No, not your imagination. With a proper diet and training program this stuff will produce some outstanding results. Use as much as you want. These aminos are the best thing since sliced bread!!!Maybe it's my imagination, do they help you lose fat? Also I've been using around 15 tablespoons a day, is that too much?
Maybe it's my imagination, do they help you lose fat? Also I've been using around 15 tablespoons a day, is that too much?
If $8 a day of protein breaks you, times are tough!!!
i love the shit but at $240 per month on top of my grocery bill i cant make it, guess times are tough bodybuilding is an expensive hobby.
can someone post link where to oder?
I never said it breaks me. It adds up on how long a case lasts some of these guys that take it that way. Not knocking them...just jealous I guess.
Like edge said, bodybuilding is an expensisve hobby. Heck, just Mrs Strunk's and my flights to Vegas for the USA's this year is $740 total...let alone the hotel, entry fee, etc.
i love the shit but at $240 per month on top of my grocery bill i cant make it, guess times are tough bodybuilding is an expensive hobby.