Diezel 666 of course I remember you well ..........always enjoyed communicating with you in the past .......how are you and the family ?
deizel city.......
Most guys should do it this way ........and this kinda of the way I did it
Diet .......No 1 thing to get down if you are serious about gaining size ......But unlike a lot of guys .......just like you need to progress and push your wts up in the gym .You need to do the same with your food intake when in your growing yrs.........If you are new to the game ......meaning haven't been really truely consistant with your eatting ,then I would make an effort to make that your number one focus. Start with 4 meals a day [6-7 is too much for most to deal with right away with any consistancy, and most people eat too much anyway] ,try for a gram of protien per lb of bdy wt and .5 to 2 grams of carbs depending on bdy fat , and then add in some good healthy fats . [ try to eat healthy raw or organic foods] In time as you add mass ,you slowly bump up the food , each yr or every few months . [An example would be yr 1 would be the marcos above ,then say by yr 3 you are at say 7 meals a day and a 1.5 grams of protien per lb ,fats have increased , and carbs go up according to wt and time of the yr] You have to build a diet that is progressive when trying to gain mass , with foods that you like , and a schedule that fits your lifestyle . If you don't ,you will fail ,and not stick to it for the long run , and that is where most will fail early on .
I also think one should diet 3 months of each yr , even if new to the game. This is good for the metabolism , and will keep you from getting too fat .[this is even for guys that don't wish to compete] You should be able to understand your body and the control that you have over it.
Also if you are consistant ......with your eatting and training during your first 5 yrs , come to the fact you won't be getting that much bigger after that point. So you will need to access things and make a personal decision from there .[ do you use gear and cross over to the dark side or not ? Does it reallly make sense or is it really worth it for you] If you decide not to go that route you can scale back your nutrition some ...........slowly lighten some of your loads in the gym ......and maintain a healthy lean good looking physique for the rest of your life .If you decide to go to the darkside ,then I would continue progressing to 2 grams of protein per lb of bdywt , same carbs rec and variences , and keep the good fats going up as well.........meals would be slowly pushed over the next couple of yrs up to 8-10 like Massive G did . [this is only for the guys on gear that are trying to be monsters and not fun or practical to do imo] After you get to that point for a couples of yrs ....then you are a top pro or athlete or you should start scaling back to something more realistic and healthy ........along the lines of a lower kal mountain dog diet .[ again this part was only for the elite trying to push their limits and not nessary for at least 90 % of guys to ever go that far]
Training .......I 'd say build your fondation......most should start with full body 3 x a week routines for their first 6 months to a yr .Pushing the wts but mastering contraction , form , and cadince. Then move to the basic 4 day a week heavy 2 way splits the next year or 2 after that . [and you kind of blast and cruise during that ......6-8 wks heavy .....then a month of super sets , working fast and furious .....for recovery and to keep interesting as well] By year 3 ,if you have done it all right . I 'd venture to DC's training methods following his methods to a tee. Then after about 2 yrs of that hell you should be pretty burnt out and beat up . At that time you hire Phil or do some research and evolve into his program or maybe some of massive G's stuff.....Then at that point ,after a couple of yrs ......you are easily maxed out , or a pro of some kind . Once that point is reached .....access things .....you 've earned all your mass .....built a physique for a lifetime...... you can scale back to an easier, less risky , more enjoyable training style and ride out into the sunset with a great physique for the rest of your life.
My take is that most on this board .....should take a step back and do it this way even if you have yrs in the gym and have used gear[take some time off and start over]........the fact is, most didn't get their foundations right and are going to end up fat ,unhappy , hurt , unhealthy guys on the couch in to their 40s and 50s .......and it doesn't have to be like that if you are smart and play your cards rt. [There are no secrets , but patients, hard work , and consistancy .......anyone that tells you different in this game is selling you something] Remember the tortise gets the hair every time my friend.........I hope that helped answer your question