Do you have a what? Oven, cook pot w/lid and stovetop?
Or just a fire in the woods?
Either way, really, you CAN cook that chicken!
Cooking chicken slowly keeps it moist and tender, not fatty.
Get your chicken and wash it thoroughly. If you like, get the bird whole, split into pieces, or just get the breasts.
Skin them unless you are lucky enough to eat the crispy roast skin without getting too fat.
In a pot with a good mix of red wine, lemon or lime juice, put the lid on and place on medium heat for 45 min-1 hour. The meat should just about fall of the bones.
If you want roast then place in 350 degree oven for 30-45 min.
Tin foil in the bottom of the roasting pan will help the cleanup.
I like a little herb mix and oil on the chicken pieces before they go in.
the package stuff without skin or bone is convenient, but bone in and with skin on is an off season meal that I love.
Wrap a brick in tin foil. Jam it into a whole chicken body cavity after seasoning the insides with salt and garlic.
Stand the little guy up on a roasting pan and rub him all over with oil and rosemary or your favorite herbs, a little salt, and get him into the lowest rack of your oven at 375 degrees.
Take out a rack if you need room.
1 hour or maybe 75 minutes for a monster. Let cool for 15 minutes...
Carve it up like a turkey, serve some to the lady and then take a bow.