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loss of appetite


Sep 10, 2010
for the past week its been hard for me to finish my meals. I"m never hungry so every meal im force feeding myself until im literally gagging. is there something that i should be aware of or worried about? i've never had a problem eating and now i have no desire for food at all. any suggestions to help get my appetite back would be great
what have you changed ?

generaly if your appitite just drops off all the sudden its because you changed somthing or got sick , or for me thats the way it is.

Stress kills my appitite
I'm going threw the same thing. Not too long ago I couldn't eat enough, now I eat less then when I contest diet and I'm actually trying to GAIN weight currently. b12 and papaya enzyme help.. but if thats not enough brown rice flower, macadamian nut oil and liquid egg whites make an easy drink.
i just started taking b12 at 1000 mcg yesterday. Guess well see how it works. nothing changed in my diet and im not stressed. well, i am now that i cant eat. more like depressed

Synthetek B-12 is the best, mark my word. :)
B12 will definitely help you out kid, however it takes at least 3 weeks to start seeing the benefits of it, so hang in there, also I don't know if you use anabolics, but EQ is a powerful appetite stimulant, when on EQ I eat constantly, so might want to try it, keep us posted, and do get synthetek's B12, it's the best, my wife and I use it and it is excellent. God bless you. Minister.
B12 will definitely help you out kid, however it takes at least 3 weeks to start seeing the benefits of it, so hang in there, also I don't know if you use anabolics, but EQ is a powerful appetite stimulant, when on EQ I eat constantly, so might want to try it, keep us posted, and do get synthetek's B12, it's the best, my wife and I use it and it is excellent. God bless you. Minister.

Minister, thanks for the advice. I've tried Eq but never got really any benefits from it. Went out and ate what i've wanted to the past few days and it seems like my appetitite is slowly coming back..maybe i was just burnt out on eating the same stuff everyday and needed a little break from it all
Anytime bro, I'm glad your appetite is back.God bless you .Minister
I like Var. 50-75 mg. Might be expensive but u get all the benefits of var, plus it makes me so friken hungry...I eat all day!
How many meals a day do you eat?
had to force myself to eat on dbols... horrible...

trying to hoof back a protein shake plus breakfast when im waking up feeling full aint the best start to a day...
The reason for no appetite 90% of the time is due to a bad diet. Poor choice of foods, unbalanced macros, force feeding...it all leads to your issues. Fix the diet, eat when hungry.

Remember this post you wrote? Perhaps its this philosophy coming back to haunt you now? Good luck.

i've seen pros eat burgers and fries in the offseason.....dave palumbo admits to having mcdonalds everyday in his offseason. Not bashing on you man just telling you that although clean foods are most important its good to put some extra calories in your body. If you dont then your metabolism will stay the same year round. gotta switch things up
for the past week its been hard for me to finish my meals. I"m never hungry so every meal im force feeding myself until im literally gagging. is there something that i should be aware of or worried about? i've never had a problem eating and now i have no desire for food at all. any suggestions to help get my appetite back would be great

Are you running any supps right now that could have changed your appetite?
for the past week its been hard for me to finish my meals. I"m never hungry so every meal im force feeding myself until im literally gagging. is there something that i should be aware of or worried about? i've never had a problem eating and now i have no desire for food at all. any suggestions to help get my appetite back would be great

B12 helps increase appetite. Synthergine is a great addition too. If liver function is not right it can hinder your appetite.
You on any orals?

Oral AAS or PHs, when taken too long or at too high of a dose, would stress my liver and I totally lost appetite. With consistant usage of good liver protectant (Synthergine or at least LIV 52) the appetite would come back fast in my experience.

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