Re: Re: Michael Moore....
Big Fucker said:
- Those of you who don't like Michael Moore seem to discredit some of the facts based on your opinion of the man.. Can some of you comment on the above Fact about the Bin Laden family?
- Also, those who feel Bush is making this country a safe place by going after Iraq, can you explain to me your reasoning? He is spending many many more $$$ and resources on Iraq than on the serach for Bin Laden. If I remember correctly, the war was to fight terrorism, and Bin Laden led the 9/11 attacks, so were does Iraq fit in? Why not spend that money and resources to hunt Bin Laden? The war on Iraq has also stirred up alot more hatred towards our country... BTW, there were no WMD's in Iraq, so why is Iraq such a threat?
Please, no flames.
I am not discrediting the man on opinion. My discredit comes from the fact that the movie is not based 100% on reality. MM uses half-statements and fancy editing to suit his agenda. That is not opinion, it is fact.
What I do not know as fact is Bush shipping bin Laden's relatives out of the country. To me, this sounds like a rumor. If indeed it is fact, I would love for someone to point me in the direction of the evidence.
My reasoning for believing that Bush is making this country safer is this:
These Islamic extremists hate us. Period. They would not hate us less or more regardless of whether we liberated Iraq or not. People just don't seem to understand this. There are not beheadings because they now hate us even more. There are beheadings because these extremists know how much it bothers us weak stomached Americans. They know that with each beheading it creates more public animosity towards a US president that is ruining their terrorist cause and just happens to be up for reelection in 3 months. They want GWB to lose. They want John Kerry to win. THey know John Kerry is a pushover. They know he will view global relations just like Clinton. While Saddam was violating aggreements made in 1991 and stockpiling armaments, instead of enforcing these agreements, Clinton lobbed over 1 missle attack into an Iraqi desert. That's it. Don't you think that further strengthened Saddam's knowledge that a democratic run US was not going to enforce the rules it just a few years earlier had implemented?
So Saddam just kept on collecting weapons as no one seemed to really care all that much... Although the WMD that were found were minimal (poisonous gas) I still believe Saddam was obtaining WMDs. And I think the question is not whether he had them, but rather "where is he hiding them" or "who is hiding them for him"...
There is also no proven link that Saddam helped bin Laden. However, there is proof that over the years bin Laden and Saddam held meetings on several occasions. And my thinking runs along the track of: why wouldn't two Islamic powers unite against a common enemy?
The Liberals have a history of being appeasers and moral relativists. They truly believe that there is an excuse for every behavior and discount the existence of true evil. They quickly forget the attrocities committed on our country on 9/11 where 3000 innocent people died.
One of the most intelligent men who ever lived was Wiston Churchill. His predesessor as prime minister was Neville Chamberlain who was an appeaser. In 1935, just before Hitler was to invade Czechoslavakia, Neville Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler. The outcome of that meeting was an agreement that Germany and Great Brittain would never enter into battle with one another. Neville Chamberlain returned home thinking he had done justice for Great Brittain. GB would not stop Germany from their acquistions of European countries as long as they left England alone. Winston Churchill realized that someone who could exterminate almost an entire culture was pure evil. Pure evil you cannot strike a binding agreement with. It would have just been time before Hitler either attacked England or controlled so much natural resouces that they were able to financially choke out England.
I think that GWB made a wise choice in severly crippling Al-queida in Afghanistan and in liberating Iraq.