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My God Ivan ...you are a fucking legend!


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 4, 2003
My chick has been in town for two days trying to find your ass to say hello.It seems everyone in town knows of you.You are the bad ass fighter . But no one really knows you. You are like bigfoot or the lockness monster or something.LOL! .Everyone has some type of comment about you ,but no one knows anyhthing about you.Anyway tonight she ran into a big guy with a beard ,and he said that he worked with you at a place called CJs.She will be stopping by friday night to shake your hand and say hi.Half the people in town told her that you work at a place called the beach , but this guy said he worked with you at CJs so she will be looking there. [ the big guy said nice things about you by the way]It amazes me that all these people think you are crazy and psycho. I want my girl to meet you, because I think you are a great person with a good heart and lots of integrity.I could careless if you are a badass. Besides I am not scared of you ...LOL! Anyway, my best to you Ivan , I wish you , your girl , and your family nothing but good health and happiness.I have a feeling that someday down the road we will cross paths.When you finish school we will chat. Oh yeah , I lost your number punk ass ,shoot it to me, so I can check up on you from time to time. Hmm ...... now that I think of it .....You are more like spiderman or something.....Ha!Ha!......That sounds like a pathectic ass town to me, if they don't start giving you the respect that you deserve , I might just have to come up there and burn that place to the ground.....LOL! I am only kidding .....well maybe , ask my girlfrind if I am ....Maybe not! I got your back amigo.....any of those phuks try gang up on you, give me a ring , I will take a short fight up there.My girlfriend would love to come back and visit.LOL! Ask her if I am all talk. When the time comes, you will see I am not a Fathead....I promise you that bro!
IVAN in that town is known for his old days...fighting and such...firece temper and the ability to not put up with college fuckers attitudes. He has grown up, but we all know how legends can follow you.

Ivan is a great guy I would fight along side him anyday. He did work for me at the other place, but I am now out of that town and on to bigger and better things.

IABADMAN, if you ever make it up to this area, make the drive 84 miles north of IVAN'S town and say hello, or I could come down and say hello when you get there??
its always good when everyody knows you in a place, you kinda feel respected.

This is how it is. I live with it.

Whenever someone says something negative about me, they can never seem to remember saying that when I ask them about it in person....it is like sudden amnesia, or they say they NEVER said ANYTHING like that. I never go out. I am reclusive. I am tired of people anymore....This board is my social life in a way.

The town badass was locked up 6 years ago, and he just got out..(Rok bass -- Steak you ever hear of him?)

Now there is a rumor circling that as soon as I see him, I am gonna let him know whose boss....WTF?!?!??! NEVER said anything about him AT ALL...This shit happens too much, people want to see a good fight. Such childish bullshit. And I actually got along with this guy really well, so I am pretty sure when he hears this he will laugh.

Steak -- I would fight alongside you ANYDAY man! :cool:
Ps -- your cell is acting strange --- I tried to call and there is a ring, then blank??
Ivan, sorry that you have to deal with that shit.That plain sucks , believe me I know because I go through the same shit but probally on a more serious level.
Ry , very funny....Where are you at ? I here you like to to roll . I would love to train with you sometime. I have trained with some of the best .Maybe , after we rolled around abit you would see I am more of a preditor than a stalker.LOL! Just kidding because I have mad respect for you.
theabuser.....I don't know you [ I don't know RY , but he has earned my respect you haven't] Don't chime in and think you are funny.This board isn't like like that and that is why I am here. If you want to play tough guy pm me and I will be happy to meet you at the Arnold and beat you bloody after I put you to sleep.If you think I am joking ....call my buff .......pm me and we can arange to meet at the Arnold and you will see what happens to your punk ass. But please keep your your dumb ass comments to yourself and don't disrespect me or the members of this board until you have earned some respect.If you want to have issues have it with me privately and not the board.This is a place to learn and support one another not act like a jerkoff. If I offended you I am sorry , but I don't like shit talkers and I am no buffer.We can be cool or take this as far as you want I have no worries either way.Just respect the board either way ! PM if you would like to dicuss this any futher.To the board and theabuser I am sorry that I posted this but I felt disrespected. I will delate this later if anyone asks me to .[And that includes you Mr.abuser][side note do you have any idea how hard and the sacrifices that Mr .Hernon made to get his pro?It is disrespectful to make posts like your going to get your pro card .It is far harder than you will ever know]
I've been watching theabuser. He certainly hasn't posted anthing that's a contribution only sarcasm. It's one thing for a vet (someone that's earned respect) to joke around - but someone new to jump in like this only raises my radar.

Consider this a warning!

Xcell thanks for having my back.I hope that you will get rid of this guy if he refuses to keep this private between he and I . You guys shouldn't have to put up with personal issues.My boys Xcell and Mike s , I know you will do the right thing .You always do that is why i am here.Big A made a very wise choice having you both here.I appreciate you guys a heck of alot.

I am over 200 pounds and I am over 5-7. I aint no small whippersnapper your messin with here.
I did search on theabuser and seems he has nothing to contribute but, you will always have them on the boards.LOL Iabadman, I am sure your no stalker.hahaha I am type of fighter that knows you never know enough.LOL

This my last response to this.Pm if you are serious about handling this .I don't play .....Xcell ...Mike S ....Big A ...please get rid of this joker......he is an ass clown.

I will sue you after I beat your fat ARSE! THen your name will be..........IBEAFATSUEDMAN

Seen this ass clown making idiotic posts the whole time.

What a joke, see this is a PERFECT example of the retards I beat on. So he actually DID contribute to this particular post by example ---- these are the kind of fags that are so fucking stupid and cannot shut their dumbass mouths. PRIME example. :eek:

Ps -- Badman I am on campus doin hw, I go to work at 11. I will leave here in an hour or so. I hope your girl goes to the club.

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