Hey yall, brand new here, wanted to get some advice from some of the big boys on here and everybody who's been in the game for a long time.
I'm having trouble deciding what to do. I'm gaining a shit load of muscle fast as a mofo, but I'm not super shredded. Wanted to see if in your guys opinions, should I conitune bulking and getting huge, or is it better to builk after getting lean.
I'm shredded as hell in my legs and arms, just my midsection is hit up. All this fucking chest fat and stomach fat from when I was a kid, can't see any fucking abs either.
Just wanted some opinions on what to do.
thanks big guys.
I'm having trouble deciding what to do. I'm gaining a shit load of muscle fast as a mofo, but I'm not super shredded. Wanted to see if in your guys opinions, should I conitune bulking and getting huge, or is it better to builk after getting lean.
I'm shredded as hell in my legs and arms, just my midsection is hit up. All this fucking chest fat and stomach fat from when I was a kid, can't see any fucking abs either.
Just wanted some opinions on what to do.
thanks big guys.