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Who’s on telmisartan?


Well-known member / Kilo Klub
Mar 7, 2016
I’ve been on telmisartan now for maybe a year. Doc started me at 20mg. That didn’t do much of anything for lowering my blood pressure so he upped me to 40. That got my blood pressure down to where it’s normally 135/85ish majority if the time. A lot better than what it was before that but want to get it as close to 120/80 as I can. Going to see doc tommaro and going to see if he will up me to maybe 60-80mg… with that said I’m curious do you run telmisartan to another blood pressure med ? what’s your dosage ? Also how do you like it ? If you experience any negative sides what are they ?
Are you guys that take telmisartan also taking cialis for blood pressure?
I did 20 of telmisartan and 10 of amlodipine for a few years. I never really like amlodipine, i always felt like i was hot and sweety And kinda tired on it for some reason. Went out of town for a few days and forgot it once. I felt better but bp was slightly higher. Got my doctor to bump me to 40mg of telmisartan and have been good since.

If you tolerate amlodopine there is a combo pill of telisartan/amlodopine called Twynsta you could ask your dr about.

I know a few people who also pair it with hydroclorothiazide with good results
Are you guys that take telmisartan also taking cialis for blood pressure?
I am also taking Cialis alongside Telmi, but the Cialis isn’t really for blood pressure.
Stay at 40 for the overall benefits and then add in 5mg Cialis from your Dr. Just too many good benefits beside lowering BP to be ignored.

If that doesn't get you to 120/80, then up it to 80 or at in a 1/2 tab of Carditone.
Stay at 40 for the overall benefits and then add in 5mg Cialis from your Dr. Just too many good benefits beside lowering BP to be ignored.

If that doesn't get you to 120/80, then up it to 80 or at in a 1/2 tab of Carditone.
I’m prescribed cialis already. 5mg tabs. I don’t take them Daily though, only as needed. I think like you said I may just start taking 5mg cialis daily for the all around health benefits. Then see if the doc will up my telmisartan to 60-80mg and see what that does
80mg/day just wasn't getting me down low enough.
Went back to Amlodipine (Norvasc) 10mg/day.
Keeps me in the 125-130/70 range.
Only frustration I have is the 2+ pitting edema in my shins it can cause.
I do 40mg of telmisartan prescribed, got me down from 145-155/80-90 to around 120/80 or even less some days
From another forum:

Telmisartan really seems to be an outlier among ARBs with unique properties. In this paper just published in the American Journal of Hypertension: "BP control was similar in both groups; however, telmisartan users exhibited significantly lower visit-to-visit BP variability" (BPV). (Three-Year Cardiovascular Outcomes of Telmisartan in Patients with Hypertension: An Electronic Health Record-Based Cohort Study Get access Arrow 2).

The adjusted 3-year MACE rate was similar between telmisartan users (4.6%) and other ARB users (4.7%, log-rank p = 0.75), with comparable safety profiles, but as "BPV had a stronger association with dementia and cognitive impairment than mean BP levels" 1 I would bet that telmisartan users will have lower rates of dementia and all-cause mortality years later (and that's what most studies tend to find).

Other interesting properties of telmisartan vs other ARBs:
  • "By leveraging the National Health Insurance Research Database, a Taiwanese study [78] found that the dementia risk was lower in telmisartan users compared with other ARB users (hazard
    ratio, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.97; p = 0.030). The authors attributed this to the greater effect of
    telmisartan on increasing PPAR-y expression." (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Cognition: a
    Scoping Review 1 2023)
  • "Among seven ARBs (azilsartan, candesartan, irbesartan, losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, and valsartan), telmisartan was the most effective ARB for the increase of adiponectin secretion" (Telmisartan is the most effective ARB to increase adiponectin via PPARa in adipocytes 2022)
  • "Telmisartan can better improve IR compared with other ARBs." (Telmisartan Improves Insulin
    Resistance: A Meta-Analysis 1 2018)

Also, for Covid: "Death by day 30 was reduced in the telmisartan-treated group (control 22.54%, 16/71; telmisartan 4.29%, 3/70 participants; p = 0.0023). Composite ICU, mechanical ventilation or death was reduced by telmisartan treatment at days 15 and 30. No adverse events were reported." (Telmisartan for treatment of Covid-19 patients: An open multicenter randomized clinical trial, 2021).
For those of you running the compound. Understand the direct relationship to blood pressure. Any data on your results with resting heart rate?
I just tried telmisartan for a second time. First time after a month, crippling leg pain, like full blown tendinitis and became tired as hell and had depressive swings. Took some time off and tried again. Few weeks, dizzy like I'm drunk and has taken 6 days to wear off. Blood pressure on 80mg telmisartan, 130-135/80 rhr 60ish. Without, generally 140-150/90 rhr 70+ all over the place.
From another forum:

Telmisartan really seems to be an outlier among ARBs with unique properties. In this paper just published in the American Journal of Hypertension: "BP control was similar in both groups; however, telmisartan users exhibited significantly lower visit-to-visit BP variability" (BPV). (Three-Year Cardiovascular Outcomes of Telmisartan in Patients with Hypertension: An Electronic Health Record-Based Cohort Study Get access Arrow 2).

The adjusted 3-year MACE rate was similar between telmisartan users (4.6%) and other ARB users (4.7%, log-rank p = 0.75), with comparable safety profiles, but as "BPV had a stronger association with dementia and cognitive impairment than mean BP levels" 1 I would bet that telmisartan users will have lower rates of dementia and all-cause mortality years later (and that's what most studies tend to find).

Other interesting properties of telmisartan vs other ARBs:
  • "By leveraging the National Health Insurance Research Database, a Taiwanese study [78] found that the dementia risk was lower in telmisartan users compared with other ARB users (hazard
    ratio, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.97; p = 0.030). The authors attributed this to the greater effect of
    telmisartan on increasing PPAR-y expression." (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Cognition: a
    Scoping Review 1 2023)
  • "Among seven ARBs (azilsartan, candesartan, irbesartan, losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, and valsartan), telmisartan was the most effective ARB for the increase of adiponectin secretion" (Telmisartan is the most effective ARB to increase adiponectin via PPARa in adipocytes 2022)
  • "Telmisartan can better improve IR compared with other ARBs." (Telmisartan Improves Insulin
    Resistance: A Meta-Analysis 1 2018)

Also, for Covid: "Death by day 30 was reduced in the telmisartan-treated group (control 22.54%, 16/71; telmisartan 4.29%, 3/70 participants; p = 0.0023). Composite ICU, mechanical ventilation or death was reduced by telmisartan treatment at days 15 and 30. No adverse events were reported." (Telmisartan for treatment of Covid-19 patients: An open multicenter randomized clinical trial, 2021).
What’s your dosage?
🙋🏽‍♂️I’m a Telmisartan user. I’ve been using 40mg/day to lower my BP while on AAS. It lowered mine quite a bit.

I also recently started taking 2.5mg Nevibolol for RHR. Taking both of these daily has my BP & RHR in all the right ranges!

40mg daily year round.

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