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We anticipate it launching mid to late October. Will keep you posted.

Flex: You will be happy to know that you don't have to spend all of your hard-earned money because even though the haters love to point out how I, and others that do what I do and are good at it, like to line our pockets and do nothing to help anyone, the DVD is actually free.

trailer not working
seem to be ok, just slower then I thought
you got me all pumped up and then it ended lol. thanks
We anticipate it launching mid to late October. Will keep you posted.

Flex: You will be happy to know that you don't have to spend all of your hard-earned money because even though the haters love to point out how I, and others that do what I do and are good at it, like to line our pockets and do nothing to help anyone, the DVD is actually free.


im not happy, im elated skip.

cant wait til it comes out.
We anticipate it launching mid to late October. Will keep you posted.

Flex: You will be happy to know that you don't have to spend all of your hard-earned money because even though the haters love to point out how I, and others that do what I do and are good at it, like to line our pockets and do nothing to help anyone, the DVD is actually free.


That is great Bro, can't wait to see it.
I am still in disbelief that its free. PROPS TO YOU SKIP!!!
I am not sure if elated really captures your full emotion, does it?


its an understatement for sure.

im going to post it everywhere so the entire online bodybuilding community can know who skip hill is.
C'mon Skip....everyone knows it's haterz not haters.......

But seriously very cool it's free...definitely gonna grab one.
its an understatement for sure.

im going to post it everywhere so the entire online bodybuilding community can know who skip hill is.

Then I need to thank you because without you doing that, no one would have any idea who I am. For you, the DVD is free. No, seriously, I insist.

Looks awesome skip. I like the view on your back porch there, beautiful scenery.
Then I need to thank you because without you doing that, no one would have any idea who I am. For you, the DVD is free. No, seriously, I insist.


I cant argue with any of that.

But the pleasure is all mine.

One question though skip, why spend the money on producing a dvd and give it away for free?

Especially someone with as large of a fan base as yours.
I will def. be ordering this.

I look forward to watching it skip.
I cant argue with any of that.

But the pleasure is all mine.

One question though skip, why spend the money on producing a dvd and give it away for free?

Especially someone with as large of a fan base as yours.

Marketing :)
You guys can't make up your minds: You want to chastise me for "lining my pockets" and only helping people when I get paid but then wonder why I would provide something like this for free. Gosh, I feel like I can't win. Sleeping tonight is going to be tough.

It is about exposure, Flex, as I am sure you know. It will reach many more people this way and that is my intention. I have a lot of clients outside of the US and a strong following in places like the UK, Australia, etc.. I think that people that run a successful business certainly understand a business move like this while others don't.

I guess it comes back to proving the haters wrong, yet again. I do that a lot. There are just some people out there that struggle with others being successful at what they do. Maybe it is the "misery loves company" analogy, I don't really know. I don't give it much thought, I guess. I am too busy to sit around and care what other people think.

Now, I gotta go sit on my deck and contemplate life while taking in the view. :) In the meantime, you know I wish you well, my friend.

ADD: And don't kid yourself, you will be watching it right along with everyone else so I am sure you are happy to hear it is free. :) Muah. xoxo

I cant argue with any of that.

But the pleasure is all mine.

One question though skip, why spend the money on producing a dvd and give it away for free?

Especially someone with as large of a fan base as yours.

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