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Who’s on telmisartan?

I just started in the last week. 4 days at 20mg. Last 2 days at 40mg before bed. Anyone else get diarrhea on 40mg?
Hopefully that’s not a side and it goes away.
I think diarrhea is a common sensitivity from a lot of cardiovascular meds, like Micardis, Norvasc, Lisinopril, etc…. I’m pretty sure you’ll adjust fairly quick to the 40MG dosage.
I’m taking 80mg daily along with 5mg Nebivolol. My blood pressure is still in the 140s but better than it was. I have no noticeable side affects from either.
Telimisartan +nebivolol here. Telimisartan AM, nebivolol PM. 40mg+5mg. 120/77.

I like the neb in the evening, it’s extremely selective for B1 receptors, but it does relax me a little bit, which is nice after 12-13h of chaos at work.

I’ve tried 5mg an hour or so pre long runs to see what happens, and it does lower my average HR, but no changes in output (mileage/pace). I just feel sluggish the first 30 minutes or so
Was taking 40mg on cycle. Decided Cialis was what made me feel better year round. Now I just stock pile my Teli.
80 mg for me daily prescribed by doc.
Night time before bed. The only noticeable”
Effect I have seen is my HR does t get as high on the bike or stepper.
Brought me from 160’s to 120
Started at 40 mgs about a year ago, worked great but recently BP started creeping back up so my doctor raised it to 80 mgs. Some days have good readings some are still a bit higher than I want. My next appointment I'm going to suggest lowering back to 40 mgs and adding bystolic at 5 mgs. I think adding a different med instead of maxing a dose of 1 may work better..
IMO one of the benefits that many overlook as a benefit of Telmisartan is its ability to regulate inflammation and lower CRP.

The two things every bodybuilder should do- keep BP and inflammation in check this med does. Need I say more. 🤷‍♂️

I’m on 20mg Olmisartan, not sure if it’s any better than Telmisartan.
been moving from 80-60—- bp still a little high… I’m in my late 50s.. tried neb last time i was on hgh and even small dosage drastically lowered rhr but made me TIRED…. gonna be starting up some hgh soon and want to find a way to do it safely
IMO one of the benefits that many overlook as a benefit of Telmisartan is its ability to regulate inflammation and lower CRP.

The two things every bodybuilder should do- keep BP and inflammation in check this med does. Need I say more. 🤷‍♂️

What dose for someone that has no bo problems and nust wants the protective effects ?
What dose for someone that has no bo problems and nust wants the protective effects ?
Unless you have elevated BP or high CRP you don’t need it IMO.

Starting dosages are 20-40mg.
80mg/day just wasn't getting me down low enough.
Went back to Amlodipine (Norvasc) 10mg/day.
Keeps me in the 125-130/70 range.
Only frustration I have is the 2+ pitting edema in my shins it can cause.
Edema is pretty common w amlodipine. Taking the amlodipine with an ACE-I or ARB can help to reduce the edema. Something abt each drugs effect on either side of our capillary bed helps to positively alter the pressure changes that result in the edema. Maybe ask your doc to add a low dose of an ACE-I or ARB and run it with 5mg amlodipine. Generally good to avoid polypharmacy but 2+ pitting edema is pretty bad
I freely admit that I only jumped on Micardis and Nebilet because I read fancy articles and youtube videos about it. They do control my BP, but can't say that it does anything else that gets spouted on the forums and fitness videos.

Once my supply is gone, I'll taper off slowly and see where my BP is at, and if it remains too high, I'll go with what my GP prescribes me. I'm done with running this stupid poly pharmacy crap because I read it somewhere, that was retarded of me.
Naturally I hover right at 120/80. On cycle I shoot way up to 150's/90's. 40MG Telmisartan brings me to 130/70. Tried adding Nebiv on top to reduce the systolic but I started getting dizzy during the day.

I'm a heavy sweater and hold on to lots of water...especially when I'm on GH. Found that increasing cardio so I sweat out excess water helps. Going to ask my doctor to see if I can try Telmisartan/Diazide combo, which is what I believe Chase Irons mentioned he takes daily. Last doctor got seriously butt hurt when I told him I was self-administering and pretty much told me to f-off. Even had the nerve to ask me for a 5-star review afterward as if he was going to turn me into the police if I didn't. He was lucky I'm only on a mild cycle.

All part of the fun I guess.
Naturally I hover right at 120/80. On cycle I shoot way up to 150's/90's. 40MG Telmisartan brings me to 130/70. Tried adding Nebiv on top to reduce the systolic but I started getting dizzy during the day.

I'm a heavy sweater and hold on to lots of water...especially when I'm on GH. Found that increasing cardio so I sweat out excess water helps. Going to ask my doctor to see if I can try Telmisartan/Diazide combo, which is what I believe Chase Irons mentioned he takes daily. Last doctor got seriously butt hurt when I told him I was self-administering and pretty much told me to f-off. Even had the nerve to ask me for a 5-star review afterward as if he was going to turn me into the police if I didn't. He was lucky I'm only on a mild cycle.

All part of the fun I guess.
I also had to stop nebivolol. It was making me too tired and foggy
I’m on 40 mg telmisartan and I take 30mg a day of propranolol right now. BP hovers around 120/70 and RHR mid 60s which I’m happy with
I also had to stop nebivolol. It was making me too tired and foggy

Was that something that developed over time or did you notice it right away? I have been dealing with some serious brain fog and fatigue myself and wondering if its the Telmisartan, but I have been on it for 5 months and really just been the past few weeks I'm really being hit by this.

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