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Blood pressure high enough for beta blockers?

you’re right that some of that stuff is benign, but some of it i would def have kept taking. They might not make a noticeable difference that you can feel, but the health effects are there. I bolded the stuff i would have kept

If it’s because of the inconvenience of taking a bunch of things, you can def get a multi w C, and D. There’s the version of creatine bonded to magnesium, caffeine, ala, and fish oil would prob be separate tho.

I 100% feel shittier if i skip my multi for a few days. It’s the vitacost version of Country Life Max for men
they usually run coupons and i stock up

Would love to be able to take the country life version, just too expensive
I love vitacost! You can’t beat them on pricing, and the quality is fine. I use their MCT oil, fish oil, and taurine capsules.
you’re right that some of that stuff is benign, but some of it i would def have kept taking. They might not make a noticeable difference that you can feel, but the health effects are there. I bolded the stuff i would have kept

If it’s because of the inconvenience of taking a bunch of things, you can def get a multi w C, and D. There’s the version of creatine bonded to magnesium, caffeine, ala, and fish oil would prob be separate tho.

I 100% feel shittier if i skip my multi for a few days. It’s the vitacost version of Country Life Max for men
they usually run coupons and i stock up

Would love to be able to take the country life version, just too expensive
I've definitely cut down and tried to keep the essentials. Now I take..

Metformin (I'm not completely anti medicine)
Now Adam multi (read it has high quality ingredients where things like centrum are worthless)
Vit d
Astragalus (kidneys are my fear)
Caffeine (usually coffee or monster)
Vitamin shoppe liquid fish oil

I definitely think ala has use but it's one of the pricier ones so I've slacked on it. Creatine....I swear I've read people who aren't idiots online argue or show evidence it's not great for kidneys but whenever I tried to Google recently everything says it's not harmful at all.

There was also a brief period I took tudca because I have naturally low igf...80s...and 4,iu gh has only put me at 200. So I thought maybe boosting my liver may help me convert GH to igf better...but on my physical AST Alt were perfect and I don't drink or really use orals so I doubt I have an actual liver problem, I guess I just suck at making igf lol. It's nice gh doubled it but I'm still only average where some guys can get a higher total score
Why we have to live in a pendulum society I will never know. Why it has to be 1.Everyone on AAS should take this drug vs 2. It's a major life decision.............how about somewhere in the middle???

Any who......... IF one decides to use an ACE-I or ARB please keep in mind these drugs have potential for their own side effects and some people who promote these as mandatory and use their relative safety vs RC's (I'm thinking of telmisartan vs GW as this comparison is used by a certain individual when comparing their relative safety regarding PPAR activity) are IMO not going into enough detail on these meds and their potential for interactions with other commonly used medications.

I don't think it's a stretch to envision an AAS user who now adds in an ARB and also makes use of OTC pain pills(NSAID's) as well as using diuretics(around a show) while also dehydrating during a peak...........you have the POTENTIAL for damage here, perhaps more than once known. For all we know maybe the majority of the damage is taking place during these very brief periods of time..........?????? Just something to consider.

"Patients receiving NSAIDs chronically in combination with diuretics, ACEIs, or ARB, are at risk for diminished hypotensive response, elevated serum creatinine, and acute kidney injury. They should be monitored for altered blood pressure and serum creatinine, particularly during the first few months of combination therapy. While it appears that alternative hypotensive agents (eg, calcium channel blockers, centrally acting agents) are less affected by NSAIDs, similar data are not available for the risk of renal injury."
I've definitely cut down and tried to keep the essentials. Now I take..

Metformin (I'm not completely anti medicine)
Now Adam multi (read it has high quality ingredients where things like centrum are worthless)
Vit d
Astragalus (kidneys are my fear)
Caffeine (usually coffee or monster)
Vitamin shoppe liquid fish oil

I definitely think ala has use but it's one of the pricier ones so I've slacked on it. Creatine....I swear I've read people who aren't idiots online argue or show evidence it's not great for kidneys but whenever I tried to Google recently everything says it's not harmful at all.

There was also a brief period I took tudca because I have naturally low igf...80s...and 4,iu gh has only put me at 200. So I thought maybe boosting my liver may help me convert GH to igf better...but on my physical AST Alt were perfect and I don't drink or really use orals so I doubt I have an actual liver problem, I guess I just suck at making igf lol. It's nice gh doubled it but I'm still only average where some guys can get a higher total score
I take 10g creatine mono every day and kidneys always come back fine, creatinine also in range. It can’t be any worse for you than eating extra protein, it’s just 3 aminos bonded together 🤷🏻‍♂️

if you wanted to really look into what extra igf could do for you, try lantus. Binds to the igf receptor irrespective of hiw much natural igf you have circulating. Luki made a post somehwere in his thread where his igf increased significantly via a twice weekly moderate dose of lantus
Just recently went to the doc and blood work was really good. Only thing that was somewhat out of range was blood pressure. It was 141/80. It’s normally in that range. But my doc hasn’t said anything about a blood pressure med. what your opinion? Would you ask about maybe getting put on a beta blocker to prevent any future problems from it ?
You don’t need medication for high blood pressure. Your blood pressure is good.
I wouldn’t use a beta blocker if you’re trying to cut. Fat loss will slow down considerably. Cardio without being able to get your heart rate up is almost pointless.
Just recently went to the doc and blood work was really good. Only thing that was somewhat out of range was blood pressure. It was 141/80. It’s normally in that range. But my doc hasn’t said anything about a blood pressure med. what your opinion? Would you ask about maybe getting put on a beta blocker to prevent any future problems from it ?
^^^i know it's been said in this thread ..so i'm just reiterating a bit here

► start keeping a log of your BP's & record the readings from throughout the day
..doing this will give you the best idea of what your BP actually is

i'll add:
..try to compare apple to apples: ..preferably; take you BP in the same position (..upright seated ..arm on the table "heart-level")
..& in the same state (..calm/rest) & breathing normally

^^^AFTER you have this data ..if you need a BP med ..THEN GET IT ..simple

let's be real ..in this life style chances are good that you could benefit from something like TELMISARTAN
(remember that even boarder-line High BP can cause problems to accumulate over time)

..& TELMISARTAN is cheap insurance & has many benefits beyond just BP

..High BP & the subsequent problems that stem from it ..are one of those "preventable" ..or "mitigatable" problems

^^^don't be a dope ..you are responsible for you

I take 10g creatine mono every day and kidneys always come back fine, creatinine also in range. It can’t be any worse for you than eating extra protein, it’s just 3 aminos bonded together 🤷🏻‍♂️

if you wanted to really look into what extra igf could do for you, try lantus. Binds to the igf receptor irrespective of hiw much natural igf you have circulating. Luki made a post somehwere in his thread where his igf increased significantly via a twice weekly moderate dose of lantus
That's a good point I have read posts about it actually increasing igf but always considered it for "the big boys" so didn't look into it. I have used novalin r pre and post. Interesting that the longer acting version affects igf but the shorter doesn't. I guess maybe the r type is in and out quick enough it doesn't give the constant elevation.
This really isn't an issue with 3rd generation beta blockers like Nebivolol in low doses.
Looks like you’re right. It’s nothing like traditional beta blockers.

In patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and arterial hypertension, the control of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is essential to reduce the risk of adverse events. The present study investigates the effect of treatment with the third-generation beta-blocker nebivolol, in female and male patients of different ages. Five thousand thirty-one male and female patients with mild to moderate hypertension and type 2 diabetes were treated with a daily dose of 5-mg nebivolol for 12 weeks. Before and after therapy, each patient's blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight were measured and blood samples were obtained to study metabolic parameters. Nebivolol reduced systolic blood pressure, in both sexes, to a similar extent. In regard to age, the most significant reduction in blood pressure over the 12-week treatment period was observed in the group of patients below the age of 40. With advancing age, there was a decline in the reduction of systolic blood pressure induced by nebivolol. This effect was more evident among the decennial age groups in respect to diastolic blood pressure. In addition, we found weight reduction to be age dependent. Body weight was significantly more reduced in men compared with women. Nebivolol is effective in treating patients with diabetes suffering from high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. The significantly decreased effect on blood pressure found in elderly patients may be attributed to increased endothelial dysfunction with advancing age.
That's a good point I have read posts about it actually increasing igf but always considered it for "the big boys" so didn't look into it. I have used novalin r pre and post. Interesting that the longer acting version affects igf but the shorter doesn't. I guess maybe the r type is in and out quick enough it doesn't give the constant elevation.
It’s not just a longer acting. lantus is insulin that has had several amino acids substituted in relation to regular insulin, this is why it behaves differently in the body. To my knowledge no other insulin will bind to the igf receptor
^^^i know it's been said in this thread ..so i'm just reiterating a bit here

► start keeping a log of your BP's & record the readings from throughout the day
..doing this will give you the best idea of what your BP actually is

i'll add:
..try to compare apple to apples: ..preferably; take you BP in the same position (..upright seated ..arm on the table "heart-level")
..& in the same state (..calm/rest) & breathing normally

^^^AFTER you have this data ..if you need a BP med ..THEN GET IT ..simple

let's be real ..in this life style chances are good that you could benefit from something like TELMISARTAN
(remember that even boarder-line High BP can cause problems to accumulate over time)

..& TELMISARTAN is cheap insurance & has many benefits beyond just BP

..High BP & the subsequent problems that stem from it ..are one of those "preventable" ..or "mitigatable" problems

^^^don't be a dope ..you are responsible for you

Yes. It’s been mildly elevated on several occasions throughout the years. Doc decided to start me on 20mg telmisartan ed.
Again, buy a blood pressure monitor. That is the first step.

^^^agreed 100%

BP monitor
even thermometer

^^^should all be standard issue in this lifestyle

^^^agreed 100%

BP monitor
even thermometer

^^^should all be standard issue in this lifestyle

And you can get reliable versions of of these for under $100 total for all three. Which is probably what I spend per month on chicken alone. Anyone using insulin and doesn't own a BGM/glucometer... I have to seriously wonder about that person.
Just letting you guys know if you don’t already know …. Telmisartan is the shit. Lowered my blood pressure very well with no sides to speak of. (So far) 👍👍👍
Just letting you guys know if you don’t already know …. Telmisartan is the shit. Lowered my blood pressure very well with no sides to speak of. (So far) 👍👍👍
Good to hear I’m thinking of grabbing some to try even though I’m not hypertensive I’m on the edge and it’s cheap so as long as my dick stays hard……why not
If you want to argue that 141/80 fits in the "130/80" category rather than the "140/90" category, you can, but you'd be wrong by any reasonable interpretation.

The clinical definition of Stage 2 hypertension is "a systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher OR a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher."

It's an either/or, not a "both".

Also, the fact that he's currently in a cutting phase and still showing high BP makes it even MORE indicative of high BP that needs to be addressed, doesn't it?

Also, he did say "minimal gear" but in a post from 3 weeks ago he said he's on "Test cyp 500mg , mast e 400mg , eq 300mg, 50mg winni , 25mcg t3".

He's on a legit gram and a half of gear, haha. IMO Anyone taking that amount should be running Telmisartan for a multitude of reasons, and in his case, bringing down BP a bit would be a nice side-benefit.

It's a no-brainer to put him on 40mg Telmisartan and probably 2.5-5mg of Nebivolol daily IMO, and monitor BP over the coming weeks, with the option to titrate the Telmisartan up to 80mg.

It's extremely unlikely he'd need to get any more aggressive than that.

Obv dialing in electrolytes/hydration/basic cardio should be done regardless of what his BP says.

And to answer your question about a doctor having him run an ARB and then drop it later if it's not needed, I don't know why you think that's some big issue. People do it all the time, and yes, doctors are all about it.

I love you. No homo. Haha

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