Spot on
And unrelated but kind of related, people keep referring to Jeff’s size and how he could have done nothing. He’s 5’5 180lbs, which is a weight a lot of the most dangerous wrestlers, BJJ guys, and MMA guys sit at. This is why I think all men should know some basic Wrestling, grappling, and striking. Not pro level, but you’d be surprised how far the basics can go
In a parallel universe Jeff could have gotten up, faked a strike to Mike as Mike moved in, and got an easy takedown
That’s how my brain works at least
Most big guys think their size will get them through a fight, and it will for a very short amount of time, and then it can work against them. Especially Mike being relatively inflexible with a fake hip and fake shoulder, pec tear, etc
Then again Mikes into boxing and worked in security
The key is being a big flexible guy who knows how to fight, size alone won’t carry you. In BJJ and MMA sparring I’ve been rolled up by dudes who are 50-75lbs lighter than me
I would have had respect for Jeff if he had tried to fight back like I said. Maybe they get separated by gym goers. Later they can shake hands and squash the beef and have mutual respect for one another. Imagine the respect Jeff would get universally. Even if he got beat by Mike again, he would have my respect if he kept going
Instead now he has everyone and the Joey Swolls defending him like a baby and victim as he goes to the hospital to get checked out, relying on outrage of “how dare he??”
Weak and pathetic IMO
I also like how any discussion of fighting or violence gets that new age spin of “tough guy talk” to shame those discussing it. This stuff is intrinsic to Males and has been practiced and discussed for thousands of years, it’s part of our DNA. No amount of shaming about “toxic masculinity” will change that. No one said that term but that thinking is where it comes from. Thinking that anyone who discusses any of these subjects is a “wannabe tough guy” and “insecure with their masculinity”
I’ve probably posted enough on this thread but it has been fun lol