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More successful with women on tren

basically, women don't want a man who will worship her... or even go very far out of his way for her sake.

this communicates scarcity - that she is all that he has, she is the best that he can do.

women want a man that other women want. this communicates that he has considerable value.

a slow drip turns into a steady stream... which surges into a roaring cascade.
this is of course, one of the many reasons why marriage is such a bad idea for men.

you are, in effect sealing yourself off from ALL OTHER OPTIONS.

you kill any sense of dread or concern in her that you will leave her for another woman... because the government with bludgeon you for every last dime that it can.

picture yourself on a beach with your girlfriend.. you are shredded and tan, and your girlfriend looks 'ok'... you clearly outrank her in the sexual marketplace.. but she is pleasant, and attractive enough, so you are content with her.

she recognizes that you are above her in the sexual market place, and sees other women whom she perceives to be more attractive than her checking you out..

she will cling to you like a barnacle to the hull of a cargo ship.

now picture the same circumstances... but your girlfriend is now your wife.

she isn't concerned about other women checking you out, because she knows that all she needs to do to keep you in line is remind you of how large the alimony checks that you will be writing her twice a month will be.
I think it's more then just additional confidence with tren.

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Fucking Little Slice getting deep. Preach.... :D
men would have so much more success with women if they knew how to deal with them..

it's funny, in kinda a cynical way..

no tren needed.

so many men are so clueless.
Your so correct

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All jokes aside little slice hit it right on the nail...I tell you from my own experience....women don't like assholes but they love a badboys...

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
well first of all, men should stop pedestalizing women, and acknowledge them for what they are: simply the counterparts of men.

I used to use tinder, bumble, and other dating platforms, and SO many women talked about being treated like 'queens' and 'princesses'...'like they deserve'.

have you ever heard a man talk about expecting to be treated 'like a king' by women? it would sound very strange.

it was then that I realized that the women had essentially been conditioned to behave this way by men..

men, especially these days it would seem, are SO THIRSTY, that they will just about do anything for a whiff of pussy. this thirstiness is precisely the fuel that powers a woman's sense of what she 'deserves'.

and this perhaps answers why OP is 'more successful' with women while on tren.

I have found that tren (and other strong androgens) put me in a state of general apathy about others.

so, in addition to looking great, tren likely caused OP to not appear as a desperate, thirsty loser to the woman with whom he was speaking.

I wouldn't say that women are attracted to assholes, per se. BUT the mere fact that a man would playfully tease and taunt a woman instead of simpering on his knees for her affection would indicate to her that he is not concerned with gaining her approval.

and since he doesn't care about her approval, he must have access to better options, right?. in her mind, this means that he is above her in the sexual market place... therefore, she responds positively to him, because she is the one who is gaining via their association.

he appears 'confident' that he can do (and perhaps frequently does) better than her, so her hypergamy will draw her to him.

many men live life on their knees trying to win the love of a woman.. this causes many things to be backwards.

for example:

-men want sex

-women want commitment (and sex, obvi)

many men (at least the ones I know) are completely content with themselves and their lives. they have hobbies, careers, and they get sex regularly - from one woman, or from multiple different women.

women can play the game of promiscuity while they are young.. but ive noticed that my older female friends have NO HOBBIES... outside of wine and Netflix. they have spent so much of their time trying to gain the approval of very attractive men, that they never took time to develop themselves. they are, as south park would say, 'about as interesting as a wet carrot.'

and yet, it's men who are expected to pay thousands of dollars for an engagement ring, and fork out tens of thousands of dollars (and hundreds in the seemingly inevitable divorce) to GIVE a woman MORE commitment...

he's already getting all the sex he wants from her, so he's getting what he wants already... and yet, he gives up his bargaining chip for no additional benefits (and an enormous amount of risk to boot).

IMO, if things were not upside down, it would be the women who should be proposing marriage to men, because they are the ones who generally stand to benefit from it.

men are all too quick to sacrifice themselves for women... but they cannot be blamed, because it's how we men are biologically wired.

the continuation of the species requires that women are protected. women are biologically more valuable than men are.

but that doesn't mean that we have to set ourselves on fire to keep them warm.. as so many men seem prepared to do.

Well thought out as always! This is why I generally enjoy your posts.

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I had a little interesting experience the other day. I met this 9/10 at the gym the a few weeks ago and asked her out over social media. On the date the other night I feel like I didn't get the same reaction out of her. I just didn't feel myself....Been off gear for about a month now cruising and despite being on 200mg test my sex drive is a bit down and Im a bit more mellow. I find that when my sex drive is low, my game isn't nearly as good with women as when its through the roof and Im a total dog wanting to fuck every hot chick that walks.

While I find that Im a total dick to be aroud on tren, women are just drawn to me like a magnet when Im on it. Im trying to tell myself its just a coincidence or maybe its just that my face gets leaner on it, but I Cant help but feel like its something else. I know there are a lot of guys here that run tren and Im curious if you have noticed this as well. Tell me Im not crazy haha :banghead:

Pics or it didn’t happen bra :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well first of all, men should stop pedestalizing women, and acknowledge them for what they are: simply the counterparts of men.

I used to use tinder, bumble, and other dating platforms, and SO many women talked about being treated like 'queens' and 'princesses'...'like they deserve'.

have you ever heard a man talk about expecting to be treated 'like a king' by women? it would sound very strange.

it was then that I realized that the women had essentially been conditioned to behave this way by men..

men, especially these days it would seem, are SO THIRSTY, that they will just about do anything for a whiff of pussy. this thirstiness is precisely the fuel that powers a woman's sense of what she 'deserves'.

and this perhaps answers why OP is 'more successful' with women while on tren.

I have found that tren (and other strong androgens) put me in a state of general apathy about others.

so, in addition to looking great, tren likely caused OP to not appear as a desperate, thirsty loser to the woman with whom he was speaking.

I wouldn't say that women are attracted to assholes, per se. BUT the mere fact that a man would playfully tease and taunt a woman instead of simpering on his knees for her affection would indicate to her that he is not concerned with gaining her approval.

and since he doesn't care about her approval, he must have access to better options, right?. in her mind, this means that he is above her in the sexual market place... therefore, she responds positively to him, because she is the one who is gaining via their association.

he appears 'confident' that he can do (and perhaps frequently does) better than her, so her hypergamy will draw her to him.

many men live life on their knees trying to win the love of a woman.. this causes many things to be backwards.

for example:

-men want sex
-women want commitment (and sex, obvi)

many men (at least the ones I know) are completely content with themselves and their lives. they have hobbies, careers, and they get sex regularly - from one woman, or from multiple different women.

women can play the game of promiscuity while they are young.. but ive noticed that my older female friends have NO HOBBIES... outside of wine and Netflix. they have spent so much of their time trying to gain the approval of very attractive men, that they never took time to develop themselves. they are, as south park would say, 'about as interesting as a wet carrot.'

and yet, it's men who are expected to pay thousands of dollars for an engagement ring, and fork out tens of thousands of dollars (and hundreds in the seemingly inevitable divorce) to GIVE a woman MORE commitment...

he's already getting all the sex he wants from her, so he's getting what he wants already... and yet, he gives up his bargaining chip for no additional benefits (and an enormous amount of risk to boot).

IMO, if things were not upside down, it would be the women who should be proposing marriage to men, because they are the ones who generally stand to benefit from it.

men are all too quick to sacrifice themselves for women... but they cannot be blamed, because it's how we men are biologically wired.

the continuation of the species requires that women are protected. women are biologically more valuable than men are.

but that doesn't mean that we have to set ourselves on fire to keep them warm.. as so many men seem prepared to do.

This is 100% true.
basically, women don't want a man who will worship her... or even go very far out of his way for her sake.

this communicates scarcity - that she is all that he has, she is the best that he can do.

women want a man that other women want. this communicates that he has considerable value.

a slow drip turns into a steady stream... which surges into a roaring cascade.

IMO any woman that is worth having a relationship with is not like that. When I ran into a girl like that I wouldn't even pursue sex with her. Girls like that are a big turn off to me. There are women out there that aren't like that. I married one.
IMO any woman that is worth having a relationship with is not like that. When I ran into a girl like that I wouldn't even pursue sex with her. Girls like that are a big turn off to me. There are women out there that aren't like that. I married one.

there are certainly outliers.. it is by no means an exact science..

but it is what they are biologically inclined to do.

a woman's biological purpose is to reproduce, and in so doing, she must select what she perceives to be the best genes for her offspring.

it stands to reason that a man who is capable of attracting many women must be a desirable mate. he must have excellent genes.. or else how would he be attracting so many women?

it's not shallowness, pride, ego, jealousy or any flaw in the individual that drives this behavior.. it's simple animal magnetism.

but yes, we can deny our human impulses. However, to do such a thing seems to be becoming ever more rare in this culture of constantly pursuing the next dopamine rush.

a woman would rather share an alpha, than have a beta all to herself.
there are certainly outliers.. it is by no means an exact science..

but it is what they are biologically inclined to do.

a woman's biological purpose is to reproduce, and in so doing, she must select what she perceives to be the best genes for her offspring.

it stands to reason that a man who is capable of attracting many women must be a desirable mate. he must have excellent genes.. or else how would he be attracting so many women?

it's not shallowness, pride, ego, jealousy or any flaw in the individual that drives this behavior.. it's simple animal magnetism.

but yes, we can deny our human impulses. However, to do such a thing seems to be becoming ever more rare in this culture of constantly pursuing the next dopamine rush.

a woman would rather share an alpha, than have a beta all to herself.

That might apply to your average intelligence woman I suppose, but most of the girls I was interested in during college wanted a guy that is intelligent and ambitious. I think smarts comes first in girls like that, and then how attractive the guy is. Good looking smart college guys definitely do better but an attractive townie blue collar guy wont get much attention at all unless he is smart and has communication skills. It isn't all how big your muscles are/how attractive. Low intelligence woman might be that way, or really young and just fooling around type.
That might apply to your average intelligence woman I suppose, but most of the girls I was interested in during college wanted a guy that is intelligent and ambitious. I think smarts comes first in girls like that, and then how attractive the guy is. Good looking smart college guys definitely do better but an attractive townie blue collar guy wont get much attention at all unless he is smart and has communication skills. It isn't all how big your muscles are/how attractive. Low intelligence woman might be that way, or really young and just fooling around type.

perhaps.. but in my experience, when a girl says that she 'prefers a guy with ambition and a really good personality', she is picturing an Adonis who happens to be friendly, and who happens to have a reasonable amount of intelligence.

modern society has your typical beta male software engineer now being a better provider than your standard alpha male college jock.

this development has strengthened the woman's dualistic mating strategy - the alpha for reproduction, the beta for resources and provision.

this is, of course, backed by the jack boot of the government via child support and alimony.
and of course, Maldorf, you are right.

this is a very deep and dense subject that has a TON of variables.

i know many woman who suffered and still suffer from a great deal of insecurity.

they married fat, soft, dumpy manchildren.

several of these girls had very unstable childhoods.. so to finally have something that they considered to be a 'sure thing' (someone who would never leave them)... even if it meant a man with larger breasts that they have, was a very attractive idea.
perhaps.. but in my experience, when a girl says that she 'prefers a guy with ambition and a really good personality', she is picturing an Adonis who happens to be friendly, and who happens to have a reasonable amount of intelligence.

modern society has your typical beta male software engineer now being a better provider than your standard alpha male college jock.

this development has strengthened the woman's dualistic mating strategy - the alpha for reproduction, the beta for resources and provision.

this is, of course, backed by the jack boot of the government via child support and alimony.

Sounds like " A Brave New World"!

Of course it is all about balance, a bit of smarts and good looks. Too far on either side of the spectrum then there is little interest. I know I was that way with women. If I dated a girl that wasn't too bright I would usually put and end to dating because I wasn't really attracted to her even if she was really great looking. Now if I got drunk or was partying then I might have sex but I felt bad about it the next day. That's just me.

My first wife cheated on me and we divorced after that, I knew that there was no way I could ever trust her again. The guy she cheated on me with was just average build and not attractive at all. I was a lot easier on the eyes than him and much more athletic. He was an idiot too and had a shit job, lived in a really crappy apartment. She was attracted to him though because he treated her like a queen and told her so often how great looking she was, etc. He swept her off her feet. So in that case it definitely wasn't smarts or ambition/money that attracted her. He wasn't even attractive or muscular. Nothing.
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Sounds like " A Brave New World"!

Of course it is all about balance, a bit of smarts and good looks. Too far on either side of the spectrum then there is little interest. I know I was that way with women. If I dated a girl that wasn't too bright I would usually put and end to dating because I wasn't really attracted to her even if she was really great looking. Now if I got drunk or was partying then I might have sex but I felt bad about it the next day. That's just me.

My first wife cheated on me and we divorced after that, I knew that there was no way I could ever trust her again. The guy she cheated on me with was just average build and not attractive at all. I was a lot easier on the eyes than him and much more athletic. He was an idiot too and had a shit job, lived in a really crappy apartment. She was attracted to him though because he treated her like a queen and told her so often how great looking she was, etc. He swept her off her feet. So in that case it definitely wasn't smarts or ambition/money that attracted her. He wasn't even attractive or muscular. Nothing.

i think it's safe to say that someone like your ex wife would be quickly edited out of the gene pool lol..

that behavior is not evolutionarily sustainable.
Sounds like " A Brave New World"!

Of course it is all about balance, a bit of smarts and good looks. Too far on either side of the spectrum then there is little interest. I know I was that way with women. If I dated a girl that wasn't too bright I would usually put and end to dating because I wasn't really attracted to her even if she was really great looking. Now if I got drunk or was partying then I might have sex but I felt bad about it the next day. That's just me.

My first wife cheated on me and we divorced after that, I knew that there was no way I could ever trust her again. The guy she cheated on me with was just average build and not attractive at all. I was a lot easier on the eyes than him and much more athletic. He was an idiot too and had a shit job, lived in a really crappy apartment. She was attracted to him though because he treated her like a queen and told her so often how great looking she was, etc. He swept her off her feet. So in that case it definitely wasn't smarts or ambition/money that attracted her. He wasn't even attractive or muscular. Nothing.

I do not envy you. I think, in any case, it was inevitable. Apparently from the very beginning of her feelings cooled down.
Hormones have such a huge impact on things like libido, daily feelings, and thoughts. You unconsciously choreograph almost all of that shit during your romantic/sexual interactions. Everything that occurs between a man and a woman attracted to eachother is so subconscious, inovluntary, and subtle. Given that tren can so profoundly affect conscious behaviours, of course it could affect subconscious behaviours in a way that results in one having more success with women. Or it could do the exact opposite. Or it could do nothing.

But anyone who says "all placebo" is clearly mistaken; this stuff *can* have an impact. Will it always or in any specific direction? Less predictable. Just like side effects from AAS vary immensely across individuals, I'm sure changes in unconscious behavioural cues associated with courtship could have a huge degree of variance.
Same here....No Fat Chicks.

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No fat chicks here either....but a little "thick" isn't too bad. Best BJ I ever had was from a thick chick!! She was super cute, and tall enough (about 5'9" or 5'10") that she carried her 180lbs pretty well...lol. Big tits too! She probably got 30 of those lbs from her boobs!!

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