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Mikebackers Transformation Log

Good googly moogly man!! Incredible.

And that's about all I have to say about that
March? As in two months ago:eek:

Great job!!!

Haha yes on March 4th I took an In-body body comp test and the result was 17.2%. This was probably a little elevated as I have in my notes being calipered around 15.5%. Either way I have come a long way. If I can find a picture from then I will post it.
Been a long time since I updated. Finally In peak week and will be on stage in 6 days. Been to busy with work and training, and honestly in to much of a mental fog, to keep current with this log.

Things are coming together right on time. I switched my diet over to all white fish to lower fats and create an even larger calorie deficiet. It's working great, metabolism slowed down though so I ate a lean steak and some peanut butter last night and spent all night sweating my ass off but ended up losing 1.5lbs over night.

Currently sitting at 208lbs. Got a small layer of fat left on me but its hard to tell simply because I'm carrying water as well. Should be interesting to see what happens when get dried out for the stage.

Doing a full body shave and exfoliate today I might try and snap some pics afterwords to show my progress.

Hope everyone else is still kicking ass in their transformation.
Another quick update and I will throw a pic in as well.

Weighed in at 206 this morning, will be heading up to meet my trainer later today for final peak week modifications and to get the run down on the days leading up to the show.

Hunger is killer, I'm hungry all the time and I seem to only get more hungry when I eat. Energy is low and head is in a fog but nothing I haven't been able to handle. Lifts have been decent, still getting a pump just takes long to recover between sets, especially since I have lowered the weight and increased the rep range to 15-20.

Here is a picture I took last night before bed. Weighed 213 in the pic so lost about 7lbs during the night, gonna keep this morning pics to myself so I still have a little "transformation" progress to show later haha.


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Aren't you the guy that had a blood clotting disorder (a couple factors) and gave up AAS use? Or am I remembering someone else? If that's an AAS free physique, you look fantastic. You look good even for AAS.

Edit: my bad, that was mikevegas. I'm sorry. Mods delete.

Not taking anything away, you look good bud!
Last edited:
I didn't read the start of the thread showing your dose and stuff. Great progress! I just saw pics at tail end and mixed you up with mikevegas!
Haha no worries bro. Yeah I'm on AAS and currently in contest prep. Not the biggest or leanest but I have pushed hard these last few weeks and have dropped well over 40lbs in about 3 months. I'm happy with the results and think I will do well this weekend.

Saw the trainer today and he is happy with my progress. Sitting at 5.1% bf and have great striations in my glutes and back. My mid-section has been a problem area as thats where I hold my fat but hopefully I can lean it out a little and it dries out well for the show.

I will try and post up another pic of my back to give a better representation of my conditioning.
Very aesthetic look to your physique which I personally favor.
I appreciate the kind words my friends.
Today starts the real depletion stage, limited water with no sodium. WIll taper my water intake down over the next few days.
Last day of training as well, gonna hit the cardio hard and get one more solid lift in.

I will throw up a back pic as well to show my conditioning, the picture was taken a little over a week ago so its even a little more freaky right now. I'm no where near the biggest guy with he most muscle but I'm getting close to my goal of being as shredded as possible. If I cant wow the judges with size then I want to wow them with conditioning and striations.

To say this has been a grind would be an understatement and I have worked my ass off to ge to where I am at. Final days of peak week and excited to step on stage and even more excited to recomp and focus on adding size to my frame.


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Good luck MB! Give em hell...back striations looking awesome!:headbang:
UMMM - would you mind maybe eating cake for the rest of the month after your contest???

Kick ass at your show - but after its over just relax - unwind - have some cake / cold beers... You deserve it man - diet schmiet :D:D:D
Appreciate it guys. Just got sprayed and headed to weigh in here in about 30 minutes. The dyazide pulled a lot of water off me last night, so much so that I'm gonna have to over drink a little before weigh ins to make heavies. I have a teeammate in the light's and the trainer wants us split up. Will have to pull double duty getting the little bit extra water off me.

Anyway I will update as I can. I appreciate all the good vibes.
Good luck Mike!
Good luck dude!
Thanks fellas. Made weigh-ins with an extra 20oz of water. Gonna pull water hard tonight. Mind games are tough right now, I feel flat and small and unworthy. Hopefully my trainers protocol gets me pumped and fueled up tomorrow.

Got a look at some of my competition tonight though and I feel mostly confident about my chances. Most of the guys are big and have a lot of muscle but aren't close to me in conditioning. Either way I am competing with myself and just excited to finally be stepping on stage. It's been a long road.

Appreciate all the positive vibes fellas I will post up results next time I get a chance.
Been awhile since I last posted. I've been enjoying the post comp life. Binged pretty hard there for two days but well worth it.

Had an amazing time competing this past weekend. I won the overall novice and won the open heavy weight. I came in pretty dialed and my legs and back looked sick. The guy who won the overall was a freak, I'm just happy I got to compete next to him in the overall.

Also proposed to my girl and she said yes, so overall it was a stellar weekend.

I'm waiting on the pictures from the comp but when I get them I will post a few up.

I feel like I have a new found freedom haha, gonna take it light the rest of the week and slowly get back into lifting. Will probably hit some light cardio tonight.

Hope everyone is still killing it in their transformation.

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