Okay I know everybody is going to ask this first so I will get some of this out of the way. I am 6'2'' 196lbs. I have lifted for 6 years now. My diet is not the greatest, but is good enough. I maintain my weight at all times. I do not drink soda, i rarely eat out at restaurants, and i rarely if ever consume candy. I have been taking D-Bol at 40mgs/day for about 2 weeks now and ordered some Stanabol to take along with it, problem is the order some how got mixed up and I received Decabol 250. Not that I'm complaining, but the problem is I do not have anything to take with it as I am running out of D-Bol in roughly 2 weeks. Does anybody have any suggestions? If you have any more questions i will gladly answer them. Thanks All.