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mgs= growth debate


New member
May 6, 2003
give you guys a quick background about me. I started bbing 4 yrs ago at a off season weight of 181 lbs @ 5'8" natural. I stayed natural for 9 months until I was getting ready for my first show. I ran 200 mgs eq weekly and 25 mgs winny ed. weighed in at 164 lbs, funny!!! next show was 16 months later and I weighed in low 190's and never went real big as far as total mgs. probably never ran more then 700 mgs per week at any given time. this show I will be somewhere between 206- 208 weigh in weight again 16 months later. now I have increased my overall weekly mgs to about 1500 total. I have seen a huge difference in overall muscle size, fullness, and maturity. Now as I set here pondering my next move I am wondering if it is my body that is maturing or am I going to have to keep increasing my total mgs intake to keep seeing the gains I expect. not talking nutrition, training, or rest- nuthing else but total mgs.

the reason why I ask is a guy I am competing against made a statement * if you are not using between 1500- 2000 mgs a week of test (alone) then you are waisting your time.* what do you guys think about this?? what are your mgs at??
I like 1200mg slow acting test and 700 fast but thats just me and I have done my share of cycles to date. but if you are starting out or even have done a few cycles dont up the dose to you need to. shit I would love to gain of 200mg a week it would be much cheaper. now that I think about it I would love to grow by useing 30lbs dumbbells all the time to. lol
Im going low dose (700mg test/300mg deca/orals) for the 2nd straight cycle; but using slin/gh also-and it works as well as high dose (1-2g)AS. I front load 1st 4wks with an extra 1g fast acting test, but after that its low dose.
I was tired of getting minimul gains off 1.5g or more of test, and am trying to downgrade my receptors for a year this way. And then-I'll do 2g wk and hope it will be a shock and give great results.
I think what I am seeing is different approaches that probably work equally well. I am interested to see what others have to say.
In the past summer Ive gone as high as 2500 a week of sust for a spat of 4 weeks. The beginning of that cycle I was at 750 with 600 deca. I believe I was a ripped 220, after the 4 week spat I was 240 with no change in bodyfat. I slightly increased protein and carbs.

Ive been coasting down right now at 500 enanthate. Im basically doing the same thing as MIKE S regarding the theory of downgrading. Im presently a lean 235. In a week I will use 500 enanthate per day for 3 weeks and back down to a gram. Maybe I'll be a lean 255? :eek:

Experimenting :D
Wow MadMatt is that 500mg enthanate per day for 3weeks. Let us know how that goes. Usually the only thing I take over 1200mgs is sus I like it best at a amp a day or every other day at a minium. MM
I think it depends on the esters as others said, i was taking as high as 1750mg/week of sus, and got just as good as results with prop 100mg ED actually liked the prop better.
well i gues iam not nearly as experienced as most on here but iam just now getting up 750mg of test and even that feels crazy.
massmonster32 said:
Wow MadMatt is that 500mg enthanate per day for 3weeks. Let us know how that goes. Usually the only thing I take over 1200mgs is sus I like it best at a amp a day or every other day at a minium. MM

Yeah, it's short and intense. Sustanon's not that good IME unless its over a G a week. Enanthate gonna have a better "pull" due to the awesome pile up - unlike alot thats lost with that damn sust! Im getting a better understanding on how my metabolism likes to play games. It seems to want to make me fat or skinny. Ive got a real boring diet that has just about everything pegged. I will accept minimal fat with my gains. Im cruising and my stength and confidence in the strength are going way up. Im soooo ready for this. :)

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