Reverse grip Dumbell floor press. If you haven't tried it out yet, give it a go. Its a nice change up from the traditional barbell reverse grip bench and close grip bench press. My tri's felt TORN up after trying it! here is the aforementioned Bruno doing this movement.
And speaking of reverse grips . . . I wrote this about a year ago.
In my opinion, for some, it's another great exercise.
Another good tricep exercise i recently added and im liking is dead skulls.. Another DC favorite.. You just do skullcrushers but lay on the floor... I only use 25lb plates or else you stop too high on the movement.. Make sure you rest the weight on the floor for a second, then explode up and control on the way down.. I feel no stress on the elbows and that rest at the bottom feels like i activate different muscle fibers when i try to explode up... I would use a relatively light weight at first to get the feel and groove of the movement, and then progress up in weight...
VT have you tried the bent arm dumbbell pullovers the guys at IM call "PJR Pullovers"?
You can search on youtube that title and see a pretty good example as the first result.
I like them a lot, I see them more as a "cheated" triceps extension that won't wreck your elbows. You get a little help from the lats/chest to get going and then it's almost all triceps. The first couple times you will need to get the groove down but once you've got it locked in the weights should climb.
Are you still DC training? If so I would do these 20-30RP at least to start and going down to 15-20(maybe) after a few months with them as the weight increases.
I like them a lot, I see them more as a "cheated" triceps extension that won't wreck your elbows. You get a little help from the lats/chest to get going and then it's almost all triceps. The first couple times you will need to get the groove down but once you've got it locked in the weights should climb.
Are you still DC training? If so I would do these 20-30RP at least to start and going down to 15-20(maybe) after a few months with them as the weight increases.