Strunk said:I believe you'll start seeing people start to sit out of the O and concentrate on the Arnold. There was rumor about a new organization being anounced at the O this year, but maybe things are still in the works if it is true. Chris Comier will have to decide on what he wants to do in life...Partying or competiting. Obviously the two aren't working too well together. He'll now have to qualify for the O for next year if he decided to do it.
Hiramabiff said:Chris addressed the partying issues a million times; Its all in the past. The reason why Chris place so low and will continue to place low is , he bought the same old physique, no improvements in size or conditioning. He gotthe placing he deserved.
i should of thrown a "?" at the end,oh well. i see Federov placing is off the chart, with all the hype and fans he generates you would think the IFBB would have at least had him make the top 10, guess they wasnt thinking on this 1 or just didnt give a sh*tbigbaldbulldog said:Your title gives the appearence that YOU have the placings..
xcelbeyond said:There was all this talk about how the change in scoring criteria would help him and hurt the growth gut guys. Nothing seems to have changed.
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