Lets see what we really know about bodybuilding?
Okay heres my question... Its a tough one...
.. For the average guy who does not compete but only wants to look good without spending unecessary time in the gym do you believe its really that important to do more than one exercise per bodypart to adeqautely work the muscle?
Lets use lats for example..I know that chin ups are supposedly for width and rows are for adding thickness to the back. However have you ever noticed in the the gym when a guy does lat pulldowns who is very lean,his back thickness muscle appears to be getting stimulation along with the width muscles? Strange hugh???
Another example is the bench presses .. Ever notice what happens to a genetically gifted guys chest at the gym when he finishes a set of bench presses? Its not just his lower pecs that are pumped but his whole pec region! Kinda weird aint it????
Same thing goes for shoulders. A guy with good shoulder genetics seems to get an amazing workout form dumbell presses along..Its like all three heads of the delts are pumped..AMAZING hugh???
So my thinking is this: Its not the different exercises that are bring about the shape-striations we see on stage but diet-cardio-genetics...
My thinking is why waste time with isolation exercises and such when we could find that one exercise that seems the most productive for our body. For example, "one armed dumbell spiders curls for biceps" work best for my biceps so why not forget the rest of the bicep exercise like incline dubell curls?? Would adding incline dumbell curls really make that much difference?
WHY WHY WHY does the average joe need all these exercises like rows,pushdowns,flyes,lateral,leg ext, if the basics are more effective at stimulating muscle mass????
I'd love to hear some opinions on this..Some of you professional trainers should have a good answer for "when a muscle group contracts its all or nothing"?????????
This should make for a nice discussion..
Okay heres my question... Its a tough one...
.. For the average guy who does not compete but only wants to look good without spending unecessary time in the gym do you believe its really that important to do more than one exercise per bodypart to adeqautely work the muscle?
Lets use lats for example..I know that chin ups are supposedly for width and rows are for adding thickness to the back. However have you ever noticed in the the gym when a guy does lat pulldowns who is very lean,his back thickness muscle appears to be getting stimulation along with the width muscles? Strange hugh???
Another example is the bench presses .. Ever notice what happens to a genetically gifted guys chest at the gym when he finishes a set of bench presses? Its not just his lower pecs that are pumped but his whole pec region! Kinda weird aint it????
Same thing goes for shoulders. A guy with good shoulder genetics seems to get an amazing workout form dumbell presses along..Its like all three heads of the delts are pumped..AMAZING hugh???
So my thinking is this: Its not the different exercises that are bring about the shape-striations we see on stage but diet-cardio-genetics...
My thinking is why waste time with isolation exercises and such when we could find that one exercise that seems the most productive for our body. For example, "one armed dumbell spiders curls for biceps" work best for my biceps so why not forget the rest of the bicep exercise like incline dubell curls?? Would adding incline dumbell curls really make that much difference?
WHY WHY WHY does the average joe need all these exercises like rows,pushdowns,flyes,lateral,leg ext, if the basics are more effective at stimulating muscle mass????
I'd love to hear some opinions on this..Some of you professional trainers should have a good answer for "when a muscle group contracts its all or nothing"?????????
This should make for a nice discussion..
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