have you been training him for months on end? if not, then you will still be guessing.
if you have been training for 10 years, and done 5 other cycles, you should know what worked for you.
From your diet info and your years of training, you look like you know what you're doing. the only bad thing i see in your cycle is the 12 weeks of orals. it really won't do you any good.
Ask yourself, what worked better last time you tried, EQ or Deca? I don't see the point in using only 400 mg EQ unless you want something to help with joint issues, same goes for the deca, 250 mg per week will only help the joints. If you are shooting for size, i'd advise you to go with 600 mg deca and drop the EQ. but you should know better than i do about how you react to those compounds.
If it's about the dosages and not the compounds, as i said, the EQ and deca doses don't make sense for any thing other than joint issues. If you get a lot of sides from the deca, just drop it and stick with the EQ, but don't expect mass gains at that dose. Test dose looks fine, btw.