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muscle knot in scalpia no relief


Apr 19, 2010
Hey guys stuck with these muscle knots in my scalpia muscle area right side. done the massage thing, went to the doctor bla bla. Is there anything else that can be done to relieve them? Treid the golf ball remedy as well. Got to do something.
I might have bad news man...

I had the same thing and it took 1.5 years of CONSTANT pain for dr's to find the problem. they swore nothing was wrong and maybe I had tendonitis.
In the end I needed to have my ligaments tightened because they were loosened and frayed. The surgeon explained that the muscles in the back need to stay tight to keep the joint stable and in place because the ligaments are loose and can't do it anymore. 5 hour syrgery, 6 months of rehab and about a year to get to full strength. It still is never 100% the same and the pain comes up if I am nore careful.

Does your shoulder click at all when you raise it to the side?

I would get an MRI. You could have stretched the ligaments in your shoulder. For me the only time it ever felt better was when I lifted and the dr said that was because the blood getting in there could help stabilize it a bit so the cramp could relax.

Good luck.
Scalpia? do you mean a scapula muscle? You have tons attaching to scapula. biceps brachii, triceps, levator scap, trap, latisimus, rhomboid M&M, teres M&M, deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscap, serratus ant., corocobrachialis, etc.

Which one? or area of scapula muscles?
yes sir

Should have been more specific. Area in my back where the shoulder blade is. rhomboideus muscle.
Should have been more specific. Area in my back where the shoulder blade is. rhomboideus muscle.

I was kinda being a dick, long day in the lab.. hell long month in the lab ha. Weird it's not your rotators (more lateral) but your rhomboids.

No problem bro. It is weird it will travel all the way up the side in my neck. Just hate it but got to do something. I heard that cortisone shots can help the muscle.
i have the same prob - not to the extent of surgery, but constant pain. I use deep tissue massages weekly, golf ball, calcium/magnesium pills, and DC stretching.. if i Dont keep on it it's crippling.. Get the MRI to be safe.
I have been searching for answers on this pain for over 6 months. Today I am getting MRI, but my doc thought it may be a herniated disc and the muscle is trying to stabilize, but that doesnt make sense bc its recurring.
If you have insurance, go to your doctor and get a PT referral. It's worth a try. I have the same thing as well on my left side. I do stretching and warm moist heat daily, which helps.

A good PT, with experience treating athletes can make a difference. I would try all of these options before you go surger route, of course, your doc will probably want to rule out something more serious by doing MRI.

Good luck. I would try to go the non-med, non-surg route first. Weekly massage helps too if you have a LMP that knows what they are doing!
If you have insurance, go to your doctor and get a PT referral. It's worth a try. I have the same thing as well on my left side. I do stretching and warm moist heat daily, which helps.

A good PT, with experience treating athletes can make a difference. I would try all of these options before you go surger route, of course, your doc will probably want to rule out something more serious by doing MRI.

Good luck. I would try to go the non-med, non-surg route first. Weekly massage helps too if you have a LMP that knows what they are doing!

I wish him luck but if it is a ligament issue the PT stuff will just result in wasted time and additional unneeded pain.

It was a rough period in my life. Living in constant pain at such a young age (15-16) and not being able to workout (I was already addicted) while dr's and your parents told you nothing was wrong. Talk about depression.

Hopefully you don't have what I did but it sound like something is unstable and the muscle is making up for it by tensing to keep it in place.

I was talking to a buddy of mine at the gym today and told him the issue I was having. He made a phone call to PT and I am going monday. We did some stretching and he showed me some differant ideas to help and it did somewhat. It is really sometimes debilitating. I am going to get an MRI just to make sure all is well. When I had the x-ray done my doc said everything looked perfect from that. If I get anything out of this I will share all I know to help anyone here.
I've got a long torso and fairly strong back and end up having the same problem several times per year. In fact I recently lost nights of sleep due to this. With me it's caused often by ribs getting out of place and knots forming around the disjointed insertion at the spine. Or, I just get a knot there sometimes. What sometimes helps me is to lie on one of those kid's foam pool noodles running down my spine with my head resting at the top. Helps align and stretch everything. 20 minutes of that 3-4 times per week and you'll be surprised how much better your posture is and how much neck pain you eliminate- especially if you are on a computer for hours per day.
Look in to a nerve condition called "winged scapula" and "snapping scapula syndrom" which I think is a bursa sac issue.
how about just taking a break from your computer for a while and adjusting it so that its much more ergonomic for you fo rnext time your back on. sometimes over analizing things can be a real bitch
I have struggled with this or something similar related alot to muscle imbalance, work related fatigue (I am a painting contractor so talk about repetition) and poor posture. For years I would and still do develop a knot in my rhomboids and mid traps and struggled to get rid of it, but over the years I have learned about the issue and myself and have found the following very helpful:

1. Check your posture, make sure you walk with shoulder back and chest out and do not have super tight pecs from to much pressing. If you do then you need to start a stretching regimen and build some balance by training back more often.

2. Your serratus muscles may be week not allowing your scapula to move forward as needed on overhead work so they need to be strengthened by push ups and bench press shrugs.

3. Your teres minor and triceps tendons may be tight and pull your scapula down and keeping it an natural position, the solution again is stretching by bringing your arm up by your ear and pressing it against a wall or gym eqpt.

4. Regular deep tissue work. If your message therapist can not help you locate the cause of the issue than get a new one.

Hope that helped some,
I have switched to a sports-rehab physical therapist.What a difference from other massage places.Deep tissueif done right works very well.I have been going a month and almost got all the adhessions and knots out.Search around for a sports rehab place.
Hey guys stuck with these muscle knots in my scalpia muscle area right side. done the massage thing, went to the doctor bla bla. Is there anything else that can be done to relieve them? Treid the golf ball remedy as well. Got to do something.

This is going out there but have you tried acupuncture?

Hey guys update. Went to the PT yesterday and what a freaking relief! She got the knots out for the most part and I could have not felt better.

She basically expalined that it is a combination of things, repetative motion, stress, and that all muscles are in some way connected. She said the muscle becomes like sticky glue and gets hard like calcium. No blood flow.

It was amazing because I could feel my back release as well especially mid-back. When she got the muscles to release I felt sick to my stomach at first!!! But the mobility of my shoulder was unbelievable almost full range.

Well worth the $100.00 bucks. I had been to many masssage places and tried acupunture and none have been able to get even close to what she did. I wil be going for maintenace for sure sucks being misarable. I hope this helps some of you guys as well.
Hey guys update. Went to the PT yesterday and what a freaking relief! She got the knots out for the most part and I could have not felt better.

She basically expalined that it is a combination of things, repetative motion, stress, and that all muscles are in some way connected. She said the muscle becomes like sticky glue and gets hard like calcium. No blood flow.

It was amazing because I could feel my back release as well especially mid-back. When she got the muscles to release I felt sick to my stomach at first!!! But the mobility of my shoulder was unbelievable almost full range.

Well worth the $100.00 bucks. I had been to many masssage places and tried acupunture and none have been able to get even close to what she did. I wil be going for maintenace for sure sucks being misarable. I hope this helps some of you guys as well.

Thats awesome that your PT got it out in 1 visit... It will come back, so be sure to regularly stretch.
I have recently begun yoga, and I notice a huge difference. I could never seem to get the knot out of my back... Its finally loosened up.
My theripist recommended the yoga to me and also that my chest was a huge contributor because a tight chest will pull your back forward adding stress to the area.
Keep us posted.

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