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Melatonin or Tryptophan as a sleep aid?


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 6, 2002
Melatonin has always helped me sleep at about 6mg per night.Not every night but when I need it.I wake up tired sometimes and thats what I dont like.Now tryptophan is the amino in turkey right?Most of us pass the fuck out on Thanksgiving while we watch football after we eat a ton of turkey.Is this a better option?Superior has a good price on it,what do you guys think of its effectiveness?
Melatonin has always helped me sleep at about 6mg per night.Not every night but when I need it.I wake up tired sometimes and thats what I dont like.Now tryptophan is the amino in turkey right?Most of us pass the fuck out on Thanksgiving while we watch football after we eat a ton of turkey.Is this a better option?Superior has a good price on it,what do you guys think of its effectiveness?

I have had severe insomnia/anxiety for years and aside from Benzos(i.e. Restoril) the only other thing that works is L-Tryptophan. I take 1.5 to 2.0 grams about an hour before bed and it works great. It also has anti-depressant properties and can help with overall mood. The only drawback is that certain amino acids interfere with its absorption so you can't take a protein shake or eat anything around the same time.

Tryptophan has always made Me groggy the next day
10mg Ambien. Not addictive like benzos and don't leave you with a hang over. You will sleep good bro. I can find you some if you need them for pennies on the dollar. If you don't have insurance they will cost you $4 a tab. Depnds how bad the insomnia is. If the natural remedies don't work you should give these a try. Call me, PM me. or email me if you have any questions.
Meletonin is a precurser to tryptophan, which releases seratonin.
So the tryptophan is better, the enzymatic process is not needed.
Its like conparing a prohormone to the 'real deal'.

I like (generic) benadryl best-1 tabs works fine and is a good buy.

Sup1 has Tryptophan? Cool!
Two formulas

L-Tryptophan AM
Day Formula (mood)
(animal use only)
Each capsule contains:
350mg L-Tryptophan
50mg L-Tyrosine
50mg Vitamin B6.

Recommended dose is 1 capsule every 3-4 waking hours.

L-Tryptophan PM
Night Formula (sleep)
(animal use only)
Each capsule contains:
450mg L-Tryptophan
Pure L-Tryptophan powder, This is our PM Formula
for the purposes of sleep it's best taken on an empty
stomach at a dosage of 450mg per 50lbs of body weight.
Like MiKE siad

I get equate brand bendryl at walmart 50mg. last me 1 month for 2.99

i have tried evrything else accept presciption this stuff works thebest for me.
Tryptophan it is

I did take ambien a few times,and that shit is AWESOME.It KOed me nice and quick and I woke up totally non drowsy.But Id like to stay away from real meds as much as possible,I feel like a pharmacy as is with all the gear I take.

So I will give it a try and see how it works.....
I have done melatonin and ambien. Will take ambien any day of the week over the melatonin. I didn't know you could still get l-tryptophan
MikeS said:
Meletonin is a precurser to tryptophan, which releases seratonin.
So the tryptophan is better, the enzymatic process is not needed.
Its like conparing a prohormone to the 'real deal'.
Correct me if I'm wrong but melatonin is a hormone made from serotonin.Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin.So it would be the other way around.You really can't compare the two but by your ananlogy the melatonin would be the 'real deal'.

When melatonin is high serotonin is low and vice versa.Sunlight increases serotonin but lowers melatonin.Melatonin is high at night while serotonin is lower.However it's possible that supplemental trytophan increases melatonin since there is more serotonin.
Last edited:
It gets a little tricky when it comes to these hormones and substances.

Melatonin and Serotonin

Melatonin affects the production and subsequent action of several other hormone in the body. It works in sync with serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter from which it is derived. Serotonin is involved in several central physiological processes, including pain perception, temperature and blood-pressure regulation, and several neuropsychological functions such as appetite, memory, and mood. Like melatonin, serotonin levels influence a myriad of endocrine activities, including those performed by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Generally speaking, melatonin and serotonin are not active in the body at the same time. As mentioned earlier, melatonin is active at night, serotonin is active in the daytime. Although both tend to moderate endocrine functions, serotonin may also have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system if its levels are too high in the bloodstream. It has been known to cause blood clotting and narrowing of the blood vessels, among other problems. And, unlike melatonin, serotonin levels in the body do not decrease as we age, but instead increase in relation to other hormones and neurotransmitters. Scientists who specialize in the study of elderly and the aging process believe that this age-related imbalance between serotonin and melatonin may play as important a role in the aging process as the lack of melatonin itself, particularly in relation to heart disease. Without melatonin to act as a free-radical scavenger during the night, more damage may occur to blood vessels, thus stimulating the release of more serotonin.
A good article here.

How To Get a Good Night’s Sleep with Tryptophan
By Ronald Steriti, NMD, PhD

For chronic insomniacs, getting a good night’s sleep may appear to be impossible. Fortunatelynature provides a natural sleep aid that is both safe and effective. L-tryptophan is an amino acid found inmany foods, including turkey. Turkey is well known to cause drowsiness, and the culprit is largeamounts of tryptophan. For many years L-tryptophan was the nutritional supplement of choice forchronic insomnia and depression. Those that have tried L-tryptophan can attest to its benefits:

“If I could take only one supplement with me on a desert island, it wouldbe tryptophan! It helps me sleep better, and improves my mood. It’s justwonderful.” Exclaims one long-time user.

The wonderful effect that tryptophan has on both mood and sleep may be because the bodynaturally converts tryptophan into both serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin levels affects mood and melatonin affects sleep.


Serotonin has a dramatic effect on mood. Serotonin is so powerful that an entire class of anti-depressant drugs work by stopping the breakdown of serotonin in the brain. These anti-depressant drugsare called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. Taking L-tryptophan can accomplish thesame thing by naturally increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

SSRI Drugs
Prozac (Fluoxetine)
Paxil (Paroxetine)
Zoloft (Sertaline)
Desyrel (Trazodone)
Effexor (Venlafaxine)

Scientific Research Validates Tryptophan for Insomnia
Most of the clinical research on tryptophan for insomnia occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. Tworecent clinical studies, however, have appeared after a 13-year hiatus. These studies may herald the revival of L-tryptophan into the marketplace.

Tryptophan Depletion in Insomniacs
Tryptophan depletion has a negative impact on sleep, according to recent research published inthe journal Psychiatry Research. Fifteen patients with primary insomnia were given a tryptophan-freeamino acid drink after spending four days in a sleep laboratory. Lab tests showed a significant decreasein serum tryptophan levels after the tryptophan-free amino acid drink, which indicated tryptophandepletion. Measurements of sleep parameters (stage 1 and stage 2 time, and rapid eye movement sleeptime) also showed a negative impact of tryptophan depletion on sleep. [1]

Tryptophan Protects Against Insomnia
Severe insomnia is a common side effect when using the antidepressant Prozac (fluoxetine). Arecent study found that when tryptophan (2 grams a day) was used in combination with Prozac (20 mgper day), there was a significantly greater decrease in depression scores, and an improvement in sleepafter four weeks of treatment. The authors concluded: “combining 20 mg of fluoxetine with 2 grams oftryptophan daily at the outset of treatment for major depressive disorder appears to be a safe protocolthat may have both a rapid antidepressant effect and a protective effect on slow-wave sleep.” [2]

Tryptophan is Effective for Chronic Insomnia

Six research studies have shown positive results for tryptophan in chronic insomniacs.

**broken link removed**

What is The Optimal Dose of Tryptophan?
A review article published in Psychopharmacology found that L-tryptophan is effective for thetreatment of insomnia in doses ranging from 1 to 15 grams. Repeated administration of low doses of L-tryptophan may be required for therapeutic improvement in more chronic, well-established sleep-onsetinsomnia or in more severe insomnias characterized by both sleep onset and sleep maintenanceproblems. An important factor in the decision to give a trial of L-tryptophan is the absence of sideeffects and lack of development of tolerance in long-term use. Further, L-tryptophan does not causedifficulties when trying to wake up the next morning. [9]
Low doses of L-tryptophan (250 and 500 milligrams), however, were not found to have asignificant effect on sleep latency in a study of 21 psychiatric in-patients. [10]
For those with insomnia wishing to try L-tryptophan, a strong initial dose (one to four grams) isrecommended for the first week, followed by a lower maintenance dose (500 mg to 1 gram). Those notresponding to this therapy should seek the advice of a well-trained naturopathic doctor or holisticphysician to determine if an underlying disease state exists.What this means for youIf you have insomnia, tryptophan may help. Several research studies have confirmed L-tryptophan to be useful in the treatment of chronic insomnia at doses of between one to four grams atbedtime. Further, L-tryptophan is not associated with side effects that are common with prescriptiondrugs, nor does it cause difficulty in waking up the next morning. This makes L-tryptophan an attractivealternative to conventional drug therapies for the treatment of chronic insomnia.


1.Riemann, D., et al., The tryptophan depletion test: impact on sleep in primary insomnia - a pilotstudy. Psychiatry Res, 2002. 109(2): p. 129-35.

2.Levitan, R.D., et al., Preliminary randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial oftryptophan combined with fluoxetine to treat major depressive disorder: antidepressant andhypnotic effects. J Psychiatry Neurosci, 2000. 25(4): p. 337-46.

3.Demisch, K., J. Bauer, and K. Georgi, Treatment of severe chronic insomnia with L-tryptophanand varying sleeping times. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1987. 20(6): p. 245-8.

4.Spinweber, C.L., L-tryptophan administered to chronic sleep-onset insomniacs: late- appearingreduction of sleep latency. Psychopharmacology, 1986. 90(2): p. 151-5.

5.Fitten, L.J., J. Profita, and T.G. Bidder, L-tryptophan as a hypnotic in special patients. J AmGeriatr Soc, 1985. 33(4): p. 294-7.

6.Hartmann, E., J.G. Lindsley, and C. Spinweber, Chronic insomnia: effects of tryptophan,flurazepam, secobarbital, and placebo. Psychopharmacology, 1983. 80(2): p. 138-42.

7.Schneider-Helmert, D., Interval therapy with L-tryptophan in severe chronic insomniacs. Apredictive laboratory study. Int Pharmacopsychiatry, 1981. 16(3): p. 162-73.

8.Hartmann, E. and R. Elion, The insomnia of 'sleeping in a strange place': effects of l-tryptophane. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 1977. 53(2): p. 131-3.

9.Schneider-Helmert, D. and C.L. Spinweber, Evaluation of L-tryptophan for treatment ofinsomnia: a review. Psychopharmacology, 1986. 89(1): p. 1-7.

10.Ferrero, F. and J. Zahnd, [Tryptophan in the treatment of insomnia in hospitalized psychiatricpatients]. Encephale, 1987. 13(1): p. 35-7.
Tryptophan has a much wider range of benefits than melatonin and even 5-HTP. Serotonin is higher during the day. Or at least should be. Thus the reason I have an AM formula at lower doses blended with Tyrosine and B6, Which works very well with Tryptophan. The new class of drugs such as prozac basically helps you to use your current levels of serotonin more effeciently. It does NOT produce serotonin. Thats why it was such BS that they took tryptophan off the market around the same time they launched prozac. Thats another story. Prozac is available for animals. :D In a pharmaceutical grade quality.

The PM formula is just pure Tryptophan taken in higher dose on as empty a stomach as possible for best results. The best protocol for sleep would be 1800 or so mg of Tryptophan and 3mg of melatonin.
Either way both products may help and anything that will add to additional serotonin levels helps the mood. Ever see a pill popper the next morning searching for a bottle of 5-htp, some funny shit. Roomates in college can be funny.

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