What kind of changes are seen in liver due to oral drug use?? Is it fatty change, leading to cirrhosis.. etc.etc. would you feel sort of a discomfort in your liver area if your liver is taking a beating??
What kind of changes are seen in liver due to oral drug use?? Is it fatty change, leading to cirrhosis.. etc.etc. would you feel sort of a discomfort in your liver area if your liver is taking a beating??
I think your ALT and AST could be high......you could have pain up under your right rib cage..........you could have a yellowish tint to your eyes and skin........
What kind of changes are seen in liver due to oral drug use?? Is it fatty change, leading to cirrhosis.. etc.etc. would you feel sort of a discomfort in your liver area if your liver is taking a beating??
Comun side effect from taking oral stereoids is that the enzyme are elevated,but that dozen`t mean that the liver is being damaged.
The liver function it is going to be activated whenever something passes throught it. The chances to get permanet liver damage from anabolic stereoids are very little. On the other hend if you are heavy drinker or you get intoxicated with other chemicals than you will have liver damage.
Itoxication with ethenol(alcohol) induces liver adipose degeneration.
I think your ALT and AST could be high......you could have pain up under your right rib cage..........you could have a yellowish tint to your eyes and skin........
SEe thats the thing. MY alt ast were elevated when i was clean, and when i took some AAS my alt ast were lower end of normal. Which i dont understand.
I got an ultrasound done and my liver showed that it was slightly hyperechoic. MY doctor didnt say its nothing to worry bout but then again the doc dont know bout my aas.
How much would the pain be under the ribcage. right now i feel like i have a slight sensation under the ribcage but maybe thats just mental..
What kind of changes are seen in liver due to oral drug use?? Is it fatty change, leading to cirrhosis.. etc.etc. would you feel sort of a discomfort in your liver area if your liver is taking a beating??
Usually the problem is bile buildup which may spill over and damage neighboring cells which MAY result in scarring.
Problems are usually reflective of this - i.e. liver enlargement, gall tract obstruction, indigestion.
There can also be fat buildup around the liver due to impaired lipid metabolism
Liver as such cannot hurt because it doesnt have nerve endings, however if its enlarged it may press on other organs which will cause pain on the right side below the rib cage.
I have the same problem. I fell it when I bend over. About 4 or 5 weeks after I come off orals the pain goes away and my liver checks out normal. Doent stay on over 3 months. I am 52 and have done many oral cycle. In the old days We could get our gear from Doctors and thats how we were told to do it.