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My Changes over 4 years (nearing 5) of training.

Thats one of the most amazing transformations i've ever seen. Only 5years from a regular fat guy to a bodybuilder and not just a bodybuilder, one who can do some serious damage on stage.
here is a prime example of good genes and hard work folks! great job Lee! welcome to the board!
I had hit my low in 2003-2004. Started training on my own in early-mid 2004..and finally opted to work with a trainer who happened to be a bodybuilder! Best decision I ever made.
Lee Alcorn
Wow man, you look great.

I really like the look you have in 2005.

What kind of diet did you follow to achieve a body fat like this?
I think mike1107 just met his match! amazing transformation.
I dont even understand how this is even possible... And I've got to agree thats one of the most amazing transformations I've ever seen. Go kick some ass on stage man.
the sunburn in the first pic is pretty dam funny... looks like you had a shirt on, but yet your face didnt get burned.. your body did???

That is a AMAZING transformation... deff one of the best builds on the board IMO
u should be nominated best transfermation, andd tell us all your secrets diet, training, drugs? we'll listen
his face and neck had a base tan from being out in the sun, his torso was "fresh" due to always having a shirt on. so the fresh skin burned. lol i could be completly wrong that is just my best guess :)

Looking Phenomenal!
:eek:i hardly ever post on here... but i had to on this occasion, probably one of the best transformations iv'e ever seen... would be good to see, on the training,diet etccc u used to help you achieve this, keep it up! :)
Thanks all. I am truly honored by everyone's response. My wife put together the series of photos....and when she showed me, it really hit me, just how drastic the changes have been. Day to day, it's so gradual.

I'm also just as confused by my reverse sun tan...maybe we played 'chicken' in the pool, the ENTIRE time. lol

My first year 2004-2005: After a few months with my personal trainer, he suggested I compete (when the 2004 pic was taken actually...he saw something I certainly didn't). I said 'sure', as long as I wouldn't be embarrassed. I dieted 9 months straight without cheating...(I couldn't do this today, lol, no way). And competed at 156 lbs in my first show (2005 pic - SNBF Southern Open). I actually won the Novice/Open and both overalls. It was an insane night..and I was HOOKED! lol. From memory, the diet then was primarily chicken and eggs for protein...rolled oats and sweet potatoes for carbs. I remember running fish oil (and some yolks) for fats. And we essentially carb cycled the entire time. (I had to pull down a lot of fat).

This is the same approach we took for 2006 as well. 2007-2008 we're drastically different. I moved on to the NPC in 2007. I prepared for my first show (Coastal USA's) on nothing but cod fish and white potatoes. Every meal for 12 weeks or so. That was the leanest, driest, and hardest I've been in any show. We took the overall in that show. 2008, we prepared the same way, but dieted only 9 I was carrying a bit more fat and a good bit more water and jumped a weight class (into heavy weights). This was the Atlantic States in 08'. This is the one that Sean Allen was in to re qualify nationally. We placed 2nd there.

Enter 2009. Working with a new trainer and preparing for the North Americas. We're carb cycling and sticking to pretty much the proteins and carbs we did back in 2005-2006. Leaning out quickly, but not too quickly. I'm excited...cannot wait to get back on stage!

Thanks again for the warm welcome and the all the feedback. It really motivates me even more.

Lee Alcorn
I just cant believe the tremendous amount of muscle you put on from your 1st show to the current show pics. That would take most a lifetime if ever achieveable and you did it in a few years.
Wow! Great gains bro!
I had hit my low in 2003-2004. Started training on my own in early-mid 2004..and finally opted to work with a trainer who happened to be a bodybuilder! Best decision I ever made.
Lee Alcorn

Phenominal evolution!!! you look great, that is very inspiring to see someone progress like that.
HOLY SHIT!!!:eek: just wanna high five you right now man:D

Seriously that is the shit!!! Way to go!

I prepared for my first show (Coastal USA's) on nothing but cod fish and white potatoes. Every meal for 12 weeks or so. That was the leanest, driest, and hardest I've been in any show. We took the overall in that show.

Lee Alcorn

Cod and white potatoes? 12 weeks of nothing but cod and white potatoes? Man, I would be blending that shit up and drinking it near the end...that sounds like it would be a struggle. Glad to hear you have more variety now. Can't wait to see the final results! Good luck bro, your obviously an extremely dedicated person so no doubts you'll be solid.
Not trying to still this from b-boy, but.... RESPECT!! :D I admire anyone that can will themselves to change there body like that. That truely took some serious dedication and some crazy intense workouts- day after day, year after year. Great job man.
nice work...that is some serious change.

I found some old pics when I was 158lbs :) that was 15 years ago...

Again great work
That is a AMAZING transformation... deff one of the best builds on the board IMO

Wow! sitting here shaking my head that I could be even thought of in that light. Thanks to you and everyone else for the comments. You guys have me jacked!
Cod and white potatoes? 12 weeks of nothing but cod and white potatoes? Man, I would be blending that shit up and drinking it near the end...that sounds like it would be a struggle. Glad to hear you have more variety now. Can't wait to see the final results! Good luck bro, your obviously an extremely dedicated person so no doubts you'll be solid. was difficult to adjust...mainly because that combo sped my metabolism so quickly, that I wanted so bad to take some peanut butter in or something to slow it down. My trainer to cook and eat more. It got to the point where I was eating just about every 45 minutes. Eating over a case of fish a day (bout 20+ fish fillets)..and roughly 12-15 white potatoes. Aside from that..the real problem was the came thru my pores so strongly that EVERYWHERE i went..i'd hear comments. lol.

One time, was at Publix customer service walks up and mom says to worker "what is that awful smell?"..the worker said "Oh..i think it's OLD DEAD ROTTEN FISH in the trash can"....awesome..not just fish..but OLD DEAD ROTTEN FISH! lol.

At least I didn't have to carb cycle i guess.....lmao

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