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My new diet please have a look

Mojo Rising

New member
Jul 10, 2002
First im 235 so taking the 90% etc i got 2538 total calories
317protein,carbs 127 and fat at 84.6... so here is what i wrote out have a look and please add anything you can!

Meal 1 2 cup of egg white, 1/2cup of oatmeal, 1tablespoon flax
(51.2 protein, 30 carbs then the fat from 1 tablespoon flax)

Meal 2 Chicken breast 7oz(cooked weight), 6oz sweet potato
(60protein,37 carbs and 15.4fat)

**on workout days i will switch this for 50grams isopure protein and 16 oz of apple(the fruit not the juice!)**
(50 protein and 40 sugars from apple)

meal 3 Tuna White in water 6oz and 1/2 cup of egg white
(52.3 protein and 5.1 fat)

meal 4 Chicken breast 7oz(cooked weight) , 1 cup of broccoli
(60 protein,7.5 carbs and 15.4fat)

meal 5 Tuna White in water 6oz and 1/2 cup of egg white
(52.3 protein and 5.1 fat)

meal 6 Sirloin steak 6oz(cooked weight) 1 cup of brpccoli, 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil
(52 protein, 7.5 carbs and the fat from the flax)

My workouts will be 4 days a week and cardio 30 min a day except on leg days. Let me know what you guys think

I want to drop around 6% for the offseason and my lbm is around 190 im 235 right now(18%).

Im a tad confused on my post workout drink and i figured apples would work considering they are sugars but are still low on the gi.
Please rip it to shreds and let me know...
I didn't have time to go over the entire diet (I will later) but wanted to comment on post-workout drink. You're correct about the apples BUT you want a sugar that QUICKLY converts in the bloodstream (high GI). The best sugar I heard of is Dextrose which is very similar to glucose. You can buy bulk powder dextrose at any "quality" health food store. I was paying $1.09 for a 1-lb bag but they just increased it to $1.19.

Don't know if your just interested in dropping BF and don't care what your weight gets down to. You can eat more red meat to keep your caloric intake up and eat some salmon for the good fats. Everyone is so paraniod with their fat intake, as I used to be. Dpsquat will tell you the same on the salmon.
Strunk has GOOOD advice! You can also probably add another protein drink, but without the sugar/dextrose.

Are you using some sort of egg-white substitute - you specifiy in "cups" rather than # of eggs?

You never said how far out you were from comp.

My show is about 1 year away :). Right now im wanting to drop some bodyfat (around 6%) so my offseason diet soon to come doesnt put my fat level out of control. I will check out that dextrose thanks for the input. Also the reason why i said egg in cups is b/c the website and book i have were they tell my the pro/carb/fat makeup was measured in cups. I didnt know how much an extra large egg white had in it :).

Also Im really not to affraid of the fats. I have 2 tablespoons of the flax along with chicken and steak in the diet. Do you think I should add something in there? The way the diet is set up its around 2600 calories.
You might want to look into a protein powder by SAN called Infusion. It has 12g of good fat per serving from MCT's, flaxseed, sunflower oil, and CLA. With 47g of protein, it has < 2g of sugar and tastes really good.
instead of flax id use like 25 caps a day of omea 3 caps from NOW foods, and 9 caps a day from them as well. if u et a ood deal on them which i can help u with, the omega 3's will cost like 32 a month and the cla will cost like 25 a month, its worth it though
the flax while good just aint as good as straiht fish oil supps because fish is a straiht source of the efa's ur teyin to et from flax, its like comparin andro (100 mg's) to 100 m's test

Strunk said:
Don't know if your just interested in dropping BF and don't care what your weight gets down to. You can eat more red meat to keep your caloric intake up and eat some salmon for the good fats. Everyone is so paraniod with their fat intake, as I used to be. Dpsquat will tell you the same on the salmon.

I just got done eating a slab of fish!~!! yea i kept my cals up buy adding in the extra fat!! also natural p/b
mmmm salmon and romaine lettuce and when I was a kid I used to think that natural pb looked nasty as hell but now I cant get enough of the Smuckers natural but wylde only allows me 2 tbs a day .... BTW wylde I know you gave me a pass yesterday but I couldnt do it so it was egg whites and oatmeal
Not Bad

I have two suggestions back in the old days we used tons and tons of BCAA's and I think that is part of a new guys problem he relies on the drinks to get him through with the protein. I still use BCAA's and a lot especially when I am dieting normally I'll take up to 40 tablets a day and it doesn't have to be something super secret it can be something like twinlab 2000 or blah blah. Please believe me when I tell you there is world of difference between 40 BCAA tabs and a couple of protein drinks they do same/different things in a diet. You also need to up that cardio to 45 mins except on that leg day drink more water I think your food looks fine the carbs are ok to but once your body hits that comfort zone at 127 your probably going to have to go down to 100 grams you can yo yo your carbs though throughout the entire diet as long as you don't go to high the lower you drop the carbs the more fat you can take in to.

I just have a few questions though maybe I was not paying attention but are you competing soon?? if so how far away? and wy would anyone want to be 6% in the off season that is toooooooooooo painful to even talk about.:)
Thanks for the input keep it comin!

Ok after looking at some remarks... what do you guys think about me throwing in some salmon instead of the white tuna? This way i get more of the healthy fats from a natural source?? Also I plan on rotating the carbs after about 2 weeks or so... going to see how this one goes. I am in no way trying to drop to 6% bf im trying to lose 6%. Im around 18% but i think its mainly b/c of water as I can see my top 2 abs and some of the oblique(serratus) im thinking its around 15%... but thanks to Thanksgiving im probably at 18% LOL.

On the cardio does anyone see any benefit to doing cardio after the workout or later in the day? Ive always done if after my workout. I usually only do 30 min at time.. guess ill try out the 45.

BCAA and LIVER i will try to throw some in with each meal but can only do as the budget allows. I might order some of beverly's protein also as it has some healthy fats in it as well.
I really dont see a problem with you sub'ing one of the tuna meals with salmon instead.. The store I go to sometimes dont have fresh salmon so I use albacore instead but I just dont like it as much because of the saltier taste......as far as cardio I have always done it first thing in the morning and have had great results but iif thats not an option after weight training would be better. Good luck

I went back and read what your trying to do again and seeing as I have ADD and the attention span of a monkey on crack I'll start over.

Your a yr away from a show and want to get down to 12% bf so it wont be that hard to get down lower when it's comp time.

First I know your talking diet so that means food but your training has to be taken into account as your probably trying to lower the bf without loosing too much mass. I see noone still says a word about cardio but thats a mistake I'd do 45 mins 3 days a wk minimum.

use the BCAA's I mentioned they do a world of good of keeping your BMR up, cycle a decent ECA in but don't over do it, pick up your calories to around 3000 to 3500 else a guy your size may never loose a ounce of BF, your carbs look good as I always say though yo yo them as your body will get accustomed. You could probably go as high as 200 grams one wk, the next wk 150, the next wk 100, and then go about 3 days at say 70 them pop them back up to 200. USE the mirror not a tape to look at BF, you'll also drop about 10 lbs or so but don't panic because you'll taper off.
Drink a ton of water at least a gallon a day, take a multi vitamin/mineral everday, only use protein powders whan you really have to, keep your protein around 300 to say 350, if you follow the scheme of low as 70 carbs take in more fats like scoops of peanut butter preferably after a workout, you can even eat sausage and bacon in the morn for breakfast if you want. If you want to eat fruit I stay away from bananas but a good orange or big red apple after a workout with that scoop of PB would be good.

STAY AWAY from CHEESE OR MILK when trying to loose BF.

just bare in mind these are tips and not a diet that I use altough I have used a lot of this and have gotten as low as 4% BF , my next comp I want to try and hit 2% don't know if I will. Mojo if you need help throught the yr just shoot an email bro.
Thanks for all the help

I appreciate all the help. Fathead ill try to throw in some of your ideas and let yall know how it goes. Thanks

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