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New member
May 31, 2012
So ive gave it a try twice an have had great results....question is has anyone had any negative just seems too good to b true....reason im sayin this is, im all irish which means im pretty white and my tan could b compared to a cooked lobster....then i hear about m2 give it a try an now my tan looks like i live brazill....feedbak???
I just used it for the first time the past couple of weeks, and the only negitive side I saw was getting too dark. I leave for vacation on Saturday and it looks like I just got back from the beach. I use .25mcg twice a week. No negitive sides so far. Good luck!
Ive been taking it on and off for about the last 6 years. Sides that I have experienced are:
Stomach pain post injection
Turning too dark (over time you can gauge the dosage to suit your required colour though)
Frequent erections and heightened sex drive
Moles and freckles become darker
Hair darkens

I havent noticed any long term issues though
Also one of my mates takes it and he is a mildly red headed guy and his hair went to brown and tanned as well as I do and I tan pretty easy
im currently on a low dose of .25 mg a day.. and im on my 4th day right now and all i can say is this stuff is slowly working.. i can already see the color changing... as for the sides, i got a bit nauseous on the first shot but have been ok since then(take after a full meal). from what ive been reading many experience darkening of moles and it usually went along with a higher dose, hence the reason im on a .25 mg a day dose, but im sure the amount of sun one gets also had a factor in that. i plan on getting sun on friday and the weather out were i live will be in the mid 60's so ill post and let u know any negatives sides that come up after that session.... but from what ive been told and read, MT2 is one hell of a game changer if administered correctly without over doing it...
Incog, what was the longest you stayed on for before giving it a rest

Well over a year. There was a stage years ago when I had issues getting it or it was far to expensive. I am taking now and I have been since July last year and I had only stopped for about 2 months and it was just cause I was being lazy and winter here, not for any reason.
I dont take MT2 to get black, even though I can very easily and have in the past. When I go really dark I look stupid as I have light blue eyes, so it looks funny. Like I have overdosed on fake tan. I take it so I dont have to use tanning booths to get a good summer tan. I use it so I can still tan easily but not have to expose my skin to the elements as much as what I used to have to. I have a natural good looking tan almost all year yet I wont have lizard skin when Im older.
I usually take 250mcgs about every 4-5 days. This is a maintenance dose
My sex drive I'd through the roof I've been on it since June. I'm wondering if my sex drive will go below normal when I go off. Also I hit it at 500mcg twice a week to maintain sometimes even once every other in the winter. Do you think it would be better to run it more frequent at a lower dose.
I had very good results with it. Only side effects I had was nausea an flushing after my first dose. Each dose after I took at night before bed and also took some Benadryl about a half hour before.
man do these moles keep popin up.. not that bad tho but i have a feeling it will get worse. i stopped going every day @ .25mg and will not just do .25mg before i tan every 4 days... overall i have yet to see a big change in appearance but i did manage to get 30+ minutes in the sun today so hopefully that shows up in the next couple of days... i realize a lot of people get scared at this point when they see all the new freckles/moles appearing or new ones getting darker but im gonna stick it out and just start my maintenance dose and hope my skin catches up..
Did ya'll ever have problems if you were out in the sun a lot in clothes, with parts of the body tanning way too fast over others? Sort of an amplified farmers tan?
Ive been taking it on and off for about the last 6 years. Sides that I have experienced are:
Stomach pain post injection
Turning too dark (over time you can gauge the dosage to suit your required colour though)
Frequent erections and heightened sex drive
Moles and freckles become darker
Hair darkens

I havent noticed any long term issues though

man do these moles keep popin up.. not that bad tho but i have a feeling it will get worse. i stopped going every day @ .25mg and will not just do .25mg before i tan every 4 days... overall i have yet to see a big change in appearance but i did manage to get 30+ minutes in the sun today so hopefully that shows up in the next couple of days... i realize a lot of people get scared at this point when they see all the new freckles/moles appearing or new ones getting darker but im gonna stick it out and just start my maintenance dose and hope my skin catches up..

It usually takes me about 2-3 weeks to go dark, so if you have been taking less than that hang in there cause it takes that long for me but then almost overnight i go from white to dark. Thats why I say take your time with the doses as sometimes the colour will creep up on you. I look ridiculous if I am too dark LOL
Did ya'll ever have problems if you were out in the sun a lot in clothes, with parts of the body tanning way too fast over others? Sort of an amplified farmers tan?

I work outside all year so of course face,neck an arms were darker.....but not to the point where it was really noticable or what ur thinkin far as farmers tan
It worked really well for me. People started noticing within a week.

I just couldn't deal with the freckles, I had about 4 or 5 new ones pop up over a 3 week span which isn't horrible, but one was on my face so I haven't used it since.

Works really well for libido, so I use pt141 now.
ok ya thats what i figured.. heres the dilemma tho, should i still do every day at .25mg or should i just do it every other day or even every couple of days... the moles are starting to get darker and more keep poping up but im still trying to get that tan thatll make those almost disappear through my overall color. also how much sun exposure do you recommend? Any advise is welcome btw.
ok ya thats what i figured.. heres the dilemma tho, should i still do every day at .25mg or should i just do it every other day or even every couple of days... the moles are starting to get darker and more keep poping up but im still trying to get that tan thatll make those almost disappear through my overall color. also how much sun exposure do you recommend? Any advise is welcome btw.

After my loading phase i only use 500mcg a week an only go taning once ortwice a far as the moles an dark spots i got the same thing the first time but after i got some really nice color everything kinda blended together....this go around the dark spots were nt that noticable
been using it for a year, works great, no problems. You need to use the tanning bed when it starts working or you will look like a farmer in short notice..
I have used it a few times, never experienced another other than the normal nausea, darker miles etc.. Apart from recently when I experienced quite a high amount of paranoia while on it, once I discontinued use it subsided, I am planning on trying again hopefully it was just a tainted batch or something
I just got my bottle in the mail today, so how do i mix it if im gonna run like
.25mg every 4-5 days? its a 10mg bottle...

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