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My Journey to Jr. Nationals


IFBB PRO/ NPC Judge / TRIPLE Featured Member/Verif
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Kilo Klub Member
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Feb 2, 2004
My Journey to Jr. Nationals:

First off I want to say that I am very grateful for my Synthetek sponsorship and the fact that this board has been so helpful and supportive. That’s why I’ve decided to start this thread. Ok, so where have I been?

Well, I just finished my masters at the end of January after a very intensive fall semester and winter break. It was a do or die situation. I had to finish by February 1st or I would forfeit the fellowship and scholarship that were in place for my PhD. Now that things have slowed down just a little for me I have decided to start looking at competing again. So, since Jr. Nats is the first national show up, that’s the one I’m shooting for. :)

I thought I would do a thread that I guess sort of documents my journey there, posting my training and daily totals and probably some pictures. It’ll probably be pretty boring for the most part but it will help keep me in line and might be beneficial for those who have questions about female training…maybe…shoot I don’t know! Lol! I had JT write me a routine since he loves doing that. :D I wanted a 3 on, 1 off split.

Day 1: Biceps (AM)/Quads (PM) – no AM cardio
Day 2: Chest/Delts – AM cardio
Day 3: Abs/Calves – AM cardio
Day 4: Off – no cardio
Day 5: Back (AM)/Hams (PM) – no AM cardio
Day6: Delts/Tris – AM cardio
Day 7: Abs/Calves – AM cardio
Day 8: Off – no cardio

*Right now for my cardio is only 40 mins, it’ll be increasing it as the weeks progress.

My diet will be a carb cycle that will follow my training, low days = training days, moderate/high = days off training. My days off are complete days off training, I try to do absolutely nothing but let my body heal.

I have a couple of issues: My rotators are a little messed up, the left one more than the right. I think this was due to the powerlifting & rock climbing. My left forearm is also tight, I’m going to be making appointments with my chiro who does A.R.T. but he lives 2.5 hours away so I have to figure out a time and just go. Right now I do exercises given to me by my doc to warm up my shoulders. It’s a pain in my rump but if they’re not done I SO pay for it!

I started my diet on the 7th of February at a weight of 145.2lbs and as of today I weighed 142.6lbs. Slow and steady is what I’m aiming for, approximately 1lb/week.

Ok, that's probably enough for now. :eek:


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Good Luck M!! You have all the tools to do fantastic.
My Journey to Jr. Nationals:

First off I want to say that I am very grateful for my Synthetek sponsorship and the fact that this board has been so helpful and supportive. That’s why I’ve decided to start this thread. Ok, so where have I been?

Well, I just finished my masters at the end of January after a very intensive fall semester and winter break. It was a do or die situation. I had to finish by February 1st or I would forfeit the fellowship and scholarship that were in place for my PhD. Now that things have slowed down just a little for me I have decided to start looking at competing again. So, since Jr. Nats is the first national show up, that’s the one I’m shooting for. :)

I thought I would do a thread that I guess sort of documents my journey there, posting my training and daily totals and probably some pictures. It’ll probably be pretty boring for the most part but it will help keep me in line and might be beneficial for those who have questions about female training…maybe…shoot I don’t know! Lol! I had JT write me a routine since he loves doing that. :D I wanted a 3 on, 1 off split.

Day 1: Biceps (AM)/Quads (PM) – no AM cardio
Day 2: Chest/Delts – AM cardio
Day 3: Abs/Calves – AM cardio
Day 4: Off – no cardio
Day 5: Back (AM)/Hams (PM) – no AM cardio
Day6: Delts/Tris – AM cardio
Day 7: Abs/Calves – AM cardio
Day 8: Off – no cardio

*Right now for my cardio is only 40 mins, it’ll be increasing it as the weeks progress.

My diet will be a carb cycle that will follow my training, low days = training days, moderate/high = days off training. My days off are complete days off training, I try to do absolutely nothing but let my body heal.

I have a couple of issues: My rotators are a little messed up, the left one more than the right. I think this was due to the powerlifting & rock climbing. My left forearm is also tight, I’m going to be making appointments with my chiro who does A.R.T. but he lives 2.5 hours away so I have to figure out a time and just go. Right now I do exercises given to me by my doc to warm up my shoulders. It’s a pain in my rump but if they’re not done I SO pay for it!

I started my diet on the 7th of February at a weight of 145.2lbs and as of today I weighed 142.6lbs. Slow and steady is what I’m aiming for, approximately 1lb/week.

Ok, that's probably enough for now. :eek:

Hey lynx looking great! btw have you ever looked at dantes approach for fixing shoulder problems, I will see if I cant find the link, my rotator cuff was a little messed up I followed his protocol and within a few weeks I was back to normal and even had some more flexibility...I will have to dig up the link
Great idea Meredith. I will be following this thread everyday up til your show. I wish you the best!

Whats your macro breakdown on your low days?

How many grams of carbs do you get in per day on your high days?
Look forward to seeing your progress. Good luck Lynx!
This will be a great thread

Best of luck Meredith, I think this will be a great thread. Looking forward to following it and I am sure you will do well at the Jr Nats.
If you need to get all the Monsters Cookies out of the House you and JT know how to get in touch lol.

In all seriousness I wish you the best Lynx and Hope you kick some butt.
Best wishes

I don't know anything about training for a competition. But I do like your pictures. :eek:

Now if you could just use extra large type I'll feel like I'm reading one of my books. :eek:

Work it gurl! ;):p
You Go!!

Lynx, awesome that you will be doing this! I will be following it and supporting your thread and you! JT looks like he wrote a great split up for you! Always great to see this, good luck and kick some butt!!
Good luck Lynx! Wish you all the best for your prep and competition.
This cured my rotator cuff problems

Here you go lynx this is what DC says,
With a large towel or broomstick I want you to hold it with straight arms for the entire time of what i describe in the following movement--a large "rolled up like a rope" beach towel works good but honestly a longer broomstick (without the bristles) works best in my opinion. Start out with it with a really wide grip (with straight arms) in front of you (on your quads) and with straight arms bring it up and overhead and then down and back to the middle of your back--STRAIGHT ARMS ALL THE WAY--this is going to be very difficult and hard the first couple times out and then will be "old hat" with time----and its going to be painful in a stretching pump kind of way---i want 50 reps each time you do this--one repetition is from in front of your face (all with straight arms) to up overhead and back, and then down all the way to the middle of your back and then back up overhead to in front of your face again (again all with straight arms)--the important part of the movement is the area overhead that is really tight--do all of this carefully/slowly---dont just whip it over and back---if your hand is slipping off the broomstick even with the widest grip, or you cant bring your arms over straight and the start bending on you, you have some serious shoulder inflexibility and need to work this hard and get up to speed (or you could just need a longer broomstick too)--again do all of these revolutions controlled and carefully--push into the stretch as you go along toward the 50 revolutions, your chest will be pushing outward and your shoulders rolling back--your shoulders are going to blow up with so much blood its going to be incredibly painfull pumpwise--Do this once a day at nite as many times a week as you can---sometimes I have people do it every single day---but every time you do it try to move your grip inward (thats the key)----its going to be very hard to do but try your best to move your grip inward for the next 2-4 weeks and your range of motion with shoulders will increase dramatically and any impingement and the majority of other problems should be gone in 2 weeks--also try to move your grip in as you are doing the 50 revolutions--start off with a stretching but relatively easy 10 to warm up some, then try to move your grip in even by a centimeter if you can for the next 20 revolutions and then at 30 try to move the grip in another centimeter--really try to push what you can do stretchwise once your warmed up here--trust me this sounds easy but your going to be muttering "fuck you dante" after you get to your 25th revolution--Ive cured too many shoulder problems with this simple movement now its pretty ridiculous, and this and a menthol rub applied liberally daily and before sleep has cured alot of shoulder/bicepital tendonitis in trainees
My goddess! :p
OMG!! absolutely georgeous, and brains to match. Good luck with the Jrs
Thanks everyone for all the support! I really appreciate it. :)

And thanks King1033, I'll give those a try.

Great idea Meredith. I will be following this thread everyday up til your show. I wish you the best!

Whats your macro breakdown on your low days?

How many grams of carbs do you get in per day on your high days?

My breakdowns usually look like the following:

Low days:
Protein: 230 - 270+ grams
Carbs: 90 - 120 grams
Fat: 20 - 25 grams

High days:
Protein: 200 - 250+ grams
Carbs: 250 - 400 grams*
Fat: 20 - 30 grams

*Depends on how I'm feeling, if I feel like a fat ass I will go on the lower end (250). If I'm feeling pretty good about my progress and think I may end up eating a small child if I don't have some more carbs then I go for the higher end (400). :D

As far as my protein, I like to make sure I eat more than 200 grams/day. Again if I'm feeling hungry, I'll just eat more protein. I've never felt like eating more has ever been detrimental to me physique wise.

Yesterday was a day off/high carb day for me, here is what it ended up looking like (this is what I will probably post for daily entries):

Thursday: 2-18-09

Weight: 143lbs

AM Training: None - day off

P: 217
C: 253
F: 18.5
Cals: 2047

Water: 4 liters +

PM Training: None - day off

I for one am very excited and your thread will be inspiring as well as motivating....congrats on your masters!
Meredith I have always admired your physique!!!

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