IT UP-you can find the type of tumor Alzado
died from on the internet and find that tumors association (AIDS). Which supports the conjecture surrounding accusations about Barry Bonds. Who cares? In bodybuilding 'natural' shows are not popular. People want the spectacular, regardless. The same with all spectator sports. Where should it start and end? Vitamins? Protein powders? Creatine? Andro? All legal, but made to give the edge. Why stop at what 'really' works, especially when
the sensible use has been found, time and again, to be relatively safe? And we as a society support that-we want results- bordering on the unbelievable!
Its completely up to the sports governing body of each sport to do as they wish. But, please dont insist that your 'ethics and morals' are pushed down the general publics throat. Ban it from your sport in the sprit of fair play, if you wish. And you governing officials, back off and take care of the real problems in this world! Let the sports themselves continue their work-
with the state of affairs in this country and world, you don’t have to address this menial issue. And dont stop recreational athletes from being able to use them, because heaven help us, I gain 20lbs on my bench press or gain 10lbs of muscle. Ive been in gyms for 25yrs, never yet to see a person with serious side effects, and my wife (a mortician) has never buried a steroid related death of the many 1000s of cases she has handled. Stop blaming, with no
basis, all ailments of athletes on them. There is absolutely no proof of the accusations. Dont we have better things to govern than whether a person decides to take a pill or shot to aid his training, when he is eating properly, training hard and very healthy? Why is this included in Bush's speeches, and new laws to increase prosecution and penalties for steroids and prohormones (in effect 1/05), when terrorism, murder, street drugs, violent crimes are still
running rampant and ruining society? And what of the huge problems with health care and insurance, and prescription drug costs? You know, Bush-with the DWI on his record. Bush, with the admission of cocaine abuse. The idiots making the laws are fat slobs with no knowledge based on actual research. They are reacting on the media hype and unfounded lies. And its turning many clean living, taxpaying, athletic citizens into criminals. Steroids are
much safer than the cosmetic operations that are so common among lazy, obese, America. We need to stop vilifying and criminalizing the hard working athlete who uses steroid as a safe training aid-keep the regulations within the sport. Leave us alone, and stop the ridiculous, unfounded media hype. Let sports governing bodies do their own jobs. You elected officials have better things to do! Dont turn sensible adults into criminals because
kids may use (its not stopping them from legalizing very dangerous poisons like alcohol and tobacco) or because a sport wants to clean it act up. Ask the real experts, the intelligent bodybuilder who has done his homework-we are the real experts in this field. Tell the truth, stop the hysteria!
Steroids are, taken correctly by an educated user, a very safe and effective way to gain muscle mass and strength. A high school kid is not safe or educated, concerning steroid use and kids obviously have some underlying problems that caused rage-these actions do not happen to normal, adult users. They are more likely to occur with immature kids who are or
arent using steroids. Steroids are being used as a scapegoat to kids problems. This is so typical of our society, where personal responsibility is overlooked and blame is placed on whatever is convenient and defenseless, to take that responsibility. Like steroids-which has been vilified by the media and the naive public. Want to help educate kids properly? Make tobacco and alcohol illegal for god sakes! How many deaths must occur from underage
drinking and related activities? And illegal RECREATIONAL drug use? How about inactivity of youth, poor nutritional habits, smoking, drinking in youth and the future health crisis this will incur in the near future? Ever see TV, movies and the media in general? Murder! Violence! Destruction! Sex! How about cleaning this mess up before you scapegoat steroids as a problem in youth? This is where your efforts should be directed! But I know - alcohol,
tobacco, media…mean money. Always the bottom line. Especially for you fat-cats. So you fail to address the real problem and perform a witch hunt on an easy target, steroids, to distract voters into assuming you are serving the people. Most people know better.
And Taylor Hooton is another example of using steroids as a victim. Suicide was his cause of death, not steroids. MLB is certainly not to blame for your sons death either-but keep searching for that easy scapegoat. It appears that he was manic, violent, depressed and his choice to use steroid coincided with his erratic actions. He had severe emotional problems! And, no high
school kid with a torrent of hormones already flowing through his body, should use these steroids! This child was not being monitored or restrained in accordance with his actions.
Steroid use in adults is safe as an aid to an experienced athletes program. Competing athletes should be aware of the rules of its particular sports governing bodies, if its use is prohibited by that particular sport. No minor should ever use steroids other than for a medical condition. Any undesirable side effects from steroids can be minimized greatly by the educated user. Yes, there can be some side effects. The worst being prosecution by our law for its relatively harmless use. The vast majority of users are not competing athletes in major sports. Its users are bodybuilders, without a doubt the ‘real’ experts on steroids (not the Medical Community-their knowledge generally pales in comparison to an educated, mature, bodybuilders knowledge of physique enhancing drugs). Its users are also your average gym enthusiast, who wants to look better this summer or see his lifts go up-and is harming or cheating no one! Pro athletes in jail for these crimes? None! They were the ones the legal laws were enacted for-following Ben Johnsons positive test after a record breaking performance in the 1988 Olympics. The 1990 Anabolic Steroid Control act made steroids a Sched III drug offense-like cocaine and heroin (incidentally, during the hearings the laws were opposed by the DEA, FDA, AMA, and National Institute of drug abuse-because all of the untrue current hysteria about steroids had not yet begun and they were basing their stance upon ‘fact‘ only, not hype!). But Canseco is being given a free ride, ever when he brags about encouraging and starting so many ballplayers to use steroids. Rick Collins ESQ, the most predominant lawyer in steroid cases in America, says the vast majority of prosecuted cases is not the pro/amateur athlete, but your typical gym lover hoping to improve his physique. We are saying-leave us alone! If youre in a sport, let that sport govern itself and enforce its rules as they wish - and you are bound by those rules. However, don’t take the choice away from other responsible adults! You can legally chose to have other physique changing procedures. Liposuction (1 of 3000 die), plastic surgery, breast enhancement, is applauded. Ever see “Extreme makeover“? Some lazy slob is chopped and sliced and sucked until it looks like a mob of Mafia thugs worked them over. They suffer severe side effects and dangerous recuperative setbacks for months. But in the end this lazy lug who has never - seen the inside of a gym, eaten properly, taken care of themselves - is transformed (if they live through it) and everyone applauds in glee! Wheee! But a guy who watches his diet meticulously, doesn’t drink or smoke, dedicates themselves to strenuous workouts-shoot a shot of hormones and, (heaven forbid you gain 10lbs of muscle or 20lbs on your bench press) you need to be locked up! Now! Is that 10lbs of hard earned muscle is a danger to national security! Yes-how ridiculous it is! Are you missing the illogic in all this uproar about steroids? Lets check some other alarming statistics:
7,000 people die each year from pharmaceutical screw ups ....
120,000 die from infections caused my improper sterilization in hospitals a year;
7,500 die from aspirin reactions;
18,000 die from penicillin reactions;
4,200 surgical tools are left inside patients each year ;
Where is all the attention toward these problems? Lets see all the families lined up whos kids died from alcohol related deaths; whos loved ones died from tobacco products; or obesity related deaths? By the millions and millions! Instead of a single person, Mr Hooton. These other issues are where the focus and action need to be. Steroid use is so far down the list of real, important, issues that it shouldn’t make the cut. Except in reeducating people toward the truth about these substances.
The lies must stop. And steroids need to be reexamined by an open minded media and legal system. They and their users are a victim of sensationalism, exploitation, lack of education, by the idealistic, politically correct media and government. Our government - who certainly have better and more important things to focus on like our war, our disaster of a medical and prescription system, recreational drug abuse, violence and major crime…
Making steroids illegal obviously does not stop kids from using them- it did not stop Taylor Hooton from using them. There are many destructive influences that are presented to kids which have a infinitely greater impact, then steroids. Jailing a gym enthusiast is not the answer! No real athlete ever seems to pay the legal price although the laws were made because of them. The gym guy takes the hard-time and nothing is solved! Teach personal responsibility, don’t distract from it! Quit making excuses, and attacking Anabolic Steroids to take the rap! Concentrate now on the real issues mentioned which so vitally require your time, which you are wasting on this lame, scapegoat, steroid topic.
I would prefer an actual reply from Mr Cummings, not a generic or administrative aid reply.
Sincerely -
this idiot is my Representative in District 7 Baltimore MD. He has been trying to make a name with the 'steroid in sports' issue for the last year or so. As usual he has done nothing notable otherwise. So I blasted his stupid ass as follows:
2901 Druid Park Drive, Suite 203
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
(My name, address)
I am a Baltimore, MD resident. Im appalled by the times I see your name arise in a story concerning steroids in sports. And I again see, Mr Cummings, your comments on anabolic steroids in sports in a news story today. With all the issues in our country, how can you waste one minute of your time that we have elected and paid you for to concentrate on this so-called problem (i.e. -distraction from your failures to solve any significant problems)? Especially with the horrible events of Katrina being so immediately vital? Your blatant failure in the ’real’ issues is the only reason you are grandstanding so openly on the steroid issue. Due to the medias exploitation, and our high moral, perfect idealist, judgment of everything-this issue is an easy target. Its all about power and money - not ever about doing the 'right' thing. Our fathers who wrote the Constitution and allowed our intended freedoms are rolling over in their graves.
If I may qualify myself briefly, I have written about Anabolic Steroids for Muscular Development, given minor assistance and contribution to the definitive book LEGAL MUSCLE: Anabolics In America (By Rick Collins, ESQ). I suggest strongly you read this book so you can educate yourself on a subject you judge and speak so often about, but know absolutely nothing. It can be purchased at www.teamlegalmuscle.com. I have also written many articles on the subject in newspapers, online magazines, have been interviewed twice by The Wall Street Journal, and The New Your Times. I was interviewed on NBC Nightly news about 2 years ago.
Want to know who you are bashing when you speak of people who use anabolic steroids? Doctors, construction workers, lawyers, computer analysts, - all people in all walks of life. And all of them quite normal otherwise. God forbid, that their clean living and nutritional practices, intense active exercise program, net them a little extra muscle or strength. World security would be at risk! Why is there such a hysteria over this type of enhancement, when 'Extreme Makeover' type shows are applauded-but 1 in 3000 die from liposuction, and 1 in 1000 from gastric bypass? What about breast enhancement, plastic surgery, botox...all these methods of cosmetic enhancement are widely accepted. You dont see guys dropping like flies from steroid use-in fact there are no proven cases of this occurring. You cant overdose. Its not addicting. There is no euphoria. Alzado died from AIDS-related brain tumor and used steroids as a scapegoat. Giambi's tumor, Camanitis death-its all wild speculation with absolutely no basis in fact (and it sells more papers). LOOK IT UP-you can find the type of tumor Alzado
died from on the internet and find that tumors association (AIDS). Which supports the conjecture surrounding accusations about Barry Bonds. Who cares? In bodybuilding 'natural' shows are not popular. People want the spectacular, regardless. The same with all spectator sports. Where should it start and end? Vitamins? Protein powders? Creatine? Andro? All legal, but made to give the edge. Why stop at what 'really' works, especially when
the sensible use has been found, time and again, to be relatively safe? And we as a society support that-we want results- bordering on the unbelievable!
Its completely up to the sports governing body of each sport to do as they wish. But, please dont insist that your 'ethics and morals' are pushed down the general publics throat. Ban it from your sport in the sprit of fair play, if you wish. And you governing officials, back off and take care of the real problems in this world! Let the sports themselves continue their work-
with the state of affairs in this country and world, you don’t have to address this menial issue. And dont stop recreational athletes from being able to use them, because heaven help us, I gain 20lbs on my bench press or gain 10lbs of muscle. Ive been in gyms for 25yrs, never yet to see a person with serious side effects, and my wife (a mortician) has never buried a steroid related death of the many 1000s of cases she has handled. Stop blaming, with no
basis, all ailments of athletes on them. There is absolutely no proof of the accusations. Dont we have better things to govern than whether a person decides to take a pill or shot to aid his training, when he is eating properly, training hard and very healthy? Why is this included in Bush's speeches, and new laws to increase prosecution and penalties for steroids and prohormones (in effect 1/05), when terrorism, murder, street drugs, violent crimes are still
running rampant and ruining society? And what of the huge problems with health care and insurance, and prescription drug costs? You know, Bush-with the DWI on his record. Bush, with the admission of cocaine abuse. The idiots making the laws are fat slobs with no knowledge based on actual research. They are reacting on the media hype and unfounded lies. And its turning many clean living, taxpaying, athletic citizens into criminals. Steroids are
much safer than the cosmetic operations that are so common among lazy, obese, America. We need to stop vilifying and criminalizing the hard working athlete who uses steroid as a safe training aid-keep the regulations within the sport. Leave us alone, and stop the ridiculous, unfounded media hype. Let sports governing bodies do their own jobs. You elected officials have better things to do! Dont turn sensible adults into criminals because
kids may use (its not stopping them from legalizing very dangerous poisons like alcohol and tobacco) or because a sport wants to clean it act up. Ask the real experts, the intelligent bodybuilder who has done his homework-we are the real experts in this field. Tell the truth, stop the hysteria!
Steroids are, taken correctly by an educated user, a very safe and effective way to gain muscle mass and strength. A high school kid is not safe or educated, concerning steroid use and kids obviously have some underlying problems that caused rage-these actions do not happen to normal, adult users. They are more likely to occur with immature kids who are or
arent using steroids. Steroids are being used as a scapegoat to kids problems. This is so typical of our society, where personal responsibility is overlooked and blame is placed on whatever is convenient and defenseless, to take that responsibility. Like steroids-which has been vilified by the media and the naive public. Want to help educate kids properly? Make tobacco and alcohol illegal for god sakes! How many deaths must occur from underage
drinking and related activities? And illegal RECREATIONAL drug use? How about inactivity of youth, poor nutritional habits, smoking, drinking in youth and the future health crisis this will incur in the near future? Ever see TV, movies and the media in general? Murder! Violence! Destruction! Sex! How about cleaning this mess up before you scapegoat steroids as a problem in youth? This is where your efforts should be directed! But I know - alcohol,
tobacco, media…mean money. Always the bottom line. Especially for you fat-cats. So you fail to address the real problem and perform a witch hunt on an easy target, steroids, to distract voters into assuming you are serving the people. Most people know better.
And Taylor Hooton is another example of using steroids as a victim. Suicide was his cause of death, not steroids. MLB is certainly not to blame for your sons death either-but keep searching for that easy scapegoat. It appears that he was manic, violent, depressed and his choice to use steroid coincided with his erratic actions. He had severe emotional problems! And, no high
school kid with a torrent of hormones already flowing through his body, should use these steroids! This child was not being monitored or restrained in accordance with his actions.
Steroid use in adults is safe as an aid to an experienced athletes program. Competing athletes should be aware of the rules of its particular sports governing bodies, if its use is prohibited by that particular sport. No minor should ever use steroids other than for a medical condition. Any undesirable side effects from steroids can be minimized greatly by the educated user. Yes, there can be some side effects. The worst being prosecution by our law for its relatively harmless use. The vast majority of users are not competing athletes in major sports. Its users are bodybuilders, without a doubt the ‘real’ experts on steroids (not the Medical Community-their knowledge generally pales in comparison to an educated, mature, bodybuilders knowledge of physique enhancing drugs). Its users are also your average gym enthusiast, who wants to look better this summer or see his lifts go up-and is harming or cheating no one! Pro athletes in jail for these crimes? None! They were the ones the legal laws were enacted for-following Ben Johnsons positive test after a record breaking performance in the 1988 Olympics. The 1990 Anabolic Steroid Control act made steroids a Sched III drug offense-like cocaine and heroin (incidentally, during the hearings the laws were opposed by the DEA, FDA, AMA, and National Institute of drug abuse-because all of the untrue current hysteria about steroids had not yet begun and they were basing their stance upon ‘fact‘ only, not hype!). But Canseco is being given a free ride, ever when he brags about encouraging and starting so many ballplayers to use steroids. Rick Collins ESQ, the most predominant lawyer in steroid cases in America, says the vast majority of prosecuted cases is not the pro/amateur athlete, but your typical gym lover hoping to improve his physique. We are saying-leave us alone! If youre in a sport, let that sport govern itself and enforce its rules as they wish - and you are bound by those rules. However, don’t take the choice away from other responsible adults! You can legally chose to have other physique changing procedures. Liposuction (1 of 3000 die), plastic surgery, breast enhancement, is applauded. Ever see “Extreme makeover“? Some lazy slob is chopped and sliced and sucked until it looks like a mob of Mafia thugs worked them over. They suffer severe side effects and dangerous recuperative setbacks for months. But in the end this lazy lug who has never - seen the inside of a gym, eaten properly, taken care of themselves - is transformed (if they live through it) and everyone applauds in glee! Wheee! But a guy who watches his diet meticulously, doesn’t drink or smoke, dedicates themselves to strenuous workouts-shoot a shot of hormones and, (heaven forbid you gain 10lbs of muscle or 20lbs on your bench press) you need to be locked up! Now! Is that 10lbs of hard earned muscle is a danger to national security! Yes-how ridiculous it is! Are you missing the illogic in all this uproar about steroids? Lets check some other alarming statistics:
7,000 people die each year from pharmaceutical screw ups ....
120,000 die from infections caused my improper sterilization in hospitals a year;
7,500 die from aspirin reactions;
18,000 die from penicillin reactions;
4,200 surgical tools are left inside patients each year ;
Where is all the attention toward these problems? Lets see all the families lined up whos kids died from alcohol related deaths; whos loved ones died from tobacco products; or obesity related deaths? By the millions and millions! Instead of a single person, Mr Hooton. These other issues are where the focus and action need to be. Steroid use is so far down the list of real, important, issues that it shouldn’t make the cut. Except in reeducating people toward the truth about these substances.
The lies must stop. And steroids need to be reexamined by an open minded media and legal system. They and their users are a victim of sensationalism, exploitation, lack of education, by the idealistic, politically correct media and government. Our government - who certainly have better and more important things to focus on like our war, our disaster of a medical and prescription system, recreational drug abuse, violence and major crime…
Making steroids illegal obviously does not stop kids from using them- it did not stop Taylor Hooton from using them. There are many destructive influences that are presented to kids which have a infinitely greater impact, then steroids. Jailing a gym enthusiast is not the answer! No real athlete ever seems to pay the legal price although the laws were made because of them. The gym guy takes the hard-time and nothing is solved! Teach personal responsibility, don’t distract from it! Quit making excuses, and attacking Anabolic Steroids to take the rap! Concentrate now on the real issues mentioned which so vitally require your time, which you are wasting on this lame, scapegoat, steroid topic.
I would prefer an actual reply from Mr Cummings, not a generic or administrative aid reply.
Sincerely -