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Your experience with equipoise


Dec 24, 2023
Week1-5 200cyp, 200deca
Week 6-7 400cyp, 400deca
Week 8-9 600cyp,600deca, 600eq
Tomorrow is beginning of week 10.
Inj on Mon, Thursday

Just wondering what peoples experience are with equipoise. What did it do too you physically and performance wise.

I added EQ into my cycle and within 2 weeks my joints ache and I lost some water weight from the test and deca I'm on. Pee is darker in the morning I've been cramping some too.
Noticable cardio increase and i don't feel as full as long after eating.
I know it's a long ass ester. So maybe my EQ ain't eq🤷

Been watching blood pressure. In the morning it's great then by 9pm its high.
Getting blood work in a couple weeks. It was a soon as the doc could get me In.

If your read my training log I posted, you will see at the bottom when I went into a carb crash or something funky af during a pull day.
My diet is on there also.

I read somewhere about you really need to feed eq nutrient dense food. So maybe I'm eating too clean and not enough
My curiosity is..

Does the ‘fullness’ and pumps that some people claim their muscles get from EQ come from the ability of EQ to increase RBC’s?

Because having thick and viscous blood for the sake of fullness and pumps seems like a very bad trade off
My curiosity is..

Does the ‘fullness’ and pumps that some people claim their muscles get from EQ come from the ability of EQ to increase RBC’s?

Because having thick and viscous blood for the sake of fullness and pumps seems like a very bad trade off
I don't know, even 2500 mg of EQ doesn't raise the hematocrit above 52 (I usually don't go above 48) and when it comes to fullness EQ doesn't do crazy things for me either and e.g. nandrolone is much better in this matter but the performance provided by large doses of EQ is something amazing for me
Week1-5 200cyp, 200deca
Week 6-7 400cyp, 400deca
Week 8-9 600cyp,600deca, 600eq
Tomorrow is beginning of week 10.
Inj on Mon, Thursday

Just wondering what peoples experience are with equipoise. What did it do too you physically and performance wise.

I added EQ into my cycle and within 2 weeks my joints ache and I lost some water weight from the test and deca I'm on. Pee is darker in the morning I've been cramping some too.
Noticable cardio increase and i don't feel as full as long after eating.
I know it's a long ass ester. So maybe my EQ ain't eq🤷

Been watching blood pressure. In the morning it's great then by 9pm its high.
Getting blood work in a couple weeks. It was a soon as the doc could get me In.

If your read my training log I posted, you will see at the bottom when I went into a carb crash or something funky af during a pull day.
My diet is on there also.

I read somewhere about you really need to feed eq nutrient dense food. So maybe I'm eating too clean and not enough

For 600 equipoise I need to run 1g of test for non crashed E2. Had oddly never run it and got some for free so figured I'd toss it into a test/deca stack. Shit hit my E2 way faster and harder than one would think for a super longer ester too (hits it far harder than primo or Mast's impact). Probably had me near zero until I upped the test to barely get E2 in the 20s. Joint and back pain like a cripple. Blew up my plan. Equipoise is nearly the cheapest compound too, virtually nothing is cheaper to substitute. Get some bloods and see. Everyone is different but seems to hit you similar to me - we aren't that rare either plenty of people but worse than average.
@Mufasa123 I have alot of cypionate so I'll up it to 1g see how that goes.

Bloods are king but if you want to go on faith, cyp takes time to build. If you had some dbol you could get some extra estradiol in there faster. Could also front load more cyp to get E2 up faster and/or decrease or skip some equipoise. A lot of levers and how many you pull will depend on severity of symptoms. Good luck.
I am using a smaller dose (600-700mg) of EQ along with about 1G of Test Cyp at the moment for about 11 weeks now. I can't say I really notice anything specifically from the EQ itself, but just continuing to gain size/strength as I did with just Test Cyp. alone.
I don't know, even 2500 mg of EQ doesn't raise the hematocrit above 52 (I usually don't go above 48) and when it comes to fullness EQ doesn't do crazy things for me either and e.g. nandrolone is much better in this matter but the performance provided by large doses of EQ is something amazing for me
EQ for me lowers E2 by a lot, used 1:1 with Test is a nono.
Unfortunately I don't get any performance increase from EQ.
My RBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin always stay the same, no matter the dose😱😬
I went up to 2g and I just felt fine.
EQ for sure gives to the muscles a different look but I don't think that the more you use of it the more you will notice it. For me 600-1g already gives me all I need from it.

On other hand, the more test the better I feel and perform.

Anadrol and Tren also increase my strength by a lot already from 350mg a week, but it's not wise to use those all year round.
EQ for me lowers E2 by a lot, used 1:1 with Test is a nono.
Unfortunately I don't get any performance increase from EQ.
My RBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin always stay the same, no matter the dose😱😬
I went up to 2g and I just felt fine.
EQ for sure gives to the muscles a different look but I don't think that the more you use of it the more you will notice it. For me 600-1g already gives me all I need from it.

On other hand, the more test the better I feel and perform.

Anadrol and Tren also increase my strength by a lot already from 350mg a week, but it's not wise to use those all year round.

You use Abombs WITH tren? Your poor tendons…..

I’m kidding. Kinda. I don’t combine those anymore, my training has me hitting 5s and triples weekly and every third week a few singles. BB rep range I’d feel much safer. One month I was playing around with a combo of anadrol/tren base daily pre workout and my max effort top sets looked like 405x3, 420x3, 435x4 across a wave.

I was like ok this is getting stupid. Stop. lol.
You use Abombs WITH tren? Your poor tendons…..

I’m kidding. Kinda. I don’t combine those anymore, my training has me hitting 5s and triples weekly and every third week a few singles. BB rep range I’d feel much safer. One month I was playing around with a combo of anadrol/tren base daily pre workout and my max effort top sets looked like 405x3, 420x3, 435x4 across a wave.

I was like ok this is getting stupid. Stop. lol.
Test Tren Anadrol is insane for strenght, if you train progressive overload its PRs every workout.
Ofc after a while it stops.... but when it works it's really funny to train like that.

Usually i train:
• Chest, Shoulders, Back, Hamstrings & Glutes; 6-10 Reps
• Biceps, Triceps, Adductors; 8-12 Reps
• Quads, Calves & Abs; 10-15 Reps
And these are the "top sets"
EQ for me lowers E2 by a lot, used 1:1 with Test is a nono.
Unfortunately I don't get any performance increase from EQ.
My RBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin always stay the same, no matter the dose😱😬
I went up to 2g and I just felt fine.
EQ for sure gives to the muscles a different look but I don't think that the more you use of it the more you will notice it. For me 600-1g already gives me all I need from it.

On other hand, the more test the better I feel and perform.

Anadrol and Tren also increase my strength by a lot already from 350mg a week, but it's not wise to use those all year round.
Interesting. Ya I'm not going any higher with EQ or deca than the doses I'm at now.
Going to raise cypionate to balance the EQ out and see how that does.
Got a couple weeks till doctor visit for bloodwork.
Hopefully doc doesn't ask where the 20lbs of weight came from and bloods come back👌🏻
I would rather fill the syringe with more testosterone than add EQ. Test at 1g builds more mass than 500 Test 500 EQ - in my experience.
I added the eq to see if it helped with appetite. Which it did in some way, I don't feel full very long after eating. Not necessarily hungry again but Its not miserable to eat again if that makes sense
I added the eq to see if it helped with appetite. Which it did in some way, I don't feel full very long after eating. Not necessarily hungry again but Its not miserable to eat again if that makes sense

MENT destroys EQ in terms of appetite stimulation. Using that at a low dosage will put on more size and increase hunger much more than EQ. I also find DECA better for appetite than EQ.

I’m a EQ hater now lol.
MENT destroys EQ in terms of appetite stimulation. Using that at a low dosage will put on more size and increase hunger much more than EQ. I also find DECA better for appetite than EQ.

I’m a EQ hater now lol.

I have a shit ton of EQ now. I feel like I need to find a use. Wanted it as an occasional sub for deca on cruises but the E2 impact on me makes that unlikely...low bloods impact, low water, energy this was what attracted me to the idea.

Was planning a long test/primo run this summer. Maybe I'll up the test and use equipoise. All my annual medical is April so plenty of time.
I have a shit ton of EQ now. I feel like I need to find a use. Wanted it as an occasional sub for deca on cruises but the E2 impact on me makes that unlikely...low bloods impact, low water, energy this was what attracted me to the idea.

Was planning a long test/primo run this summer. Maybe I'll up the test and use equipoise. All my annual medical is April so plenty of time.

i had a lot of EQ and just ended up tossing it. I was always told by my first gear source that EQ is not a mass builder and is better for baseball players and endurance athletes. I didn’t listen to him but I definitely think he was right. I don’t like how EQ blocks T from aromatizing, the longer I’ve been on gear the less sensitive I am to estrogen. I need my compounds to aromatize to feel right. Wasn’t always the case but the body is constantly changing. Maybe Proviron at 50mg is that good of an estrogen antagonist that I can now literally run a ton of aromatizing drugs and get zero side effects 🤷

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