Ok lets straighten out my shloobbber...
In dieting for a competition posted by Big A maltodextrin is listed and I noticed on my grean tea pills listed as the number 2 indgredient is maltodextrin. I was curious why this was listed so high and if it really matters. ALso where can I purchase maltodextrin to put in a shake, Im assuming thats how it is done...
DIET - Weeks 9 & 8
06.00 am training
08.00 12 egg whites, 1 apple, protein shake
10.00 100g rice, 1 apple, protein shake
12.00 red meat, salad (tomato, lettuce, cucumber), protein shake with 10g flax seed oil
14.00 100g bread, 1 apple, protein shake
16.00 tuna or chicken or fish, protein shake
18.00 100g maltodextrin, 1 apple
18.30 pm training
20.30 chicken or turkey or fish, salad, protein shake
21.30 run (20 - 30) minutes