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My personal favorite contest prep cycle

Jun 24, 2003
i competed for 7 years and did 3 shows a year After this cycle this was the best i ever looked. i was harder,thicker and more vascular then i ever EVER was...6 weeks of the followomng (except where noted)

75mgs EOD tren
100 mgs EOD Masteron
30mgs ED haloteston (last 3 weeks)
50mgs ED winnie
100mgs EOD Suspension100mgs prop (last 4 weeks)
100mgs of primo-acete EOD
50 anadrol-50 ED

60mcgs of clen and 50mcg of t-3 ED
100mgs nolvadex ED (last 4 weeks)
1.5mgs Femara EOD (last 4 weeks)

i was 193 lbs 5% bf at 5ft 6 in...i dropped 17 lbs of water to make weight as a middle weight..i was impressed to be honest not to sound like a jerk..

i will not lie to you when i say it was very hard on my system and would definetly think twice about doing it again..but i did look awesome and when i can get my scanner working i will post those pics...

Phil has seen the pics maybe i can get him to comment on what he saw..HINT HINT !! ;)
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Thanks for the info! Did you use all of that up till the day of the show? Even the Adrol?

And what the F did you do to drop 17lbs of water??? Congrats and looking forward to seeing the pics!
hardkor said:
Thanks for the info! Did you use all of that up till the day of the show? Even the Adrol?

And what the F did you do to drop 17lbs of water??? Congrats and looking forward to seeing the pics!

i drank 2 gallon of water till 3 days before then 1 gallon then nothin...My body pissed like i still had 8-10 quarts coming in along with some aldactone and dyazide...i took the anadrol till 3 days before the show and then cut it out....
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lol not really but
the halo and drol with suspension and masteron with some big macs and a trip to the buffet of two, id be ready for a powerlifting meet, lol
To each his own 2.5g / week just seems a little excessive. Using as little as possible to get the best possible results is my thinking.
but i used HUGE doses b4 and i was merely stating this wasnt allll that high, lol
that looks like a cycle for a superheavy weight :eek: however my liver would be swiss cheese off of drol suspension and halo alone :eek:
I cut it out 3 days before...i was doing a national qualifier just for the record ..Phil said i looked awesome and would of done well at any national competition.it was the Golds classic in NC...i didn't even crack top 15..i saw guys who were not even 8% Bf get called out....being from NY did not help my chances i guess....Gil ran the show that ex-DEA dick...anyway..it was my first run in with politics at these shows...it did leave a bad taste in my mouth about things...so now i train for me ..i may do a come back within 1-2 years ...and no more middle weight class...i want to be atleast 200lbs the day of the show...lots of hard work guys gettign there...will post pics soon of that show ...and mayeb you can give me some feed back as well....
Thats a nice looking cycle. All my favorites in that one. I just wouldn't do the A50 but the rest is very nice. I have a friend getting ready for nationals and thats very similar to what he is doing. I love tren, masteron, and halotestin.

While U R still in condition Y don't U hit the shows up here in NJ/NY area there R 3-4 coming up....they R all national qualifiers as well...just a thought after all that hard work

That is actually a very good contest prep cycle. I would change very little about this one as I use something very similiar to this with my advanced athletes and the results speak for themselves! As far as the politics go welcome to the NPC!LOL at national level qualifiers hometown boys will always get the nod over outsiders as the state,regional and 1-2 national judges in that area are normally familiar with them and looking for them in first call-outs. My best advice to you is to get to know the judges for your state and compete locally and develope a good repore with them. this goes along ways. wyldeone.

Thanks for the info. Looking forward to seeing how you scrubbed up. IronMike
MightyJohn said:
While U R still in condition Y don't U hit the shows up here in NJ/NY area there R 3-4 coming up....they R all national qualifiers as well...just a thought after all that hard work

well the shows i did were a couple of years back and then i took 2 years off of everything...including the gym(oops)...i lose nothing but size..i did not turn into a big fat slob...my body does not likebeing big and fights me every day to shrink down to a size it feels best at, 170 lbs.I have been at the weights now for over a year and got back to where i wanted to be which was 195 lbs 11% bF...
Then i met Phil and he turned my whole training PHIL-osphy on its ear and changed the way i have been training for 25 years...well i still thank him and i make a point of going to his gym every sunday to get tips in nutrition,training and in life...my weight has gone to a whole new level along with my desire to get back on stage..i am 216 lbs 10-12% bf...

i am shooting for a show in June 2005 (happens to be my 20 year reunion from HS, i was the smallest guy in my class of 826 students and my weight was 135 lbs day of graduation)I want to be in a whole new weight class...i really want to be a heavy weight and come in around 205-210..i am hoping to gain another 8-12 lbs between now and April (6 months) that woudl put me at about 228lbs with (7%)15lbs of fat to loose plus water...we'll see

thanks for the great feedback and advice guys,it keeps me coming back here and the gym...thanks most of all to you Phil...you've taught me alot about life as well as all that gym stuff....
IronMike said:
Thanks for the info. Looking forward to seeing how you scrubbed up. IronMike

it is funny you say that..when i first started doing shows i thought i had all bases covered,someone should of put one over my mouth..i thought i was going to walk in and win...well i was not the only one who took it seriously and did their homework...I got forth as a middle weight...i never left that class and every year i came in a bit harder and dryer but was never able to crack the top 3...i talked to the judges after each show and they woudl tell me to bring it in harder and thicker the next time and i did, but 3 guys always looked better then me (and they did)...i always did 2-3 shows after that within a month and i took top 3 at a few....

Funny story..i did a show in Syracuse,NY one year (national Qualifier) and i my weight was 176 1/4...i lost some water to make weight, and i got 5th..should of been 3rd..never the less i said the hell with it i will go to Rochester and do the NY States except i was not going to worry about weight class's or water..i ate anything i wanted for 5 days...i filled out full and hard and thick...196lbs ..After pre-judging the judges could not believe it was the same guy from 5 days earlier and were impressed beyond words...they remembered me..NICE !!! I was set for a 2nd place win in a class of 18 guys
...Jim Rockell got news of the placings and was not going to stand for any "outsider" being in the top 3 slots of HIS show...so the top 3 placings went to HIS boys from HIS gym...when i was announced at 4th people i never met boo'd and yelled...it felt nice that they knew i did better....and when i was handed my trophy by Mike Katz he said "hey man we all know you were 2nd and you were robbed but be a better man for it and smile and do not let them get you down,steal your dream or glory"...

So i took..Hmm...WOW a few years off to come in as a 198 lbs or more to do a show...i think i am on the right track and come 2005 June i will see where i am at and go from there..i am training like i am doing the show but if i do not look the way I THINK i should i will not compete...Ay 37 it is harder to get in shape as fast as i used to but the gains stay with me and i have a nice thick mature look now...

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