just noticed by placing my hand on my neck and felt a little lump on the neck, im taking some t3 so was wondering if poss thyroid related, has anyone ever noticed anything like this before
Is it deep in the skin or just beneath the skin surface? If it is shallow, one possibility is its a sebaceous cyst. Not a dangerous thing but annoying nonetheless... unless its becomes infected, then its quite painful, like a pimple from hell
u need to bee spesific is it on the side, right next to the adams apple? your thyroid gland lays right on the midle of your neck just below the adans apple plu a tumor would probably give u many problems!
i had i huge one on my neck. i was doing alot of squating with out pad. but it was right in the center and it stayed there for a long time. that big bone that sticks out when u put your head down is where this one was. the skin felt like it was an inch thick.
I have a few of them, the doctor told me they are benign tumors. I hate them but it would be really expensive to have them removed and it would probably leave an ugly scar, so I just accept them.
be careful a close friend had a similar occurrence and it was cancer eventually it got larger and he died two weeks ago , it could be nothing but get it checked
be careful a close friend had a similar occurrence and it was cancer eventually it got larger and he died two weeks ago , it could be nothing but get it checked
went to doc, he said he thinks lympnode is poss infected ,so gave biotics and check in a week, man i was almost thinking thyroid prob since i was on the t3, but its at the bottom of the neck, keep ya posted