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Maintain weight, or mini cut during cruises?


Active member
Nov 7, 2021
Hey guys. When you cruise, do you try and maintain your weight and make it look tighter? Or do you prefer to do a mini cut and lose about 10lbs or so?
Maintain weight and make it look tighter? So recomping when crusing? No one who is advanced can do this with "real" cruise doses.

If something I stay at around the same weight but get a little softer and not as full when I cruise for around 8 weeks or so.
How about both?

Say a cruise is eight weeks or six weeks or three weeks.

Eight week cruise you could maintain weight for five weeks , then tighten it up , last three weeks.
How about both?

Say a cruise is eight weeks or six weeks or three weeks.

Eight week cruise you could maintain weight for five weeks , then tighten it up , last three weeks.
i would do it just the other way around especially if you are running long esters. first 2 week light cut still have some anabolic load then 4 week maintain to not lose anything
i would do it just the other way around especially if you are running long esters. first 2 week light cut still have some anabolic load then 4 week maintain to not lose anything
Sounds good, whatever works best for you. All in context, if coming off a competition, of course not. If want to lose a few pounds body and face fat, nice lil short mini cut can really help stay leaner, focus on more displined good choices, like cutting out pizza a couple weeks. Haha.
I think most of us are cruising right on the edge to where adding muscle or losing fat (unless you are significantly out of condition regaining previous muscle, or rebounding) isn't going to be possible without paying an offsetting price - gain muscle but gain a lot of fat or lose fat and lose significant muscle. If this is possible, you can get by with less on a cruise. I think everyone knows some portion of look or aesthetic won't be maintained even under best efforts but that's easily regained and the nature of things. Goal is giving the body as much of a healthy rest as possible. I embrace that and even look forward to a nice mental reset and a period of rebalancing.

The people who are talking about really cutting on cruises or still making gains on a TRT dose of test... also make the comment that maintaining on 200mg weekly is "possible for anyone but a huge open class BBer." Yeah, these are 150-180lbs kids you are listening to. They would likely be making gains naturally and sit so far below even their natural potential that they have zero business blasting/cruising or giving advice. I'm all for harm mitigation but they don't know shit.

And for the record I'm not a high dose or YOLO kind of guy. I take as little as I need for my goals and routinely monitor bloods. I'm just not full of shit living and fantasy land.
I think doses should be higher when cutting, and lower when bulking. It's much harder to maintain muscle when cutting than it is to put muscle on when in a calorie surplus. Keeping muscle when dieting is key to making gains in my experience. Same goes for training... need to train a little harder when cutting (i.e., more volume).
most of the cycles here are smaller than the crusie of real bodybuilders so what's the difference 🤷‍♂️ :LOL:
half the cycle, double the life expectancy of real bodybuilders 😁

I don't mean that in any way other than a joke and adding some levity and it just seemed like an opportune time for a snarky joke.
Kinda dep on what your goals are , if you are competing I prefer to run as low dose as I can to ke growing in the “off season“ the when prep starts incre the dose to you don’t have to reduce calories as much.
You just spent time, effort, and drugs to BUILD muscle...and you immediately want to LOWER the dosage and lose the fat? Not a good recipe.
New tissue accrued during that time will probably be the first to go. Dante has said it before, but you have to let your new weight "marinade" for a bit, lets your body get used to it. Try get a new set point.

JP actually had a really good method of pushing dosages hard and getting to new BWs. Growing.
Then cruising for a bit, holding onto the new tissue. Then, when he blasted again, he would spend the first 5-6 weeks tightening up and dieting, it would sling shot him back into a rebound pretty well. The only difficult thing there is JP was lean enough where 5-6 weeks was enough to cut. The average dude needs 10+ in order to get lean.
You have 3 stimulus: calories, mechanical tension, and drugs.
Now if you tried to cut when drugs are lowest, you’ve removed all 3 stimulus.
This is a recipe for regression.

John Jewett did a good post about this
Maintenance (cruise) is lowest dose needed to maintain
Fatloss is above maintenance, enough to maintain tissue.
Off season peak dosing to drive new growth.
You have 3 stimulus: calories, mechanical tension, and drugs.
Now if you tried to cut when drugs are lowest, you’ve removed all 3 stimulus.
This is a recipe for regression.

John Jewett did a good post about this
Maintenance (cruise) is lowest dose needed to maintain
Fatloss is above maintenance, enough to maintain tissue.
Off season peak dosing to drive new growth.
I like your name bro, my other SN is Asmodeus lol . good post btw
You just spent time, effort, and drugs to BUILD muscle...and you immediately want to LOWER the dosage and lose the fat? Not a good recipe.
New tissue accrued during that time will probably be the first to go. Dante has said it before, but you have to let your new weight "marinade" for a bit, lets your body get used to it. Try get a new set point.

JP actually had a really good method of pushing dosages hard and getting to new BWs. Growing.
Then cruising for a bit, holding onto the new tissue. Then, when he blasted again, he would spend the first 5-6 weeks tightening up and dieting, it would sling shot him back into a rebound pretty well. The only difficult thing there is JP was lean enough where 5-6 weeks was enough to cut. The average dude needs 10+ in order to get lean.
This IMO is the best approach for the long run. What would you think about not using slin during the blast but introducing it in the cruise to add an extra stimulus when AAS dosages are lower? Most would probably use it during the pushing phase I assume.
I like holding weight for at least 2-3 months before thinking of dieting.
I would definitely try and maintain after initial water loss from anabolics. Can be tough sometimes to maintain the weight you obtained during cycle. Then once you hop back on it won't be long until the "look" is back as well.

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