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Milk Thistle versus Liv.52

Favorite Liver Tonic

  • Milk Thistle

    Votes: 116 30.0%
  • Liv.52

    Votes: 212 54.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 59 15.2%

  • Total voters
Is anyone familiar with Legalon?

Yes, Legalon is a Milk thistle extract and next to the Carsil is the best documented agent for the treatment of toxic liver impairment.

It was a study conducted in Bulgaria with Carsil vs Legalon , in the group of chronic liver disease patients, no significant differences between both product where found. However 60% of the Carsil group last weight and the Legalon group didn`t. Probably because the Carsil has higher % of Silymarin calculated as Silybin.
Liver damage

Synthergine is great as a liver protectant too as emeric mentioned. Also I have a question for emeric as well; if someone was suffering from liver damage, is Interferon the usual course of action for Dr.'s to take? Can UDCA be supplemented?
Synthergine is by far the best. I just did re-order too along with some other products.:)
S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe)

S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe) is good as well.

I know Synthergine has Methionine in it, not sure if the form of it matters.
S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe) is good as well.

I know Synthergine has Methionine in it, not sure if the form of it matters.

I'm not exactly sure how the form of the Methionine differs dragonfire but I'll see if I can find out more.

Here are all the ingredients in Synthergine that make it the very best though:

Arginine HCL – Arginine is required for proper elimination of urea from the body. This occurs through a critical metabolic cycle which detoxifies the body of nitrogen compounds that are manufactured in the liver or by intestinal bacteria action. Subtle impairments of the liver’s function can often lead to subclinical symptoms of hyperammonemia, which is the condition of poor excretion of urea. Symptoms of hyperammonemia may include chronic fatigue, headache, irritability, occasional diarrhea or nausea, lack of concentration, mental confusion, and intolerance to various foods, particularly high-protein foods.

Sodium Glucuronate – is a nutritional substance used by the liver to bind to toxins (excess hormones, food additives, cigarette smoke, etc.) and eliminate them from the system. Of all the chemical reactions taking place in the liver cell, the elimination of toxic substances via glucuronate binding is considered the most important. Clinical studies have shown glucuronate supplementation can improve liver function considerably because it reduces stress on the liver and enhances the organ’s ability to detoxify.

Di-isopropylamine Dichloroacetate (DADA) – is a peripheral and cerebral arteriole vasodilator. DADA assists in hepatic detoxification of heavy metals, nitrites, and organophosphates. DADA provides muscular and hepatic system support in athletic animals, especially during the stress of training and hard physical work, and in the presence of high energy diets. DADA is a potent peripheral and cerebral arteriole vasodilator, and assists in the hepatic detoxification of a number of metallic and chemical metabolites including intoxication by heavy metals, nitrites and organophosphates.

Lysine HCL – one of the 8 essential amino acids. It improves immune system function and it helps tissues regenerate themselves after damage (such as liver tissue after toxin damage)

Methionine HCL – an essential, sulfur-containing amino acid. It is the source of sulfur for numerous compounds in the body, including the amino acids cysteine and taurine. The body uses sulfur to influence hair follicles and promote healthy hair, skin, and nail growth. Sulfur also increases the liver’s production of lecithin (which reduces cholesterol), reduces liver fat, protects the kidneys, helps the body to excrete heavy metals, and reduces bladder irritation by regulating the formation of ammonia in the urine. Methionine is a lipotropic – a nutrient that helps prevent fat accumulation in the liver, and usually helps detoxify metabolic wastes and toxins.
real indian market liv 52 > american fda approved liv 52

alpha lipoic, milk thistle, and other dark fruit antioxidants good combination to fight or halt cellular destruction
i have heard even saw palmetto helps your liver by which function i am unsure of.
why does liv. 52 say "US version" what do the other versions have that the US version doesn't?
Personally I think TUDCA in liverlonger shows promise... Enough that I bought it to try. I will see if I can get my liver tested but not sure if I can.
I have a half bottle synthergine liver protector about one year old. I m wondering if is safe to use it now. Can't see the expiry date anymore.

I have a half bottle synthergine liver protector about one year old. I m wondering if is safe to use it now. Can't see the expiry date anymore.

Basically untouched- it's OK.
I didn't read the entire thread but I remember a bar graph showing that the difference between Liv52 and Milk thistle in liver maintenance and removal of metabolites was pretty marginal. I think Synthergine was WAY ahead of both. But Synthergine and Milk Thistle won't interfere with each other and neither are going to wipe out your bank account so I say stack 'em.
You gotta go organic when it comes to liver supplements. Try Livaplex, or obviously straight organic liver would be the best

I have used Liv-52 and it is good, but imho Synthergine is the best liver protection out there.

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