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Mr. O on ppv...


New member
Aug 19, 2002
just saw the ad on the satellite. Yep, its a go!

Now, we'll see what ole Ben and Joe do with the amount of $$ they should make from it. I'd say the payday for the pros should be upped alot.

Just in my area alone I know 15-20 guys who are going to purchase it.
that goodness for T.V descramblers:D

Ben and Joe are going to fatten their bank accounts.
OK, so they have done more for BBing than anyone
in bringing it to public acceptance (if its there yet).
But still, those who place 11th and lower get zilch! nada!
The guy who cleans the bathroom at the show gets more then the 11th best bodybuilder in the world at the Olympia.
Something is really wrong with that. They obviously dont care
about the welfare of the athlete. That wont change much-if at all.

Can you imagine what the 11th best baseball player in the world gets in comparison? :confused:

I used to think Shawn Ray was a prettyboy faggot. Be he came up with the idea of a charity fund to create money for those who placed 11th and lower, so they would receive some winnings for a preperation and showing that is so taxing physically, it can literally threaten your life. Ol' Ben and Joe rejected the idea completely-although the fund had been set up already and had a huge amount of contributions in it. Does that sound like people who care?
Let Shawn Ray run the damn IFBB-he has alot of great ideas and has become a great spokesperson for the sport and its participants.
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Thinking the same thing

a long time ago when Shawn came up with all these ideas. Get some of these pros minds together and I bet this sport can go places. There are alot of people with alot of ideas for this sport.
yep that was a good one on shawns part i used to think he was a cry baby till i really understood what he was saying with the o on ppv the money should go up but im sure it wont just joes bank will have to make a new room just for him lol
just get some buddies together and everyone chip in a few bucks--and tape it make some cash off of that as well
Hey! maybe the pros could go n strike!!
Who knows what will happen with all the extra money. One thing for sure Joe and Ben are scared of competition. I guess like all other CEOs now days they are gona rip off the company and pull back employee raises so to speak. Ben will probably buy more art work while his assest goes to turn tricks for food. Sucks .MM
Yup I think what Shawn did was quite selfless and commendable.
He always is top 5, so he doesnt need it-he gets good prize $.
Its was just an act of doing what is good for the sport and its competitors-more than you can say for Ben and Joe.

As for competition-remember when Vince Mcmahon started the WBF? All the guys who defected over there from the IFBB?
Well when it folded in failure-every one of those guys who were just trying to make a better life for themself were fined a significant amount to return crawling back to the IFBB-I think it was $10000. With the money that Ben and Joe pay, who the hell has $10k extra laying around? Greddy, power-mad bastards. :mad:
well, ill try not to get on too big a rant here about the weiders. they are ....well...scum. look at the finacilas of weider enterprise. well over 200 million. then look at the ifbb . again , large money. they paid dana carvey 60,000 to do a stand up gig at one of the olympias. yes, 60,000. now divide that up amongst the athletes. but, that was never even a consideration. then fine the guys who left to go to mcmahons organization. fine them??? for what??? making a smart biz decision?? weider needs to go back to having gay mags and leave the bodybuilding for someone who gives a damn about it. the big problem is that the bodybuilders will never rise up and do something about it. there is no organization amongst the athletes. too bad. :confused:
I agree with everything said and people wonder why these athletes jeopardize their health and wellbeing , because they know if they dont place they dont get jack , after I watched the E true Hollywood story on Dave Draper I saw just how low Weider was and how he screwed Draper and countless others
LATS said:
well, ill try not to get on too big a rant here about the weiders. they are ....well...scum. look at the finacilas of weider enterprise. well over 200 million. then look at the ifbb . again , large money. they paid dana carvey 60,000 to do a stand up gig at one of the olympias. yes, 60,000. now divide that up amongst the athletes. but, that was never even a consideration. then fine the guys who left to go to mcmahons organization. fine them??? for what??? making a smart biz decision?? weider needs to go back to having gay mags and leave the bodybuilding for someone who gives a damn about it. the big problem is that the bodybuilders will never rise up and do something about it. there is no organization amongst the athletes. too bad. :confused:

Hey LATS-what happend to not going on a rant? That idea got lost somewhere along the way I guess....LOL!!!!!:D

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