One thing that helped with width - is how you present them. The hardest pose to do correctly is a Lat Spread. Even standing relaxed, you can still flare out your lats.
I read (from a LONG time ago) about stretching your lats (this is also a stretch doggcrapp recommends). It's hard to describe - not hard to do. Grab a stationary pole (you could grab a doorhandle on a door - depending on how tall/short you are), stretch back, you want your arms to be about parallel with the floor. Concentrate on this strech pulling your lats.
Another stretch. whic is equally hard to describe, and you really need to mentally focus when doing it. Grab a stationary overhead bar (I use wrist straps) about should width grip, or a little bit wider, apart. Hang. You want to "try" and pullup just using your lats (of course you really don't move). Then, at the same time, throw your delts forward. Do this for 60 seconds. You'll probably have much difficulty doing this with all your bodyweight. There are some bars in gyms that provide "assistance." I'm still able to touch the floor and don't use my entire body weight for the first 30 seconds, then full bodyweight for last 30 seconds.