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Your experience with equipoise

I have a shit ton of EQ now. I feel like I need to find a use. Wanted it as an occasional sub for deca on cruises but the E2 impact on me makes that unlikely...low bloods impact, low water, energy this was what attracted me to the idea.

Was planning a long test/primo run this summer. Maybe I'll up the test and use equipoise. All my annual medical is April so plenty of time.
So if you think you absolutely need estrogen, why don't you just add a little estradiol valerate to your eq stack?
Here is an outlier from the past for you. My second cycle, it was 1988, No gear Amazon. You got what you could get. First cycle was 200 mg/w deca, dianabol 20 mg/d and a tail end of oxandrolone by SPA 10 mg/d as the deca ran out. 1 vial of hCG at the end. I put on 26 lbs and 50 lbs on my bench. I went completely off for 6 months and kept 1/2 the gains. I was martial arts, grappling, and weight training the whole time so was in shape throughout. Second cycle was laughable by today's standards. I got hold of a 50 mL vial of EQ 50 mg/mL. I shot 5 cc a week until it was gone as a solo compound cycle. I hardened up, leaned out more and my strength that i lost from being off returned. But, I didn't gain any new muscle or strength beyond my first cycle on that tiny dose but I was a fighter primarily, also working a labor job, and burning a lot of calories. But that tiny amount made me go from over trained and flat to full, strong and high energy with plenty of stamina. So EQ did what it was suppose to do. That's basically what EQ was made for, restoring vitality in horses. In middle age after coming back to this greasy kid's stuff I did a few Test/EQ cycles 500/600 or there abouts. They worked just fine. Then my dumb ass finally stumbled on Test/NPP/EQ cycling with massive food intake and put on 35 lbs, leaned out, switched to Test/Mast/Win and ended up being leaner at 215 than I was at 195 where I started. EQ and NPP work very well together. EQ has it's place but for maximum mass gaining effect for me it had to be part of the AAS scheme and not the driver. It seems to play well with other AAS. If you are young and training your balls off in a sport, weight training and doing road work and or working a physical job,using it alone like most of these things were designed to do, it will be a game changer but that's as far as restoring vitality, training capacity recovery etc, not really for lean mass gain.
EQ is the only compound that messes with my mind. Makes me oddly paranoid. And it turns my blood to syrup. Quit using it 8-9 years ago.
So if you think you absolutely need estrogen, why don't you just add a little estradiol valerate to your eq stack?
I've considered it but already being a chemical cocktail I'd rather just avoid if it comes to that as I have other options I'm happy with. I'll just try and run it with the offsetting amount of test I need. I'll probably keep dbol on hand to bail me out if I fuck up but I kind of figure I have enough levers to throw and options. Don't want to add another and play around.
EQ has been my go to base hormone for 15 years. 400-600mg/wk plus whatever. I got started with EQ back when we used to get the old Maxigan mexican vet stuff. IT WAS DOSED AT 50mg a ML! Had to take 2 full 3cc pins just to get 150mg a week. Lol. So be thankful. I prefer it to Deca (nandrolone) because it dosen't increase prolactin which deca does. I dont get gyno on ANYTHING even A50 or Dbol unless I add deca. EQ is problably weaker mg for mg than Deca, but both are not life changing drugs. I don't know if I can say EQ has the joint protective effect Deca is known for. EQ does increase vascularity to a degree. EQ will jack up my hematocrit for sure.
EQ is probably the absolute best drug you are going to find for the purposes of competitive fighting. It's effect of hematocrit plus its somewhat weak nature (not causing massive pumps) and very little water retention. I've used it liberally in this area. It's also my go to for females as a non 17A. Otherwise Turnibol.
I report my experience with EQ, I have used it almost all year round, I never have problems with hematocrit and hemoglobin (last analyzes at the beginning of January hematocrit 43, hemoglobin 14)

what I notice is that cardio almost becomes a game, 50 minutes of fast walking on an incline, zero fatigue, it seems that my breath is unlimited

I love training in very high volume and EQ helps me a lot, strength recovery, resistance; each set seems like a game, vascularization

the only thing at least for me is that it tends to regulate/lower estrogen too much so I have to be careful, I haven't used AI for years
I used EQ which soon became bold cyp for over 10 years regularly with good results. I ran it with test and usually another compound.
I've considered it but already being a chemical cocktail I'd rather just avoid if it comes to that as I have other options I'm happy with. I'll just try and run it with the offsetting amount of test I need. I'll probably keep dbol on hand to bail me out if I fuck up but I kind of figure I have enough levers to throw and options. Don't want to add another and play around.
A little dhea would be another great alternative for you, or pregnenolone, and on the cheap!
Try increasing your electrolytes and water for cramping. Don’t just increase sodium but potassium and magnesium as well. Also start taking beet root extract for blood pressure and increasing cardio. As others noted eq can possibly lower estro in some so try reducing your ai or you could increase test.
A certain 8x Olympia winning legend use to like himself EQ only cycles.

...Who knows for certain, but i'd tend to believe it because Lee Haney ain't no lyin' sucka
Figured I'd add this question here rather than opening a new thread.

I don't have a lot of experience with EQ. Used it a couple times many years ago but never really stuck with it.

I'm thinking of adding in either Primo, Masteron or EQ to balance the more estrogenic components. Primo seems an obvious choice but it's more pinning volume.

I've always heard EQ is particularly bad for kidneys and HCT. What are people's experiences in this area?
Figured I'd add this question here rather than opening a new thread.

I don't have a lot of experience with EQ. Used it a couple times many years ago but never really stuck with it.

I'm thinking of adding in either Primo, Masteron or EQ to balance the more estrogenic components. Primo seems an obvious choice but it's more pinning volume.

I've always heard EQ is particularly bad for kidneys and HCT. What are people's experiences in this area?

BTW in case anyone is wondering I did search the archives.

The latest thread devolved into a discussion about injecting your cats and dogs with EQ, as well as a weirdly aggressive tangent on penis size 😂

Few other threads about anger and anxiety which I don't have issues with. A few others from back in 2017 which weren't that useful.
Figured I'd add this question here rather than opening a new thread.

I don't have a lot of experience with EQ. Used it a couple times many years ago but never really stuck with it.

I'm thinking of adding in either Primo, Masteron or EQ to balance the more estrogenic components. Primo seems an obvious choice but it's more pinning volume.

I've always heard EQ is particularly bad for kidneys and HCT. What are people's experiences in this area?
I've used all 3 (separately) with a moderate test base. All 3 seem to lower my estrogen to a certain degree. EQ and masteron was based on feelz. Primo was the only one that I pulled bloods after about 6 weeks of use. 400 test 300 primo and my e2 was 10. Prior to adding the primo I was cruising on 250mg of test a week and pulled bloods and my e2 was 30. EQ and masteron I didn't pull bloods however I felt very similar to the primo/test cycle.

I've been on 250mg of test per week for almost 3 months now and I'm going to check bloods one more time. Then I'm going to pick one of the 3 (primo, mast, eq) and try to find the right balance with test to keep e2 in range. I'm going to pull bloods every 6 weeks to check estrogen until I can figure out the right ratio.
BTW in case anyone is wondering I did search the archives.

The latest thread devolved into a discussion about injecting your cats and dogs with EQ, as well as a weirdly aggressive tangent on penis size 😂

Few other threads about anger and anxiety which I don't have issues with. A few others from back in 2017 which weren't that useful.

500 test/600 primo took my E2 from 100ish to 50 or just a pt or so out of range. I usually can run 1:1 or close.

750 test/600 deca/600 equipoise zeroed my E2. Never been worse and I've shit canned E2 more than once. I needed a gram of test to hit 20 E2.

Everyone is different but this is my experience.
500 test/600 primo took my E2 from 100ish to 50 or just a pt or so out of range. I usually can run 1:1 or close.

750 test/600 deca/600 equipoise zeroed my E2. Never been worse and I've shit canned E2 more than once. I needed a gram of test to hit 20 E2.

Everyone is different but this is my experience.
Was there a time when you could run these compounds and they didn't affect your e2? In my case when I was younger, I never had low e2 issues. I'm in my 50's now and I want to say I've been experiencing the lower e2 issues the last 3 years. I don't seem to aromatize like I used to.
Was there a time when you could run these compounds and they didn't affect your e2? In my case when I was younger, I never had low e2 issues. I'm in my 50's now and I want to say I've been experiencing the lower e2 issues the last 3 years. I don't seem to aromatize like I used to.

Late 40s now. Good question but I can't judge as I didn't use either early on.

Oddly I never used equipoise until recently and only used it on a lark. Of course I have a ton so I'm going to figure a way hopefully. Needs a shit ton of test sadly. Was originally hoping to use it in a cruise replacing deca in my usual test/deca.

Primo was always expensive and in 90s hard to source legit so never used that until recently either. Basically test, deca, tren and orals were my mains in the day.

The only real change with age for me is that dbol at any dose makes me tired so I had to retire it.main orals are drol, winny and var which are all fine.
Late 40s now. Good question but I can't judge as I didn't use either early on.

Oddly I never used equipoise until recently and only used it on a lark. Of course I have a ton so I'm going to figure a way hopefully. Needs a shit ton of test sadly. Was originally hoping to use it in a cruise replacing deca in my usual test/deca.

Primo was always expensive and in 90s hard to source legit so never used that until recently either. Basically test, deca, tren and orals were my mains in the day.

The only real change with age for me is that dbol at any dose makes me tired so I had to retire it.main orals are drol, winny and var which are all fine.
Good point on the primo, I started using it in the early 2000's probably wasn't legit primo. Started using it again in the last 5 years when sources started posting hplc testing and people were sending in blind testing of products.
Was there a time when you could run these compounds and they didn't affect your e2? In my case when I was younger, I never had low e2 issues. I'm in my 50's now and I want to say I've been experiencing the lower e2 issues the last 3 years. I don't seem to aromatize like I used to.
Are you leaner?

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