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more on brom & Dostinex


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Dec 28, 2002
Good info


Dostinex has found considerable international attention in April 2002 after a research report had been published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, which concluded that it can enable healthy young men to experience multiple orgasms.
The pro-sexual effect of cabergoline is slightly different from the pro-sexual effect of bromocriptine. Specifically, cabergoline seems to add a strong component of patience to lovemaking. While I experience higher peaks of desire on bromocriptine, cabergoline causes me to be able to go on and on with lovemaking for up to an hour.
Both bromocriptine and cabergoline add self-control to sexual function. This may seem contradictory for a libido-enhancing agent, but it is nevertheless the case. On any dopaminergic medication, I feel a much stronger certainty of orgasm, and I do so much earlier, than when sober. On cabergoline, more so than on bromocriptine, this strongly felt certainty of orgasm provokes me to just postpone and postpone my climax, without experiencing a loss of interest.
All dopaminergic medications have, on me, the effect of enhancing ejaculatory power, and in this respect, cabergoline beats its peers. Even as a 50-year-old, when on cabergoline, I am capable to produce movie-quality voluminous one-meter shots. Bromocriptine is not as strong in this respect.
cabergoline. The pharmaceutical use of cabergoline is widely covered by patents held by Pharmacia & Upjohn, a worldwide company with strong Italian and US components. As they are sole patent holder, Pharmacia & Upjohn can decide, in most countries of the world, rather arbitrarily at what prices cabergoline is sold. There are few exceptions. India is one. India does not recognize patents for pharmaceutical substances, so that, in theory, any Indian pharmaceutical company could start manufacturing cabergoline tablets, and sell them at least in India. Of course, supply would trickle through to other countries, as does the supply of sildenafil citrate (the active ingredient of Viagra).
Alas, I am not aware yet of any Indian cabergoline supplier, and Indian cabergoline supply is not the topic of this article.
The much cheaper cabergoline is supplied by Pharmacia & Upjohn themselves.
Pharmacia & Upjohn decides for specific marketing strategies based on a rather complex set of considerations. Obviously, they want to make as much money as possible. Nothing wrong with that, in principle. (Though I, for myself, prefer to buy for as low a price as possible.)
There are competing products for the same conditions (prolactinoma, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome), such as bromocriptine, for which patents have expired, and which, for this reason, are produced by a number of pharmaceutical companies. That keeps prices down.
There are also government regulations to comply with, and they vary from country to country. In some countries, prices have to be officially approved if Pharmacia & Upjohn want cabergoline prescriptions covered by insurance.
Furthermore, a drug has to be approved for certain conditions separately in each country where it is marketed. In some countries, it’s easy; in others, it’s tedious.
All of this adds up to sometimes stark differences in the price of specific drugs.
Cabergoline is one of them.
First of all, cabergoline’s label indications are rather limited in the US. As by FDA approval, the drug is indicated in the treatment of prolactinomas (pituitary cancers that express themselves in increased prolactin levels).
However, in Europe where Pharmacia & Upjohn sell cabergoline under the brand names Cabaser (UK, Switzerland, and others) or Cabaseril (Germany), the approved use is not just in prolactinomas but also in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. That makes a huge marketing difference.
The cabergoline dosages needed for the treatment in prolactinomas are rather small: 0.5 to 2 mg per week. The dosages needed to treat Parkinson’s disease are typically much higher, which is why cabergoline is always cheaper in countries where it is officially approved for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
So, while in the US, Pharmacia & Upjohn sell cabergoline under the brand name Dostinex (sold for the treatment of prolactinomas) in tablets of just 0.5 mg, they market Cabaser and Cabaseril (for the treatment of prolactinomas and Parkinson’s disease) in tablets of 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, and 4 mg.
For cabergoline as Parkinson’s disease medication, Pharmacia & Upjohn could impossibly charge 27.25 US dollars per 0.5 mg. Treatment at such tablet prices would cost a Parkinson’s patient, or his insurance company, tens of thousands of dollars per year. That’s unrealistic. So Pharmacia & Upjohn sell the drugs at much lower prices wherever it is approved for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. 16 times cheaper in most of Europe, and up to 34 times cheaper in some countries, such as Switzerland. If one buys the 4 mg tablets, not the 0.5 mg ones.
It is not uncommon that different-strength tablets of medications are sold at practically the same price. Pfizer’s Viagra, for example, costs almost the same for the 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets. Which is why those who have to pay themselves for their Viagra (as opposed to those for whom insurance shoulders the bill) buy the 100 mg version and just split it with any ordinary scissors.
For cabergoline, too, this is the right approach.
As mentioned above, the lowest price for cabergoline is charged in Europe’s richest country: Switzerland. In Switzerland, the government-approved price for 16 tablets of Cabaser at a strength of 4 mg is 151.80 Swiss Franks, which converts to about 100 US dollars.
That’s 64 mg of cabergoline for about 100 US dollars, less than 80 US cents per 0.5 mg.
In the US it’s 218 US per 0.5 mg.
The US price is 34 times higher… for exactly the same cabergoline, produced by exactly the same pharmaceutical company, Pharmacia & Upjohn.
I wonder whether pharmaceutical companies chose to sell the same medication under different names in different countries so that the price difference doesn’t become too obvious to the average patient and consumer?
There are some 100 Swiss pharmacies online.
Finally, cabergoline is also sold as veterinary medicine. The brand is Galastop, by Boehringer Ingelheim. I haven't seen a price tag
anyone using for PCT?

Besides the sexual advantges :D .. anyone using for PCT with an anti E...
I'm starting it tomorrow at .5mgs every 4 days got 1mg tabs.. I used it once b 4 buut not 4 the PCT :rolleyes: worked good but felt sick for a couple days, could have just been coincidence... anyone else have experience with Dostinex/Cabaser not Bromo....Bromo has more sides...
Good post

Thanks for the info.. I got to try some of that. :D

cryptasm said:
Besides the sexual advantges :D .. anyone using for PCT with an anti E...
I'm starting it tomorrow at .5mgs every 4 days got 1mg tabs.. I used it once b 4 buut not 4 the PCT :rolleyes: worked good but felt sick for a couple days, could have just been coincidence... anyone else have experience with Dostinex/Cabaser not Bromo....Bromo has more sides...
How did that work out for your libido? A large increase or no?
Worked good, specially with some cialis... More sex drive, went on vaca w wife and fucked like rabbits for a week....
I'm back on again starting yesterday .5mg every few days, I'll keep ya posted..
Another good one but very hard to get is Apomorphine, its got nuthin to do with Heroin or morphine so take it easy and keep reading.....Its a sublingual tab that u take like 30 mins before sex, shit gives you a wicked hard on, and raises dopamine levels pretty quick.. Sex drive isn't all testoterone related Neurotransmitters are very important...Dopamine being the most...
I'm no expert on this so do your own reserch.... the guy that I was learning alot of stuff from regarding these options is currently a "ward of the state" and I no longer have his input...
Just like alot of people liked GHB for sex..raised seratonin and dopamine...(stay with me I'm not talking about recreational drugs)

There is a book called "Better Sex Through Chemistry" published by Smart Publications its a little out of date but a good read as far as this subject goes
Dr. Ward Dean is a life extension reasercher and is into alot of things we as body builders are intersested in... He co wrote the book.. Its worth the $15.00 for anyone who has sex :D

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