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Mixing/Combining gear different mfg's...Help ??


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I have some sust 250 from a well known source highly rated here on Promuscle.com. I am sure the gear is good, it has however given me very large and painful lumps with every use. Not an infection, I guess my body is just not responding well to either the oil used, the ester or to the BA quantity. I did bake it at 160 for about one hour and this seemed to help but only a very little. I also have some pharmaceutical grade sust 250, different manufacturer. I was wondering if I could mix the two into one sterile vial with either a 50/50 or 60/40 mix in an effort to cut the first one down to make it more useable by my body? Or could I even use Cyp 200 for the same type of mix? Anyone have any advice on this? Would this be the same as cutting it down with say sterile grapeseed oil or is mixing the two products from two different mfg’s not advisable? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Man, look. If your body is responding to it like that, just throw it away. Just throw it away.

I got test a long time ago from a very well respected sponsor here. I talked to lots of people that used it. They had no problem. It paralyzed me. No infection, just like you, but fucking paralyzed me. The sponsor was truly puzzled and genuinely sorry. Sent me another bottle completely free of charge just to make sure it wasn't a bad batch. It wasn't. I just responded badly to that for some reason. Got another bottle from another sponsor that was dosed higher...Painless.

Anyways, just can it. Gear isn't that expensive. Find something that is painless for you. You'll be so much happier.
seriously if it hurting and leaving lumps as bad as you say i would toss it and just use the other gear you have.

or you can try cutting it with grapseed oil but i wouldnt combine them bc if you do and if you still get the same reaction then u have to toss it all.
Man, look. If your body is responding to it like that, just throw it away. Just throw it away.

I got test a long time ago from a very well respected sponsor here. I talked to lots of people that used it. They had no problem. It paralyzed me. No infection, just like you, but fucking paralyzed me. The sponsor was truly puzzled and genuinely sorry. Sent me another bottle completely free of charge just to make sure it wasn't a bad batch. It wasn't. I just responded badly to that for some reason. Got another bottle from another sponsor that was dosed higher...Painless.

Anyways, just can it. Gear isn't that expensive. Find something that is painless for you. You'll be so much happier.

That is sage advice, I purchased some product from a well known sponsor as well, same problems as you with the pain. Tried cutting it with grapeseed oil-no help whatsoever. Tossed it and went with a different sponsor and now no pain!!
That is sage advice, I purchased some product from a well known sponsor as well, same problems as you with the pain. Tried cutting it with grapeseed oil-no help whatsoever. Tossed it and went with a different sponsor and now no pain!!

That is good advice and believe me I have considered dumping it (30 ml’s…ouch), however, the same product was split with a friend who has not had any issue with it at all. Considering the reputation of the supplier and the fact that my friend has not had any issues with same product, I have been reluctant to send it to the crapper. This is why I am thinking it’s just the way my body is responding to the product for what ever reason there may be.
I'm gonna give you the same advice. I had some stuff from a board sponsor a year ago that caused me incredible pain, even when mixed with other products. I suffered through it anyway and eventually ended up with a nasty case of cellulitis. There is a thread with pics here somewhere. Dump the shit and get better stuff.
I can do prop all day but my friend did same batch was out for a week leg swelled up to all hell
That is good advice and believe me I have considered dumping it (30 ml’s…ouch), however, the same product was split with a friend who has not had any issue with it at all. Considering the reputation of the supplier and the fact that my friend has not had any issues with same product, I have been reluctant to send it to the crapper. This is why I am thinking it’s just the way my body is responding to the product for what ever reason there may be.

Doesn't matter, dude. I can't give you a scientific explanation, but that just doesn't matter one bit. You'll find more and more as you play around with substances of all kind, everyone's body is oddly different even though we are all so similar.

You don't have a choice, anyways. You have to throw it away. What are you going to do, walk around with softball-sized lumps for the next few months? How will you train? What's the point of supplements if you can't even train? 30 ML yeah it sucks, whatever. Can it.

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