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Long-cycle questions


Jan 5, 2003
Hello folks!

Well, I plan to be on for a long time because i do plan to compete, everything is coming together for me, financially and mentally. I begin in just a couple days now. I think I will enter a show the end of Aug but if i have not built up enough mass from now til June,I'll extend it sometime at the end of the year, so i don't plan to come off until i enter the show.

My question is, since i will be mainly on test all the time, should i switch esters or can i run prop all the way through? i dont like long esters because they are just too long to kick in and get out.
On Feb. 1, I begin this:

100mg test prop ed
75mg tren ed
40mg dbol ed
500-750mg eq per week
.5mg arimidex ed
50mg proviron

**.25mg - .5mg arimidex ed throughout entire phase
March 1, i drop the dbol
April 1, i drop the tren so only test/eq now
May 1, I add in dbol again
June 1, i drop dbol and use tren and begin dieting so just Test/Tren
July - same
August - add winny,masteron,proviron,t3,clen, maybe some dnp

Its not complicating, I am just adding in and dropping since i dont plan to run tren for like 6 months straight. But i would not mind throwing in enanthate and slowly switching from prop.

please share your opinions with me on this. Is it too much at first? Im using eq long-acting so by the time it kicks in, the dbol is out of my system. It might seem like alot but the dbol gets dropped after 4-5 weeks.
I know we have all heard it before but test is test..no matter how you look at it..ester has nothing to do with how well your body will absorbe one thing over another..But I know where you are coming from with that question..All last year I worked with a guy who was working directly with palumbo (not a big deal) but he told me to always switch out my esters because dave did believe that your body has special receptors or something for each ester..like squares, triangles, and circles or whatever..each ester had a different shape and your body needed a switch because each shape would need a break to unclog..

well it has proved to not be true for me because the only type of test I ever use is cyp..and I grow fine..so to answer your question I dont believe that it is a proven fact to switch esters so dont do it..no science behind it..

your cycle looks good and is pretty simple..but if I were you I would only run tren and test and maybe take the money you plan on spending on that eq and dbol and get some gh..other than that good luck with the prep for the show..
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I like it alot. As long as you dont mind the ED injections it looks great. I have yet to run my first cycle but have been researching for about 2 years and will most likely run Prop and winny very soon.

hey brother thanks for the reply. i, too, did not think it mattered if i switched esters, but will my receptors get saturated and will my body get used to the gear for 6+ months? im keeping it safe by limiting each secondary roid (fina,dbol,eq,winny) to a minimum of 4-6 weeks on orals and 8-12 weeks on inj like fina,eq. test continues. also, i really like dbol in there because it really stacks on the mass and strength for me. i really feel juiced when i use it. i threw the eq in there for increased app, pumps and MAINLY vascularity.

weight77 said:
I know we have all heard it before but test is test..no matter how you look at it..ester has nothing to do with how well your body will absorbe one thing over another..But I know where you are coming from with that question..All last year I worked with a guy who was working directly with palumbo (not a big deal) but he told me to always switch out my esters because dave did believe that your body has special receptors or something for each ester..like squares, triangles, and circles or whatever..each ester had a different shape and your body needed a switch because each shape would need a break to unclog..

well it has proved to not be true for me because the only type of test I ever use is cyp..and I grow fine..so to answer your question I dont believe that it is a proven fact to switch esters so dont do it..no science behind it..

your cycle looks good and is pretty simple..but if I were you I would only run tren and test and maybe take the money you plan on spending on that eq and dbol and get some gh..other than that good luck with the prep for the show..
as for GH, i really dont want to use it or plan to. i know i plan to compete but i dont plan on going high in the ranks because i dont want the side effects from GH, it is something i decided upon and am not willing to risk. some of these guys look deformed in their face like their jaws and the distended stomach is ugly IMO. but i have noticed it does no do it to everyone. i like roland cziurlok and am sure he used GH but he did not use so much from what i can tell. i am more into competing in the weight classes of the bodybuilders of the 70's which would keep my quite busy for a while anyway. i do know GH is a very valuable tool in this game, but this is not my career and dont plan on turning pro, but im still dead serious about my goals.
rippedboy said:
as for GH, i really dont want to use it or plan to. i know i plan to compete but i dont plan on going high in the ranks because i dont want the side effects from GH, it is something i decided upon and am not willing to risk. some of these guys look deformed in their face like their jaws and the distended stomach is ugly IMO. but i have noticed it does no do it to everyone. i like roland cziurlok and am sure he used GH but he did not use so much from what i can tell. i am more into competing in the weight classes of the bodybuilders of the 70's which would keep my quite busy for a while anyway. i do know GH is a very valuable tool in this game, but this is not my career and dont plan on turning pro, but im still dead serious about my goals.

I understand bro..just though it would be money well spent but I did not take everyones different goals into thought..

Your receptors will not become over saturated due to the use of one ester exclusively..besides receptors have proven time and time again that they will not become too saturated..
im also glad i do not use or plan to use GH as the cost would nail me.

as far as cycling, what i will do, is use any test as a backbone, i prefer prop, but ed sticks might get annoying after a few months so i might switch to cyp or enth, but after the first part, i will just be switching in and out other drugs like test fina, test eq, test dbol. but i feel like the beginning is ok since the eq is long acting.

weight77 said:

I understand bro..just though it would be money well spent but I did not take everyones different goals into thought..

Your receptors will not become over saturated due to the use of one ester exclusively..besides receptors have proven time and time again that they will not become too saturated..
Folks, tomorrow i begin my cycle. i cant believe it either, but its true. Tuesdays are the beginning of my training week anyway, i go tue, wed, fri because of my schedule. i get as much sleep as i want. I will be bulking cleanly on 400g carbs from oats and maltodextrin 100g post-workout only. protein will be lean steaks and chicken breasts mainly and will have my egg whites each morning and at least 3 shakes. i will take in 60g fat from flaxseed oil and natural pb in 2 meals without carbs. i dont know if i should set any goals now because i have never done this before the correct way with the juice, and clean diet and bulking with the right training that works for me, but i do expect to fuckin blow up and be shocked by the results.

i would also like to ask what supplements should i invest my money into? i was thinking ALA or r-ALA (i dont know the difference) and a multi-vitamin. should i use anything else?

BTW, I am 14% BF right now.

Thanks bros I will keep you posted.
Well Ive begun and im happy. I had a great workout today with a slight increase in strength and pump. i took some dbol an hour prior to. i started with 200mg prop and 100mg tren with 40mg dbol. i will start the eq tomorrow because i didnt have room in the pin.

im eating chicken breasts with steaks together and 1 cup oats every 2 hours, and im not looking forward to the next meals at all, but im taking in 7-8 from now on. it feels weird not to be so hungry all the time.

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