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Myostatin Blockers


New member
Aug 2, 2002
Got some free Myo-Blast which is Cytodyne's version of Myostatin blockers"supposedly" allowing growth beyond our genetic limiting potential. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts or opinions on these products.

Also if anyone has any sleeping tips pass them along. Had many a sleepless night lately and it is driving me nuts. Melatonin doesn't do diddly for me. Sleeping pills leave me feeling crappy and sluggish the following day. I have tried coloring, watching movies, writing poems, catching up on e-mails.....they all make me tired but once I lay down I am wide awake. Weird!
I think you'll find the myostatin bolckers to be....well......shit, just like most every other super-better than steroids replacement out there. Biotest (t-fag) said youwould need to take it for a year to notice the effects.

Effects being a lighter wallet.

As for the sleep issue, I know what you mean. Melatonin works pretty well for me, but ambien is a life saver. I wake up feeling refreshed, and no sluggishness. I only take them every once in a while though, if I haven't slept for a while, because of the addictive properties.
Ambien does not do shit for me. I here if you fall asleep on it, it will keeep you sleeping, my problem has always been falling out. My head hits the pillow and my mind goes into overdrive. The other night I was so despirate I took 2 Ambien 2 Tylonal 3's and 2 Flexerills I slept for 36 fucken hours. Missed work and workout
I figured as much with the Myostatin blockers. It was a free bottle so I figure I will throw it into the mix. If I experience some type of Hulk-like metamorphosis, I will be sure to notify you.

Any other "natural" sleep remedies? I would prefer to stear clear of script forms if possible.
yardrock said:
Ambien does not do shit for me. I here if you fall asleep on it, it will keeep you sleeping, my problem has always been falling out. My head hits the pillow and my mind goes into overdrive. The other night I was so despirate I took 2 Ambien 2 Tylonal 3's and 2 Flexerills I slept for 36 fucken hours. Missed work and workout

Damn bro, lol. If I took two ambien it would probably put me in a coma. Shit knocks me right the fuck out. I'm the same way though about laying down and your mind starts racing. I can be tired as hell, but still not be able to fall asleep.
Fairly high levels of AS can definitely result in problems sleeping. I have had this happen in the past when I was on fairly high doses. I think this is fairly common. One thing that will work is GHB, if you can get some pharmaceutical grade. I'm of course not advocating anybody take it since the gov has made it illegal now, just making this comment. And the problem is that while "pure" GHB is totally harmless (except for putting you to sleep!), some of the homemade "bathtub" shit out there can kill you. Notwithstanding the demonization propoganda of the gov and media, it has no "morning after" effects whatsoever (unless you took a really massive dose). Ambien is probably the mildest and least harmful of the script stuff to sleep, but even if it works for you, its not good to take it regularly, for one thing you will build a tolerance pretty fast. I've found that one simple thing that seems to work for me is to eat a high protein and calorie snack just before I go to bed. (If you take GHB, eating at the same time will totally neutralize the GHB - which is another thing that shows the idiots who went after it are full of shit). If anybody does come up with a legal and healthy sleep aid that works, I'd love to know also! (BTW, I am trying Humanfort, and it seems to help some).
Help with sleep

This is what works wonders for me, it is cheap easy and not at all addicitve. Take 2 magnesium 150mg. tabs and 1 zinc 50mg. tab. It is also kind of a generic ZMA formula. You can get the tabs at any vitamin store. Might even try throwing in 2 potassium 99mg tabs. I hope this helps.


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