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My wife is looking for help


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
My wife is having weight issues , first off she does workout when time allows , generaly 3-4 days a week doing a circut type weight traing on the machines then 20-30 min high intensity cardio , her diet is decient with or occosional cheat of pasta but for the most part her calorie intake is pretty low , under 2000g/ed. Its very hard to for her to eat more than 3-4 meals a day due to working in the operating room.
since having our son 5 yrs ago she has not been able to drop the fat she gained while pregnant which was a good bit , and aside from trying evey diet pill on the market she has inquired about the newer fad diets like the HCG womens diet and also about drugs like T3 and T4.

she has dieted very very clean for 3 weeks at a time with very little noticable effects , she is always cold and generaly doesn't have the energy that she thinks she should , all of these things lead me to believe that she is hypothyroid.

so I'm wondering what you ladys would suggest as far as a diet and exercise goes , she has even considered HGH and Anavar but I'd rather her try some other means before turning to a drug for help. We are going to have a full blood pannel run to see if she is indeed hypothyroid or not.

Any of you ladys have any experiance with the "HCG diet" from what I understand it involves a 500 cal diet and that seems like it would realy suck. I have no idea what HCG would do for a woman , I know what I use it for.
My wife is having weight issues , first off she does workout when time allows , generaly 3-4 days a week doing a circut type weight traing on the machines then 20-30 min high intensity cardio , her diet is decient with or occosional cheat of pasta but for the most part her calorie intake is pretty low , under 2000g/ed. Its very hard to for her to eat more than 3-4 meals a day due to working in the operating room.
since having our son 5 yrs ago she has not been able to drop the fat she gained while pregnant which was a good bit , and aside from trying evey diet pill on the market she has inquired about the newer fad diets like the HCG womens diet and also about drugs like T3 and T4.

she has dieted very very clean for 3 weeks at a time with very little noticable effects , she is always cold and generaly doesn't have the energy that she thinks she should , all of these things lead me to believe that she is hypothyroid.

so I'm wondering what you ladys would suggest as far as a diet and exercise goes , she has even considered HGH and Anavar but I'd rather her try some other means before turning to a drug for help. We are going to have a full blood pannel run to see if she is indeed hypothyroid or not.

Any of you ladys have any experiance with the "HCG diet" from what I understand it involves a 500 cal diet and that seems like it would realy suck. I have no idea what HCG would do for a woman , I know what I use it for.

if decide to go this route....use anavar dont waste money on hgh...i know 2 girls very very well who used anavar at 10mg a day strictly for weight loss after having kids...they both put on over 50lbs during the pregnancy and each of them used a strict diet and weight training(w/very very minimal cardio) and both within 2months were down to there original weights looking like they never were pregnant! zero side effects for both
Ask Sadie

She's the resident consultant for spousal lab rats. :p
My wife is having weight issues , first off she does workout when time allows , generaly 3-4 days a week doing a circut type weight traing on the machines then 20-30 min high intensity cardio , her diet is decient with or occosional cheat of pasta but for the most part her calorie intake is pretty low , under 2000g/ed. Its very hard to for her to eat more than 3-4 meals a day due to working in the operating room.
since having our son 5 yrs ago she has not been able to drop the fat she gained while pregnant which was a good bit , and aside from trying evey diet pill on the market she has inquired about the newer fad diets like the HCG womens diet and also about drugs like T3 and T4.

she has dieted very very clean for 3 weeks at a time with very little noticable effects , she is always cold and generaly doesn't have the energy that she thinks she should , all of these things lead me to believe that she is hypothyroid.

so I'm wondering what you ladys would suggest as far as a diet and exercise goes , she has even considered HGH and Anavar but I'd rather her try some other means before turning to a drug for help. We are going to have a full blood pannel run to see if she is indeed hypothyroid or not.

Any of you ladys have any experiance with the "HCG diet" from what I understand it involves a 500 cal diet and that seems like it would realy suck. I have no idea what HCG would do for a woman , I know what I use it for.

That HCG diet has been proven unhealthy. It has been brought to life by Kevin Trudeau ( a scam artist) who is currently under investigation by the FDA for his claims. The original Doctor who invented it, denouced it in the 70's. Basically a yo yo diet. To lose body fat is a life change in diet, not a temporary fix. No drug will fix that. I am surprize that you are even asking about diets, when your signature has one of the best. Alex trains figure girls too.;)
My wife is having weight issues , first off she does workout when time allows , generaly 3-4 days a week doing a circut type weight traing on the machines then 20-30 min high intensity cardio , her diet is decient with or occosional cheat of pasta but for the most part her calorie intake is pretty low , under 2000g/ed. Its very hard to for her to eat more than 3-4 meals a day due to working in the operating room.
since having our son 5 yrs ago she has not been able to drop the fat she gained while pregnant which was a good bit , and aside from trying evey diet pill on the market she has inquired about the newer fad diets like the HCG womens diet and also about drugs like T3 and T4.

she has dieted very very clean for 3 weeks at a time with very little noticable effects , she is always cold and generaly doesn't have the energy that she thinks she should , all of these things lead me to believe that she is hypothyroid.

so I'm wondering what you ladys would suggest as far as a diet and exercise goes , she has even considered HGH and Anavar but I'd rather her try some other means before turning to a drug for help. We are going to have a full blood pannel run to see if she is indeed hypothyroid or not.

Any of you ladys have any experiance with the "HCG diet" from what I understand it involves a 500 cal diet and that seems like it would realy suck. I have no idea what HCG would do for a woman , I know what I use it for.

First thought: To have someone do a 500 calorie diet is foolish. No one can maintain that caloric level so what will happen when she eats normally? Right she'll gain the weight back and probably then some because she won't want to stop eating due being on starvation diet.

Second thought: I don't think it's advisable to put someone on drugs when they can't even eat right. Just like the eating, what will happen when she comes off? If she's taking T3 or T4 she may end up screwing up her natural thyroid and will HAVE to take it.

Third thought: You think she might be hypothyroid? Sounds like she works in a hospital why doesn't she get it checked? Why would she jump on drugs without getting this checked? Having a thyroid that is not functioning properly has more consequences than just being cold and not losing weight.

Sounds like she'd like to be and look "fit". It's not something that will happen overnight with drugs and a 500 calorie diet, it's a lifestyle. Not something you do for 3 weeks and give up. I thought I remembered reading in one of Dan Duchaine's Dirty Dieting Newsletter's that most people give up on dieting after 3 weeks and this is the time when fat loss will become more apparent. If it's something she's serious about then hire someone to help her. Obviously the circuit training and eating relatively low calories isn't cutting it. Asking for advice here will only help steer you in a direction for her. Everyone is different and without more details about her stats, eating, and routine you are not going to find specific answers.

I'm not trying to be mean, I just really would like you to think about what you want and what is really being done to get there. Good luck! :)
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First thought: To have someone do a 500 calorie diet is foolish. No one can maintain that caloric level so what will happen when she eats normally? Right she'll gain the weight back and probably then some because she won't want to stop eating due being on starvation diet.

Second thought: I don't think it's advisable to put someone on drugs when they can't even eat right. Just like the eating, what will happen when she comes off? If she's taking T3 or T4 she may end up screwing up her natural thyroid and will HAVE to take it.

Third thought: You think she might be hypothyroid? Sounds like she works in a hospital why doesn't she get it checked? Why would she jump on drugs without getting this checked? Having a thyroid that is not functioning properly has more consequences than just being cold and not losing weight.

Sounds like she'd like to be and look "fit". It's not something that will happen overnight with drugs and a 500 calorie diet, it's a lifestyle. Not something you do for 3 weeks and give up. I thought I remembered reading in one of Dan Duchaine's Dirty Dieting Newsletter's that most people give up on dieting after 3 weeks and this is the time when fat loss will become more apparent. If it's something she's serious about then hire someone to help her. Obviously the circuit training and eating relatively low calories isn't cutting it. Asking for advice here will only help steer you in a direction for her. Everyone is different and without more details about her stats, eating, and routine you are not going to find specific answers.

I'm not trying to be mean, I just really would like you to think about what you want and what is really being done to get there. Good luck! :)

Spoken like a champion!;)
Gunsmith, you've helped me in your expertise in the past...All I can say is to listen to lynx...She's exactly right.:)
Well she had some labs run and she is hyothyroid , when she asked about weather or not meds should be prescribed the Dr. asked if she had ever considered a "lap band" as in the little ring that they surgicaly install at top of the stomach !! WTF , she has some body fat but damn that seems pretty drastic !!

Her diet is pretty clean , not contest clean but its pretty tight like I said but with maybe a cheat meal once a week but its not like 2 lbs of lasagana and a cheese cake , just somthing like boiled angel hair pasta with grilled chicken or shrimp , no cream sauce or butter or anything like that. I typicaly cut my carbs out at 3:00 pm with my preworkout shake which is typicaly just a couple plums or apple , maybe fat free yogurt , for the most part she eats what I eat just alot less , very lean red meat , ALOT of chicken and fish

I may get with Alex and see what he can do for her , in the mean time she is seeking another Dr to review her labs and not want to cut her open

Thanks everybody for your advice.

that alone will cause her to not be able to lose weight. get a secoond Doc to prescribe some synthroid at the proper dose and she will be clicking right along..
That Doc is a dousche...lap band will not cure the thyroid issues!
that alone will cause her to not be able to lose weight. get a secoond Doc to prescribe some synthroid at the proper dose and she will be clicking right along..
That Doc is a dousche...lap band will not cure the thyroid issues!

Yea , I coulden't believe that , after reading the lab results no less. Luckly we are good friens with several Dr's so even if one won't prescribe the proper meds for it sombody can , just not alot of endo docs that have a clue I guess.
Well she had some labs run and she is hyothyroid , when she asked about weather or not meds should be prescribed the Dr. asked if she had ever considered a "lap band" as in the little ring that they surgicaly install at top of the stomach !! WTF , she has some body fat but damn that seems pretty drastic !!

Her diet is pretty clean , not contest clean but its pretty tight like I said but with maybe a cheat meal once a week but its not like 2 lbs of lasagana and a cheese cake , just somthing like boiled angel hair pasta with grilled chicken or shrimp , no cream sauce or butter or anything like that. I typicaly cut my carbs out at 3:00 pm with my preworkout shake which is typicaly just a couple plums or apple , maybe fat free yogurt , for the most part she eats what I eat just alot less , very lean red meat , ALOT of chicken and fish

I may get with Alex and see what he can do for her , in the mean time she is seeking another Dr to review her labs and not want to cut her open

Thanks everybody for your advice.

Well, that sucks. What the heck is that Dr thinking? :confused:
When you find a good doc, I'll assume they'll try to fix her thyroid problem with medication. After they find the proper dosage for her, she'll most likely start to notice changes. :)

Good luck and keep us posted. :)
Well, that sucks. What the heck is that Dr thinking? :confused:
When you find a good doc, I'll assume they'll try to fix her thyroid problem with medication. After they find the proper dosage for her, she'll most likely start to notice changes. :)

Good luck and keep us posted. :)

Will do and thanks a bunch for your advice.
you got two threads on this site, one about injecting a girl who can't run a marathon with EQ (lol :eek:) and another about injecting this girl with HCG. Damn man! You need to slow down and put.the.drugs.down. Don't fuck with the girls administering drugs to them if you don't know shit!
you got two threads on this site, one about injecting a girl who can't run a marathon with EQ (lol :eek:) and another about injecting this girl with HCG. Damn man! You need to slow down and put.the.drugs.down. Don't fuck with the girls administering drugs to them if you don't know shit!

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these girls that think they have weight issues get scammed and for b-12 and hcg they will pay hundreds opf usd these jerks try selling those stupid kits. it pisses me off when people get taken advantage of, ill stop or get banned......................
Well she had some labs run and she is hyothyroid , when she asked about weather or not meds should be prescribed the Dr. asked if she had ever considered a "lap band" as in the little ring that they surgicaly install at top of the stomach !! WTF , she has some body fat but damn that seems pretty drastic !!

Her diet is pretty clean , not contest clean but its pretty tight like I said but with maybe a cheat meal once a week but its not like 2 lbs of lasagana and a cheese cake , just somthing like boiled angel hair pasta with grilled chicken or shrimp , no cream sauce or butter or anything like that. I typicaly cut my carbs out at 3:00 pm with my preworkout shake which is typicaly just a couple plums or apple , maybe fat free yogurt , for the most part she eats what I eat just alot less , very lean red meat , ALOT of chicken and fish

I may get with Alex and see what he can do for her , in the mean time she is seeking another Dr to review her labs and not want to cut her open

Thanks everybody for your advice.
Bro, I gotta side with Pesty on this one for sure, your post is surprising...your quote above is the best know Alex will dial her in. Did I read it wrong you wife did not drop any weight after only dieting 3 weeks? Man, I know you are working with Alex and that you know better than this. Everyone is different and this shit takes time. Clean diet and training (cardio) strict for 3 months she will see results. Good luck man
ive seen pictuures of alex if i didnt spend all my extra money on gear i would hire him myself he should be pro. imo, my 2 cents
After having a very difficult time loosing just 10lbs(from 149 to 139), my wife stopped loosing weight. We tried everything. DNP, T3,etc. Her diet was clean and she exericsed about 5 days a week(spinning and weights). She started heated yoga 3 days a week about 2 weeks ago and has started loosing weight again. Just 2 lbs but she is a very hard looser.

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