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Mike Israetel volume reccomendations


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009

Wondering what people think in general of his reccomendations? I feel like here people are big into low volume, high intensity. The science crowd on the internet has been advocating high volume. It seems like these reccomendations are sort of in the middle.

He does list higher volume for rear and side delts which makes sense since it's harder to hit them with heavy weight.
I've always done fairly high volume. Do I think it gives the best results? I don't know, I just like it. It's very hard to use a lot of the other concepts Dr. Mike and the RP people advocate AND do a lot of volume though.
yeah i tried a stint of that rir stuff and lasted for like 2 months...max. Even if it turned out that reps in reserve was better i still wouldnt do it. Its not enjoyable to me and you are in the gym forever doing submaximal sets. To each their own but its not fun to do set after set and racking it with the 3 reps in the tank. That landmark chart shows nothing about intensity. Intensity would play a big factor in those landmarks.
What I think and thus is not directed to the Poster of this thread, I think it's horse shit.
Whatever happened to keeping it simple?

Everyone is on the "Science" bandwagon to impress but in reality it's just another "guru or Expert" writing.

Do you think Dorian or Levrone etc.. followed any of this junk?

Training is all subjective to the individual himself.

Training doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever worked in the past still holds true today.

Just do what suits you best.
Way way over complicated. You don’t need a effin Phd to build muscle.

It really comes down to time under tension. Around 30 seconds per set, give or take, seems best for hypertrophy.

Time Brads training videos, he knows what he is doing. Same with Emeric.
What I think and thus is not directed to the Poster of this thread, I think it's horse shit.
Whatever happened to keeping it simple?

Everyone is on the "Science" bandwagon to impress but in reality it's just another "guru or Expert" writing.

Do you think Dorian or Levrone etc.. followed any of this junk?

Training is all subjective to the individual himself.

Training doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever worked in the past still holds true today.

Just do what suits you best.
Agree on this, I am not a fan of the rir stuff and find it idiotic. Overall I think Mike overcomplicates training.

I just like how there is a chart where he gives specific volume reccomendations per body part. After proper forum and intensity I do think volume is important. I don't want to overtrain, or spend time in the gym for nothing, but at the same time don't want to leave growth in the table doing too few sets.

Wondering what people think in general of his reccomendations? I feel like here people are big into low volume, high intensity. The science crowd on the internet has been advocating high volume. It seems like these reccomendations are sort of in the middle.

He does list higher volume for rear and side delts which makes sense since it's harder to hit them with heavy weight.
Appreciate the post

I just really loving doing what I enjoy the most - emphasis on I - so hard to make a workout enjoyable unless its something you really like personally
Just go to the gym, train hard and do as much volume as your body is telling you to do. If you like high volume do more sets it's that simple. Most people will fall in between the same brackets if they follow that advice and if you don't cool you do more or less if you prefer. The key is effort and training hard and your body and progress will tell you the rest. Most people don't train hard enough with good form. I could get really scientific/detailed with training but there isn't any need. Most of the people who go on about this stuff all the time can't even take a set of squats/leg press to true failure and that and their diet is why they don't make progress and not because they done 8 or 18 sets. Now sure if you go extreme you may be doing too much so this is why you rotate volume and monitor progress but don't get too scientific and over complicate things too much. Some days I just go into the gym and destroy myself without any numbers in mind and as long as I eat and sleep well plus take breaks when my body tells me to I am gtg.
It really comes down to time under tension. Around 30 seconds per set, give or take, seems best for hypertrophy.

Very strongly disagree. Your sets can be 10 seconds long and build muscle. The strongest and most muscular people on the planet have the majority of their sets coming in at under 20 seconds. TUT is a component, but highly overrated. As is training to failure. I got away from both and have had nothing but positive things happen.
Meh , I think moderate volume is best . Everyone argues high or low volume , but no one mentioned the in between. Usually one main intensity technique or failure set out of 3-4 . This is what works for me. Volume is just a tool really but intensity works best. Frequency seems to work better when getting in more volume.

Warm up / set 1 - 10-12 , 2 reps short of failure/ set 2(heavier) 8 reps , not failing/ set 3 - rest / pause, a dropset, failure, etc
Very strongly disagree. Your sets can be 10 seconds long and build muscle. The strongest and most muscular people on the planet have the majority of their sets coming in at under 20 seconds. TUT is a component, but highly overrated. As is training to failure. I got away from both and have had nothing but positive things happen.

Make that under 20 seconds.
I nowadays do the same as johnjuan does, I train until I reach my maximum pump and once I get it I'm done for the day.

Some days that's 20 sets (working sets to failure), some days that's only 2 sets. I like the autoregulation, your body will let you know how much it can withstand/take on a given day.

This (now) makes more sense to me than having to do a certain number of sets without taking into account what your body is telling you. I think biofeedback is massively underrated.

I also agree with BIG NJ and Elvia: just go in and blast it as hard as possible with the volume then being decided by how I and johnjuan approach it. Don't overanalyze the whole ordeal.
What I think and thus is not directed to the Poster of this thread, I think it's horse shit.
Whatever happened to keeping it simple?

Everyone is on the "Science" bandwagon to impress but in reality it's just another "guru or Expert" writing.

Do you think Dorian or Levrone etc.. followed any of this junk?

Training is all subjective to the individual himself.

Training doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever worked in the past still holds true today.

Just do what suits you best.
I agree on the science part. Nowadays all the sudden skullcrushers don't hit the long head of triceps, lat pull downs aren't for lats no more and so on. Sure I believe the science says so but what about the gazillion of amazing physiques that have been build doing just those things that now according to science don't work..
My training partner and I are in the gym for 1.5 hours irregardless what split we're doing.
Honestly we both just love being in the gym. Our volume is ridiculous and we should probably
cut back considering our age but we seem to eat enough to recover so...
I'm a science guy by trade but when it comes to training I give everything I have at the gym.
We call it "gymdorphins". 3-4 days w/o training and we're both in withdrawal!
Ehh gotta re package the old and sell it as new.

It’s about on par with a mountain dog training week. 8-10 sets 1.5-2x per week.

The only thing I don’t agree with is the back and bicep volume. I’d have fucking golfers, tennis, soccer elbow with 15-20 sets of biceps on top of 15/20 sets of back
Very strongly disagree. Your sets can be 10 seconds long and build muscle. The strongest and most muscular people on the planet have the majority of their sets coming in at under 20 seconds. TUT is a component, but highly overrated. As is training to failure. I got away from both and have had nothing but positive things happen.

I wonder if you disagree (in part) because we've bastardized what TUT is. We picture people doing very slow sets or many, many reps. The very short stint I was into powerlifting I probably had the most TUT I've ever had in my life...but most sets were like 2-5 reps but when you are doing 10+ of them that's a lot of TUT.

All I'm saying is our minds go right to these slower or high rep sets and in every powerlifting gym I was in the volume (and hence TUT) was incredible and the work was mostly dynamic and explosive.
When you look at MI's data posted by the op (thank you) and listen to him on youtube I think that tracks well with science AND what our natural instincts are. I mean it's all ranges and if you look at it, I don't know...seems pretty spot on, simple and straightforward.

When he gets into RIR and "deeper in" it's just too much thinking for me. I train hard, but only 3-4 times a week so I hit volume in the generally area he is a proponent of and just work hard. Beyond that it's just too much thinking for the return I get on that thinking and I need most of my brain cells for work lol.
What I think and thus is not directed to the Poster of this thread, I think it's horse shit.
Whatever happened to keeping it simple?

Everyone is on the "Science" bandwagon to impress but in reality it's just another "guru or Expert" writing.

Do you think Dorian or Levrone etc.. followed any of this junk?

Training is all subjective to the individual himself.

Training doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever worked in the past still holds true today.

Just do what suits you best.

This ^^

people put shit out to be an expert, get a following, etc.
This stuff is very simple, todays 'experts' way 'over-complicate' everything to be an online expert.
Not saying Mike doesn't know his stuff, because he does. Just over-complicating everything...
I wonder if you disagree (in part) because we've bastardized what TUT is. We picture people doing very slow sets or many, many reps. The very short stint I was into powerlifting I probably had the most TUT I've ever had in my life...but most sets were like 2-5 reps but when you are doing 10+ of them that's a lot of TUT.

All I'm saying is our minds go right to these slower or high rep sets and in every powerlifting gym I was in the volume (and hence TUT) was incredible and the work was mostly dynamic and explosive.

I'll agree. The individual sets are shorter, but if there's more of them then the total at the end will end up being greater. One of my favourite set/rep schemes is 8x3.
What I think and thus is not directed to the Poster of this thread, I think it's horse shit.
Whatever happened to keeping it simple?

Everyone is on the "Science" bandwagon to impress but in reality it's just another "guru or Expert" writing.

Do you think Dorian or Levrone etc.. followed any of this junk?

Training is all subjective to the individual himself.

Training doesn't have to be complicated. Whatever worked in the past still holds true today.

Just do what suits you best.
Do you really think if they did follow "this junk" they would look any different/ I don't/ they are genetic freaks that could do any type of training and grow like a weed/ why do people keep thinking that because a pro trained a certain way that was the only correct way they could have trained

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