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MMA vs. Bodybuilding???


New member
Jul 5, 2010
bodybuilding/mma are my two obsessions and i want to learn all i can about them. can anyone tell me how an athlete training in mma/bjj/muay thai should weight train in comparison to a bodybuilder? :confused:
2 different sports. I would assume that you wouldn't want to build too much muscle mass for fighting because of the lactic acid build up. End up gassing out early during the fight. Some of the best fighters in the world are lean and lanky.
In MMA, you basically need to fight in the lowest weight class you physically can. For e.g. If you can make 185Lbs without cutting a leg off, you need to, or you might end up fighting a guy who is 3 inches taller than you, with a massive reach advantage. Alternatively, you definitely don't want to fight in the heavy weight class at say 210lbs, and end up fighting a guy like Brock at 265.

If it were me, I'd be strength training, trying to build very dense muscle. There is always going to be that trade off between size and endurance, no matter what.

In my honest opinion, bodybuilding and MMA have very little in common, save for hard work and pain.

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In MMA, you basically need to fight in the lowest weight class you physically can. For e.g. If you can make 185Lbs without cutting a leg off, you need to, or you might end up fighting a guy who is 3 inches taller than you, with a massive reach advantage. Alternatively, you definitely don't want to fight in the heavy weight class at say 210lbs, and end up fighting a guy like Brock at 265.

If it were me, I'd be strength training, trying to build very dense muscle. There is always going to be that trade off between size and endurance, no matter what.

In my honest opinion, bodybuilding and MMA have very little in common, save for hard work and pain.


This is a great explanation. Too much bulk in a fight is going to work against you (most of the time). Most of the fighters I know (not that I know very many) utilize explosive strength and power type movements in their training rather than trying to build tons of mass.
Very good responses so far.

Lots of guys i train with don't even lift weights and if the do it is circuit training.

And some go through phases, train for 8 weeks with weights, the 5-3-1 program.
Then train strictly endurance for 4 weeks.

Keep in mind all the while they are still training there striking bjj, and wrestling.

You can't be a top level BB, and a top level MMA fighter.

But you can do both as a hobby like me.
Thanks all for the responses! I didnt think i would get so much helpful info right away :D

hey gordo, ur the kinda guy i aimed this @. I wanted to talk to someone who trains in mma/bb. Anyone else who trains in both please add in ur .02 but wut do u do specifically for training? Do u lift like bb and use mma as cardio? Anymore info will help a lot. Thanks again all!
i believe big dave smith on here does mma/bjj training as well as bodybuilding. maybe he will chime in on this topic.
This is a great explanation. Too much bulk in a fight is going to work against you (most of the time). Most of the fighters I know (not that I know very many) utilize explosive strength and power type movements in their training rather than trying to build tons of mass.

Yup agreed.

If you need examples of larger fighters gassing due to having too much mass and no gas - see Don Frye, Ken Shamrock when he fought Fujita, Mark Coleman when he fought Pete Williams , Marr Kerr when he fought Igor Vov, James Thompson, etc.

Thats not to say all super muscular guys dont have cardio, but even Carwin gassed in the second round to Brock. The more muscle you carry, the faster you are going to gas in a 3 round fight.

For MMA, you want to be lean, strong, and have excellent cardio.

See Randy Couture, or GSP.
i think the single biggest difference between BB, and MMA is the fact that MMA is a sport.....BB is not...i dont care what anybody says, BB is not a sport..

if it were a sport there would be clear winners....there would be no apples to oranges comparisons.....BB is based on personal preference judging...

BB= adult pagents...if you call BB a sport, then Ms america is a sport...

.....and this is coming from someone who competed on a NPC level for a while...
wouldnt the MMA cut into your gains by messing with recovery? and im also thinking it is just asking for an injury that will keep you out of the gym for a while.
For MMA I prob wouldn't do anything more than something along the lines of this link with regards to physical fitness training:

YouTube - Insane feats of strength

Dude is still pretty ripped for only using bodyweight and I bet his endurance is way better than some of the huge bros out there!
Thanks all for the responses! I didnt think i would get so much helpful info right away :D

hey gordo, ur the kinda guy i aimed this @. I wanted to talk to someone who trains in mma/bb. Anyone else who trains in both please add in ur .02 but wut do u do specifically for training? Do u lift like bb and use mma as cardio? Anymore info will help a lot. Thanks again all!

Woah, I remember you from 'ology.. Years ago.
I use my mma as cardio, but i train DC style. And i do gas out easier than when i wasn't lifting at all. I am 315 pounds right now though. When i quit training like a body builder i dropped down to about 270ish. And then i was only doing circuits with weights. Like the couture circuit. And would lift dc style once a week.

Doing both definitely can hinder your recovery, this is where supplementation and diet play a very important role.

When i quit lifting real heavy i gained speed, and more flexability, as well as better cardio. Big muscles look nice, but you don't have to be overly muscled to be strong.
i believe a heavy muscular person has perfect abilty to become a great mma fighter, its just a matter of keeping up with the flexibility, lesnar has to cut to get to 260, musclaualr? hes a beast and a great fighter, no disadvantage for being heavely muscled, its just harder to be as flexible with it, you wont see them typically do a leg traingular choke from a bottom position
I workout and train mma. I still lift pretty much the same way as I did before I started it. I have a always had a get it done as fast as possible using about 3-4 excercises per muscle group. I found that the MMA hindered my recovery and that being sore from working out hindered my MMA training. I now weight train and MMA train on the same days and this has solved both those problems for me as before I was either lifting weight or training mma every single day of the week with no rest so now I recover better and the muscle soreness is the worst the day after lifting which is a recovery day for me now.
Its easier to beat up a bodybuilder then an MMA guy lol
Pudz is probably the closest guy who is a bodybuilder ish type build doing MMA. Based on his fight against Timmy, I would say that his muscles are definitly adversly affecting his cardio.
Actually Bobby Lashley has a bodybuilders physique and he's doing fairly well in MMA.


And Brock Lesnar has proved that u can be big, fast, and have good cardio. Gotta find what works for you. Opinions are gonna vary as far as from doing no weights at all and just using bodyweight excercises to high rep workouts to pl style low reps. GSP does an olympic lifter type workout. Just gotta find what works for you, what you can do and still keep your strength, speed, flexibility, is all gonna vary from person to person. I know the weight lifting me could kick the non weight lifting me's ass so i will never drop it all together tho I do vary my routine frequently.
completely different training goals and mindsets

too many ppl are mma fanboys these days. its cool to see an interest but some need to understand the level of competition and what it takes

think about what you're doing and if you enjoy it. do what you enjoy most

there are plenty of fighters that are big and lean, and there are plenty of really big/lean guys that can also fight.. just not as well

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